12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (2024)

PEMMICAN. A North American Indian (Cree) word for meat prepared in such a way as to contain the greatest amount of nourishment in the most compact form. As made by the Indians it was composed of the lean parts of the meat, dried in the sun, and pounded or shredded and mixed into a paste with melted fat.

From The Fat Of The Land by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

These pemmican recipes could save your life. Or at least make your day’s hiking a lot easier.

Pemmican is the perfect food for expeditions. Ten pounds of pemmican will easily sustain a backpacker for a week. One and a half pounds of pemmican per day (4,400 calories) is enough to support strenuous climbing at high altitude in cold weather. The same ten pounds of pemmican would supply food for two full weeks of less challenging leisure camping activities.

You might develop a taste for it too.

Raymond E. Priestley was on the first Shackleton Antarctic expedition in 1907-09, and the second Scott expedition,1910-13. He was a fan of pemmican:

I have taken all sorts of delicacies on short trips when the food allowance is elastic… I have even taken a small plum-pudding or a piece of wedding cake for a Christmas treat, but on every such occasion, I would willingly have given either of these luxuries for half its weight of the regulation pemmican… how we looked forward to a resumption of pemmican after a six months’ enforced abstinence.

In its purest form, pemmican is simply equal parts by weight dried meat and fat. It can also be flavored with honey, berries and nuts. It lasts for years – decades even – without spoiling. Modern explorers and athletes are coming to appreciate its ketogenic power.

Pemmican is the original zero carb superfood. Neglected for most of the last century (though some forgotten stashes in Arctic huts may still be edible, even now), its time has come again.

Article image from Ernest Journal

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (1)

1. How to Make Pemmican

The seminal, step-by-step guide shows you how to make pemmican at home. When made correctly (using grass-fed lean red meat, dried at a temperature below 120 °F, and rendered fat from grass-fed animals), pemmican is a complete food.

No other nutrients or supplements are necessary to completely meet all human nutritional requirements. No other single food is as calorie dense or nutritionally complete.

The Pemmican Manual by Lex Rooker (PDF)

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (2)

How to make pemmican with a $10 jerky drier

Lex Rooker also created this$10 Jerky Drier How-To (PDF), useful for the meat-drying stage of pemmican production.

2. Pemmican Survival Superfood – How to Make the Ultimate MRE

This pemmican recipe adds a little honey, nuts and berries to the meat mix. Some will find this makes it tastier than pemmican in its purest form. It will reduce its shelf life significantly, which can be decades if prepared with bone-dry meat and tallow.

Pemmican is the perfect standby nutrition for your bug-out bag as it’s the lightest, most nutritious food supply you can take with you.

From: Survival Grit

3. Wild Turkey Pemmican Bars

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (4)

Wild Turkey Pemmican Bars

This pemmican bar recipe scores high for flavor, cranberries and ginger in the mix too. The bars are the perfect companion for backpackers and hunters, and a satisfying snack for the family away from home. Traditional recipes use tallow but coconut oil can be used with great success.

From: Weston Products

4. Homemade Pemmican Recipe with Organ Meats

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (5)

Homemade Pemmican Recipe with Heart & Liver

Pemmican recipes usually rely on lean cuts of meat, but heart and liver can be combined with fat too. This will boost the nutritional value even further. Fresh liver takes longer to dry than lean meat but it does eventually dry enough to grind into a fine powder. This pemmican recipe uses two parts of heart meat for each part of liver and muscle meat.

From: Primal Edge Health

5. Pemmican Lollipops

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (6)

Pemmican Lollipops

Fruity, meaty lollipops. Pemmican could be formed into just about any shape and here it’s presented as heart-shaped lollipops because this pemmican recipe uses heart and a little dried fruit in equal proportions with fat.

Twigs are used here as sustainable sticks, rather than store-bought. This the pemmican recipe that might appeal most to kids – it’s a little sweeter and looks irresistible.

From: Practical Self-Reliance

6. Pemmican Low Carb Keto Protein Bar

A good recipe for a lighter-looking pemmican bar to stow away in your pack when you’re out and about. Good tips on which herbs and spices to use in this recipe.

From: Primal Edge Health

7. How to Make Pemmican – Step by Step Instructions

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Step-by-step Pemmican Instructions from Simple Prepper

A great guide to making pemmican with added cranberries and sunflower seeds with beef top sirloin and pork fat. The Simple Prepper is a great site, very well presented and plenty of good ideas on a wide range of topics – I hadn’t heard of honey powder until today.

From: The Simple Prepper

8. Pemmican Protein Bar Recipe

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (9)

Pemmican Protein Bars

We think this pemmican recipe wins the award for best-looking. This recipe advises overnight drying in the oven at a fairly high temperature and then combines the ground meat powder with honey, nuts and dried fruit.

Allow for cooling then cut into 2 x 4-inch bars, individually wrapped for storage in your refrigerator.

From: Mother Earth News

9. Fruit Pemmican Recipe

OK, this is not even close to pemmican, it’s more of a fatty flapjack. It won’t store as long, but as these bars are really tasty, that might not be a problem as they’ll get eaten nearer the beginning of any expedition.

From: Genius Kitchen

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (10)

Dried fruit pemmican and DIY AIP Epic Bar

10. Autoimmune Paleo Protein Bar – DIY Epic Bar

AIP-friendly protein bars based on pemmican, but with added greens, herbs and fruit. They’re based on Epic Bars, which I haven’t tried, but seem to get a lot of love.

From: Primal Palate

11. The Carnivore Bar

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (11)

The Carnivore Bar – now fully-funded and available to pre-order

Not a recipe! An actual bar you can buy that is as close to pemmican as we’ve seen. The Carnivore Bar has now been successfully funded on Kickstarter and is due to start shipping later in 2019. They’re taking pre-orders now.

Sortathing is not an affiliate or anything for this product, just happy to spread the word.

Pre-order The Carnivore Bar

12. Hoosh

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (12)

Finally, a recipe that actually uses pemmican! You’ll need

  • Pemmican
  • Sledging biscuits
  • Snow, preferably from Antarctica for maximum authenticity.
    This is not available in most stores.

And the end product? Well, “it tastes better than it looks”!

From: Cool Antarctica

12. New Entry! Bacon Pemmican

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (13)

One of pemmican’s drawbacks is its taste. Most people find it plain or outright disgusting at first. It’s possible to improve the taste with added salt, dried fruit, sweeteners of various types but that can affect its shelf life.

But what about adding bacon? Everyone likes bacon, right? It could be the magic ingredient that makes pemmican palatable for more people.

This recipe uses equal amounts of bacon and lean meat, as well as cranberries and blueberries. We’re most impressed by this recipe and the next batch of pemmican we make will certainly be bacon based.

From: The Food Dictator

Does pemmican have a future?

Pemmican is by any measure a primitive food. In its simplest form it uses only two ingredients – dried lean meat and fat – and stone age techniques. But its status as the most nutrient rich food ever invented means it should have a bright future.

Ideologically, it’s unacceptable to many people. It’s in no way vegetarian or vegan. It’s rich in saturated fat. It’s an acquired taste. But it’s also non-perishable, a compact source of energy and could be manufactured on a large scale. This makes it a good candidate for the next stage of human exploration, out into the solar system and beyond.

If Elon Musk and NASA aren’t looking at the potential of pemmican now, they should do so before sending astronauts off on arduous missions.

Like these pemmican recipes? Check out our other Superfood Recipes as well as our popular Air Fryer Recipes

12 Pemmican Recipes - Legendary Keto Survival Food - Sortathing (2024)


How much pemmican per person per day? ›

Pemmican (One Pound of pemmican per day) Go here to learn how to make your own. Pemmican is the best backpacking staple because there is nothing that can compare to nutrient density. Pemmican is power packed with healthy animal fats mixed with dried pulverized meats and berries.

Can you survive on pemmican? ›

You don't want to survive on pemmican alone. Strenuous backpacking will lead to daily glycogen depletion, best re- plenished with carbohydrates. For low to moderate exertion of long duration, diets high in fat work relatively well, but require a prior period of adaptation.

How do you make pemmican the ultimate survival food? ›

  1. Make meat and fruit powders through dehydration and smoking process. ...
  2. Use a food processor to blend powders to a flour consistency.
  3. Render beef or bear fat (suet is preferred) – slowly heat trimmed fat until it turns to a clear liquid, strain off liquid. ...
  4. Mix your dry powders and salt.
Aug 28, 2022

What is the best fat for making pemmican? ›

Melt tallow from beef, venison, elk or bison. Do not substitute a soft fat such as lard, bear fat, duck, or goose fat, Crisco or butter. The denser and more saturated the fat, the better. Combine powdered meat and berries, pouring melted tallow until coated.

Can pemmican be eaten raw? ›

Pemmican (also pemican in older sources) is a mixture of tallow, dried meat, and sometimes dried berries. A calorie-rich food, it can be used as a key component in prepared meals or eaten raw.

How healthy is pemmican? ›

Is pemmican good for you? When made with grass-fed meat, tallow, and other fresh ingredients, yes! Because pemmican has high concentrations of lean meat and fat, it is considered a high-calorie, high-protein, and high-fat snack. When it isn't combined with fruit, pemmican is essentially no-carb.

Does pemmican taste bad? ›

This long shelf life and its nutritional density made it a staple for many explorers, including Lewis and Clark. For a survival food, it's not so bad. It tastes kind of like beef jerky, though if you eat it as-is, the fat will coat your mouth in a way that I found unpleasant.

Why doesn't the fat in pemmican go bad? ›

Suet is the fat around the kidneys of the cow and works best for pemmican because it stays hard at room temperature and will help to preserve your meat.

Does pemmican need to be refrigerated? ›

Pemmican is a mixture of rendered fat (tallow), dried meat, and often dried berries. It is sometimes sweetened by honey. It is calorie-rich, protein-packed, eaten raw, and does not need refrigeration.

Can you put spices in pemmican? ›

Pemmican consists of two fundamental ingredients — dried meat and tallow — and is used as a highly nutritious, on-the-go food staple. Spices can be and usually are added, while dried berries are sometimes a feature.

What is the ultimate survival food? ›

Canned meats like tuna, chicken, and beef, along with canned vegetables like carrots, green beans, and peas, are packed with protein and essential nutrients, making them ideal for survival situations. And with a shelf life of up to 5 years, canned goods are a reliable choice for long-term survival food storage.

Can you use lard in pemmican? ›

Add melted lard slowly while mixing. Two tablespoons of fat are used for each 4-5 ounces of meat plus 1/3 cup of fruit. Fat changes the consistency and makes it appear semi-moist instead of dry and improves the flavor and texture. Store in paper bags.

What is the modern version of pemmican? ›

What is Pemmican? Traditionally, pemmican was made with a mixture of dried meat and rendered fat. Made properly, pemmican would last indefinitely and could sustain an individual for months. Our modern-day version consists of a blend of bison, beef, berries, and other natural ingredients.

What cut of meat is best for pemmican? ›

My Pemmican Notes

Meat: Beef or bison. Grass-fed only. Round is a good cut. Prepping: Remove all visible fat.

Can you put oats in pemmican? ›

With the oatmeal and chick pea flour in the Amundsen version it also thickened nicely. Huntley and Palmer who had supplied Scott with biscuits for the original expedition, and who still had the original recipe in their archives were making them again for the filming.

How many calories are in 2 lbs of pemmican? ›

The resulting product kept for months (or, as some claimed, years), contained as much as 3,500 calories per pound, and was so packed with protein and fat that it became the primary sustenance of early fur traders and settlers in the Northern Great Plains.

What is the ratio for pemmican? ›

One final note: Exact measurements aren't given here because of the variability that can exist between different dry ingredients and how dry they ultimately are. In general, pemmican calls for a ratio of roughly 1:1 tallow to dry ingredients.

How many calories are in 5lbs of pemmican? ›

5lb Pemmican (10,143 calories) 5lb Hard tack (10,204 calories) 5lb beef jerky (9,280 calories)

Does pemmican give you energy? ›

Nutrition Value

Pemmican, with its combination of dried meat and fat, provides a calorie-dense option. It's particularly rich in fats, which are essential for long-lasting energy - a feature that made pemmican a vital survival food in harsh conditions.


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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