How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn't have - [PDF Document] (2024) How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn't have - [PDF Document] (1)


March 2016#12

A MonthlyBundle from ubuntubuzz.comA MonthlyBundle from

Install, Configure, & Use Zotero toCollect References & CreateBibliography, Freely & Easily


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GNUEmacsHowTo Install It inUbuntu How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn't have - [PDF Document] (2)

Title: UbuntuBuzz Magazine Volume 12 Author: Ade Malsasa AkbarRelease date: March 2016Contents: 15 Articles in February 2016Publisher: http://ubuntubuzz.comLicense: CC BY-SA 3.0 Technical details: cover done in Scribus, logos done in Inkscape, content pages done in LibreOffice,merging and tagging done in PDFSAM

Copyright © 2016 Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>This document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Unported 3.0

This CC BY-SA 3.0 license grants you permissions to:

• Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

• Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even


under these following terms:

• Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate

if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

• ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute

your contributions under the same license as the original.

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1. Be Familiar with Zotero User Interface

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

This short article is a soft introduction into Zotero user interface. We use Zotero in Firefox in this article, so you using Stand Alone version probably will see some differences. This article covers four aspects: interface structure, tab mode, sorting, and searching. Hope this helps.

1. Three Vertical Columns

Zotero interface divided into three vertical columns. Left column shows file manager of your libraryand tag manager below. Center column shows your items, your collected references from one library. It shows also item manipulation buttons on the top and a search bar. Right column shows properties for one selected item from center column.

2. Tab Mode

By default, Zotero interface takes almost half of your screen horizontally in Firefox. But Zotero has also a full page mode. Press Toggle Tab Mode button to change mode. It is located at the top-right corner. To go back to default mode, press that button again.

3. Sorting Items

As example, click on the most top-left button on the center column, select Date Added.

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Then you can click on Date Added category to sort items ascending or descending. By this, you can easily see your items sorted like blog posts. The newest is on the top, the oldest is on the bottom. This example of view will help you collecting references, but you can also add another sorting category such as Publisher.

4. Searching

To enable full text search, click on the black triangle button in search bar > Everything. This will search through the text content of all items, just like internet search engine.

Now you can search anything and everything from your library. You can search the text inside Wikipedia, web pages, or PDF files you have collected. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (5)

2. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux)

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn't have feature to change the phone number initself. But there is a way to change the number by using another instance of Telegram. Hope this helps a lot.

The Case

Suppose you have a Telegram account with your old & already inactive phone number. You want to change the old phone number into the new one you've prepared. Your only Telegram is the TelegramDesktop client on your GNU/Linux. You can't/worry to use smartphone version of Telegram, because your old number was already inactive. And you don't find any button/any way in Telegram Desktop to change the number directly.


• You need an another device to install new Telegram instance. The ideal one is an Android smartphone.

• Prepare one new active phone number.• Ensure your Telegram Desktop in GNU/Linux is logged in and active with your old phone

number account. This is a must.

1. Another Device

Have another device (i.e. Android smartphone) and install Telegram there. For Android, install Telegram from Google PlayStore. If you don't have it, you probably can borrow it from your friend.

2. Login from Another Device

After installing, using the another device/smartphone, login into your old phone number Telegram account. This will trigger Telegram system to send secret code into your Telegram Desktop running on GNU/Linux. This will also send SMS message containing same secret code into your old phone number (but this old number was already inactive).

3. Enter Secret Code in Another Device

In the Telegram login page in your another device/smartphone, enter the secret code you get from your running Telegram Desktop. Now you can log into Telegram with another device/smartphone.

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In this phase, you have two devices logged in concurrently: your another device (Telegram Mobile) and your desktop (Telegram Desktop).

4. Change Your Phone Number in Another Device

In another device/smartphone, go to Telegram Settings > tap your phone number > change your old phone number with the new phone number you've prepared. Follow any instruction later until you have successfully changed it. All of your Telegram instances (Mobile & Desktop) will be informed that the number was changed.

Thanks for Telegram Support for guiding me until I can change my phone number. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (7)

3. How To Add Citation and Bibliography Manually fromZotero

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

Zotero can help you to take manually one by one citation and bibliography entry, beside it can also help you to do those automatically. This manual approach is suitable if you need to insert citation manually into another text editor (outside of LibreOffice Writer scopes) such as LibreOffice Impress or any other plain text editor. This article consists of two main parts, inserting citation and inserting bibliography. This article assumes you have installed Zotero or its Stand Alone version.

Insert Citation

• Open Zotero. • Right-click one entry > Create Bibliography from Item.• In the Citation Style:, select one style. For example, we choose APA style.• In the Output Mode:, select Citations.• In the Output Method:, select Copy to Clipboard.• Open your text editor (e.g. Impress). • Paste (Ctrl+V). Make sure you paste the citation in the right place.• Now you have a citation.

Insert Bibliography

• Open Zotero. • Right-click one entry > Create Bibliography from Item.

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• In the Citation Style:, select one style. For example, we choose APA style.• In the Output Mode:, select Bibliography.• In the Output Method:, select Copy to Clipboard.• Open your text editor (e.g. Impress). • Paste (Ctrl+V). Make sure you paste the bibliography entry in the right place. For example,

paste it in the last page as bullets & numberings entries.• Do these 1-7 until all citations completed with corresponding bibliography entries.• Now you have a bibliography.


As an example, this is an Impress presentation page with citations:

And this is the bibliography slide: How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (9)

Please note that this presentation created for just an example purpose. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (10)

4. How To Cite PDF & Make Bibliography with Zotero & LibreOffice

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

This article shows how to edit reference data (e.g. URL, title, date, etc.) for PDF document with Zotero, so you can import the citation into LibreOffice and create bibliography from it. This article consists of two main parts, editing reference and inserting reference into LibreOffice document. This article assumes you have installed Zotero in Firefox or its Stand Alone version.

Part 1: Editing The Reference

When you collect PDF file with our previous Zotero instructions, you will find that every PDF entryhas no parent item. Parent item is a parent entry where a PDF entry belongs. A PDF file will have reference data (e.g. URL, title, date, etc) only if it has parent item. We will demonstrate how to do it.

1.1 Create Parent Item

For one single PDF entry in Zotero library, select one entry > right-click > Create Parent Item. This will make a parent item and insert the selected PDF entry inside. Do this if you like to make parent item manually.

For many PDF entries, select some entries > right-click > Create Parent Items. This will make a parent item for every single PDF entry automatically. Do this if you like to make them automatically. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (11)

Note: before you do any citing work for PDF, do create parent item first. Make sure every PDF entry has parent item so you can cite them later.

1.2 Edit The Reference Data

What to do with editing reference data for PDF? Basically, editing reference data means editing the parent item. For PDF document, you can modify some aspect such as Title, Author, Abstract, Date, Short Title, URL, Accessed (Date), and some others.

Note: with these instructions, by default you will have Item Type: Web Page in Zotero for every of your PDF file. This Item Type is a classifier of your data, whether it is a book or a web page or journal or another else. We will give you example using Web Page category (so the PDF file is assumed as Web Page) while you still can change the category as you wish.


• To change the title, just click on the Title: field.• To change the author, click on the Author: field. You can change the mode, single field or

two field (last, first). You can add the author as many as you need by clicking plus (+) button.

• To change the date, click on the Date: field and type the publish date of the PDF. Don't worry, Zotero will recognize any date format you enter. This data will be used as a part of citation later.

• To change the URL, click on the URL: field. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (12)


This picture explains an example for those instructions. Please note that these information are just an example.

Part 2: Inserting Reference

This part explains how to add the reference data into document in LibreOffice. This consists of two parts, inserting citation and creating bibliography.

2.1 Insert Citation

• Make sure Zotero and LibreOffice are running.• In the LibreOffice, click on Insert Citation button. • At the first usage, Zotero dialog will ask you about the bibliography standard you would

use. We choose APA style here. • Zotero Quick Format Citation dialog will appear. Type anything about the reference you

would enter. For example, we type "linux" and select "(Todd Kelley, 2013)" and Zotero add it as a citation. This will add the corresponding PDF reference from the Zotero library.

We have explained more about this citing method in How To Create Basic Citation & Bibliography.

2.2 Make Bibliography

• Make sure you have at least one citation in a document. • Place your cursor in empty space. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (13)

• Press Insert Bibliography button.

You can refer to How To Create Basic Citation & Bibliography for more explanation. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (14)

5. How To Collect References with Zotero Connector in Chromium Browser

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

This article will demonstrate examples about using Zotero Connector in Chromium (or Google Chrome). You can collect Wikipedia, normal web page, Worldcat, and Google Scholar references into Zotero library with it. To do this, you will need Zotero Standalone installed and is running. Thisarticle assumes that you have installed Zotero Connector in Chromium properly.

1. Save Wikipedia

Open a Wikipedia page. For example, Click Save to Zotero (Wikipedia) button appears on the address bar.

2. Save Normal Web Page

When you open a web page which is not supported officially by Zotero, it may give you Save to Zotero (Embedded Metadata) button. For example, a page in WP such as Click the button.

3. Save Normal Web Page (Special)

When you find any page while Zotero icon doesn't appear in address bar, right-click the page > Save Page to Zotero.

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4. Save Worldcat

Search for some items in and click Save to Zotero (Worldcat) button. Zotero willshow a new dialog contains some entries you should choose. Choose one or all and press OK.

5. Save Google Scholar

Search for anything in Google Scholar and click Save to Zotero (Google Scholar) button. Choose what item(s) you want from the dialog appears and press OK. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (16)

The Result

See the Zotero Stand Alone window. You will notice that all of your collected references appear here. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (17)

6. How To Create Basic Citation & Bibliography from Zotero in LibreOffice

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

This is a basic guide about how to use Zotero for reference management. This including mainly how to insert citation from library that have already collected, and to create the bibliography, into LibreOffice document. We make it simple for you. So enjoy citing with Zotero.


• You should install Zotero as addon to Firefox and install the Zotero integrator into LibreOffice Writer: Install Zotero in Mozilla Firefox and LibreOffice.

• If you dislike Zotero as Firefox addon, you can install Zotero Stand Alone: Install Zotero Stand Alone and Integrate It to LibreOffice.

Basic Reference Collecting

Reference collecting here means downloading content from the internet. Downloading means saving them to Zotero directory on your local computer. We give two examples here, Wikipedia andPDF.

1. Wikipedia

• Visit a Wikipedia page.• Click Save to Zotero (Wikipedia) button on the Firefox toolbar. • Wait until the saved Wikipedia page entry appears in the Zotero main interface.

2. PDF

There are many way to collect any pdf file from the internet. This one is the easiest:

• Go to any search engine and search for a pdf. For example, use keywords: gnu operating

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system filetype:pdf.• Right-click on a result > Zotero > Save Link As Zotero Item. • Wait until the saved pdf entry appears in the Zotero main interface.

Important: to make Zotero can index your saved PDF file, perform this guide. By default search engine like DuckDuckGo doesn't allow you to get direct link to pdf search result. To make them direct link, in DuckDuckGo page go to menu > Advanced Settings > Privacy > turn off Redirect option. In Google, you can use our direct link guide.

Citing in LibreOffice

To do this section, you must installed Zotero LibreOffice Integration.

• Make sure your Mozilla Firefox with Zotero is running. Or make sure your Zotero Stand Alone is running. This is a must.

• Open LibreOffice Writer. Open your document.• Place the cursor in where you want to put citation.• In the Zotero toolbar, click Inser Citation button. • For the first usage, Zotero will ask you what standard of citation you want to use. In this

example, we choose APA.• Then Zotero dialog for citation searching will appear. You will type any keyword here, and

Zotero will search through the library you have already collected. For example, because we have saved Wikipedia page "Free Software", we type in Zotero search dialog free software, press enter (or click it) on one of the results appear.

• The citation will typed automatically in the document. Automatic, from the Zotero system. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (19)

1. Place cursor & Insert Citation

6. Search a citation

7. The Citation Result

Creating Basic Bibliography

Suppose you have completed all citing works. Your document is full of citation now. How to make the bibliography based on citations already added?

• Make sure Zotero instance (Firefox or Stand Alone) is running. • Open LibreOffice Writer. Open your document. • In a free space (e.g. in a new page), place your cursor and click Insert Bibliography. • The bibliography will added automatically based on all citations you've added. The

bibliography area is distinguished with its thin boundary line frame.

The Document

The Bibliography How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (20) How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (21)

7. How To Export & Import Zotero Library

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

As a continuation for previous Zotero article, we want to introduce how to export and import Zoterolibrary so user can use same library in many different computers or many different operating systems. It is very useful for time efficiency especially when a user has collected many references inone library in one computer, they don't need to repeat the effort in another computers or another OS.


Summary: after collecting some data in an instance of Zotero (e.g. in laptop with Ubuntu 14.04), wecan export it to save the whole library collected. This method is very useful, for example, when the user does data collecting in a Live CD session.

How to: open Zotero (whether it is stand alone or attached in web browser) > click gear icon on top-left bar > select Export Library > select format Zotero RDF (the default) and check Export Files option > select destination folder to export > press Save.

The result: you will have a folder contains a zotero file and a folder. The inner folder contains all reference files you have collected (e.g. pdf or html web pages). You may archive this export folder to ease file distribution to another computers.

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Summary: suppose you have an exported Zotero library. Now you use a new instance of computer (e.g. a freshly installed Ubuntu on laptop, or another OS). How to open your saved library of Zotero? Here is the method.

How to: open Zotero > click on gear icon on top-left bar > select Import > select the exported Zotero folder > select .rdf file inside that folder (i.e. MyLibrary.rdf) > wait for Zotero to import them > finish.

The result: you will have the imported library, the whole contents, imported in your Zotero. They are complete files, you can open them with exactly same results (e.g. no corrupted picture) like in the original system (edited 1 March 2016: read exception below). You can do search.

Edited 1 March 2016: exporting & importing with Zotero menu is not suitable for backup purpose.If you import a library, export it again, then import it again to another computer, you will find manymissing files such as images, because Zotero export/import does not always export the files completely. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (23)

8. How To Install and Integrate Zotero in Firefox and LibreOffice

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

Zotero is a free software to collect and create bibliography via web browser. Zotero licensed in GNU AGPL, and is available in GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Zotero has support for free office suite software like, LibreOffice, and NeoOffice. Zotero used in research (or in any field that need citation and bibliography management). Its main features are to collect bibliography library from websites, journals, books, PDF files, images, and another sources; then to create citation and bibliography entries automatically in word processor. We want to introduce how to install Zotero and Zotero LibreOffice Plugin in Ubuntu (and it is compatible with another GNU/Linux distributions). Enjoy your research with Zotero.

System Summary

In this tutorial, we use this set of software:

• Firefox 37.0• LibreOffice 4.4• Ubuntu 15.04 32 bit• Zotero 4.0.28• Zotero LibreOffice Plugin 3.5.11

When writing this tutorial, we find that Firefox 28 (the default in Ubuntu 14.04) is not compatible with this version of Zotero.

Obtain Zotero and Zotero LibreOffice Plugin

We need two different software to install Zotero in our system, and then to integrate it in LibreOffice. First, the main Zotero interface will be united with Firefox (it will collect the bibliography library). Second, the integrator will connect between Firefox and LibreOffice by installing a new toolbar in LibreOffice. To get the two software, go to

• and download Zotero For Firefox. It is actually just an XPI file (Firefox add-on file). At this time, the correct URL is

• and download LibreOffice Plugin. It is actually also an XPI file. At this time, the correct URL is This add-on will ask you later to install default-jre and libreoffice-java-common packages in Ubuntu.

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Install Zotero and Zotero LibreOffice Plugin

First, to install Zotero for Firefox, drag the file (the XPI file) into Firefox window. You will see a dialog appears asking you to install. Just click install. After doing this, you must restart Firefox. After restarting, you will get 'Z' button on your toolbar (which is Zotero button) and when you pressCtrl+Shift+Z you get Zotero interface appears in the bottom of Firefox window.

Second, to install Zotero LibreOffice Plugin, drag the file into Firefox window. Do the same thing like the first. Then, you will see installation dialog with the usual Next button. This installation dialog will ask you to install default-jre and libreoffice-java-common packages in Ubuntu. Please turn on your internet connection and let it install them (it needs about 40 MB). After installing, restart your Firefox once more time and open LibreOffice Writer. You must see this Zotero toolbar in Writer (or enable it first from View > Toolbar > Zotero).

Until this point, your installation and integration are finished successfully. To use Zotero in LibreOffice, you must open Firefox (let LibreOffice and Firefox running concurrently). How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (25)

9. How To Install Blender 2.76 from PPA in Ubuntu 14.04

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

This guide contains instructions about installing Blender 2.76 from PPA in Ubuntu 14.04. This PPA is unofficial, because there is no official PPA for Blender. This PPA is provided by Thomas Schiex, thanks to him. Please use this as your own risk.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:thomas-schiex/blender sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install blender

Note: in our system (Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit), it needs about 73.1 MB download packages. This article is a continuation of our old article about Blender 2.61.

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10. How To Install GNU Emacs in Ubuntu

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

GNU Emacs is an advanced text editor from GNU Project. It is extensible and hackable by macros. The name Emacs itself is an acronym from Editing MACroS. GNU Emacs is well-known as a rival to vi editor from UNIX. This article introduces how to install and basic usage of Emacs.

Install GNU Emacs

sudo apt-get install emacs

Run GNU Emacs

To run Emacs in console mode, type command:

emacs --no-window

To run Emacs in graphical mode, type command:


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Use GNU Emacs

The main rule of Emacs keystrokes is C key (Ctrl) and M key (Alt, or Esc). User should remember that Emacs is not vi. In Emacs you use normal arrow keys to navigate cursors and you don't use twodifferent modes (INSERT and COMMAND) like vi.

Basic Keystroke Techniques

• C = Ctrl key• M = Meta key, usually Alt key or Esc key• C-x = Ctrl-x; press x when holding Ctrl key• C-x C-y = Ctrl-x Ctrl-y; hold Ctrl then press x -> release x -> press y• M-x = Esc x; press Esc -> release Esc -> press x

Note: M-x with Alt is different with Esc, in which M-x is pressing x while holding Alt. Both Alt andEsc can be used depends on your need.

List of Common Keystrokes

• C-x C-s = Save• C-x C-w = Save As• C-x C-f = Open File• C-/ = Undo• Up Down Right Left = Cursor navigation• Backspace = Delete backward• Del = Delete forward• C-k = Delete all text starting from cursor position until the end of line• C-s = Search (Incremental Search)• C-r = Search Backward (Incremental Search)• C-g = Cancel a command• C-x C-x = Quit• C-space = Select/Block text How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (28)

11. How To Install Zotero Connector in Chromium Browser

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

Actually, Zotero has full support in Mozilla Firefox. In Chromium browser (and Google Chrome), ithas only Zotero Connector. Zotero Connector for Chromium is an extension to work with Zotero Stand Alone (or with the cloud Zotero server). It has no Zotero user interface like the one for Firefox. Here how to install it.

1. Go To The Official Website

Using Chromium (or Google Chrome), go to and click the Chrome button below the Stand Alone column.

2. Install The Extension

The browser will be redirected to Google Chrome Webstore. Click Add to Chrome button to install Zotero Connector.

3. Finished

While finished, you'll noticing Zotero icon appears in address bar when you visit a supported page.

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12. How To Install Zotero Stand Alone and LibreOffice Integration in Ubuntu

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

Zotero, a free software for bibliography data collection and writing, is available in two form. The first form is web browser add-on (we've prepared the tutorial here), and the second is stand alone application. We will introduce how to install Zotero Stand Alone (GNU/Linux version) in Ubuntu. The benefit of using Stand Alone version is it doesn't depend to web browser anymore so you can focus into books/journals/another sources data collection.

System Summary

We use these set of software to write this tutorial:

• LibreOffice 4.2• Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit• otero 4.0.28 Stand Alone

Obtain Zotero Stand Alone for GNU/Linux

What we need to get is Zotero Stand Alone package. This package contains binary "portable" (don't need to be installed) and will ask you to install default-jre and libreoffice-java-common packages (around 40 MB) later. Download it from in the Zotero Stand Alone section. At this time, the correct URL is

Install Zotero Stand Alone and Dependencies

First, extract Zotero package in a directory.

Second, enter extracted Zotero directory. Execute the zotero binary file (in Ubuntu, Nautilus shows the file as a purple diamond icon). See picture below.

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Third, this will show you Zotero *LibreOffice Integration installation dialog. Go next and next untilit ask you to install default-jre and libreoffice-java-common packages. Accept the installation and wait until they are finished completely. Completed installation results in Installation Successful information.

Fourth, restart LibreOffice. You must see Zotero Toolbar below in LibreOffice after installing the integration.

Fifth, just use Zotero Stand Alone as you wish. You can start adding bibliography data. Remember to keep Zotero Stand Alone running when you want to use Zotero Toolbar in LibreOffice.


Because Zotero Stand Alone is a "portable" binary, you must manually add Zotero icon in Ubuntu Unity menu otherwise you must always double click on the file in its directory. To add Zotero to Unity menu, just use Alacarte. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (31)

Or, run Zotero once and right click Zotero icon in Launcher > Lock to Launcher. You will get a shortcut for Zotero on the right panel. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (32)

13. How To Manually Upgrade Mozilla Firefox to The Latest Version (44.0.1) in Ubuntu 14.04

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

In Ubuntu 14.04, the built-in version of Firefox is 28.0. This is pretty old version of Firefox. To upgrade it into the latest version (44.0.1 when this article written), but you dislike Ubuntu automaticsoftware updater way of upgrading, follow this instruction. Important: this instruction is applicable to another version of Ubuntu (such as 12.04 or 15.10 currently) and further version of Firefox too.

1. Ensure trusty-security is Enabled

Open /etc/apt/sources.list file with text editor. Ensure you have this trusty-security line without '#' sign:

deb trusty-security main restricted

If you don't have it, just write that exact line. To do it, you can use sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list command.

2. Reload Apt Database

Do sudo apt-get update command. This will download the new index of official Ubuntu repository especially for trusty-security repository. Because the new version of Firefox is located at trusty-security, apt-get will download it from there.

3. Install New Version of Firefox

Do sudo apt-get install firefox command. This will read your current installed version of Firefox

mailto:[emailprotected] How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (33)

(e.g. version 28.0), compare it with the official repository, and install the latest version from trusty-security section main repository. It downloads about 40 MB data.

Note: for you don't know, sudo apt-get install is not only does installation job, but also does upgrading if the repository setting is already correct. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (34)

14. How To Save & Index PDF Files in Zotero

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

One of the powerful features of Zotero is collecting PDF. Zotero can save PDF, both from the web (online) and from the local storage (offline). Then Zotero can index PDF files collected so user can search them by text. Furthermore, you can cite PDF references as citation and bibliography.

Save PDF from Online

You can save PDF directly into Zotero library.

• Browse on the internet where you can get direct link to a pdf file. For example, a link like this

• Right-click on the link > Zotero > Save Link As Zotero Item.• A new entry will appear in the Zotero interface. • On the new PDF entry, right-click > Create Parent Item.

Save PDF from Offline

If you have saved PDF files, you can enter them into Zotero.

• Open Zotero main interface (Ctrl+Shift+Z).• Click New Item (green button) > Store Copy of File. • Select PDF file. Open. • A new entry will appear in the Zotero interface.• On the new PDF entry, right-click > Create Parent Item.

mailto:[emailprotected] How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (35)

Install Zotero Indexing Feature

By default, Zotero doesn't index the content of PDF files collected. So, user can't search for a keyword through all PDF collected. But Zotero has indexing feature and it needs user interaction to be enabled.

• Open Zotero interface. • Click gear button > Preferences > Search tab. • There you will see information that PDF Indexing components are not installed. • Click Check for Installer button to install the two components needed (pdftotext and pdfinfo

from Xpdf project).• On the Confirmation dialog, press Install button.• While finished, you will get PDF Indexing section says pdftotext and pdfinfo are installed.

Index All PDF Collected

• Still on the Zotero Preferences, on the Search tab, click on Rebuild Index > Index Unindexed Items.

• Wait a while. • Select one of PDF file in the library, see the properties information on the right panel. It

should show Indexed: Yes entry. You may check another PDF files has been indexed or not.• You can do text search through PDF files now. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (36)

15. nload Command Examples for Personal Bandwidth Monitoring

Ade Malsasa Akbar <[emailprotected]>

nload is a command line tool to measure network usage in real time. nload is a free software by Roland Riegel. nload is very lightweight but it has good interface similar to bwmonitor in Windows.This article tells some examples of nload for personal user need.

To try these commands, make sure you know what network interface you are using by using command ifconfig. For example, I am using WLAN tethering from my smartphone so my interface is wlan0.

To close nload when it is running, press Ctrl+C in your console.

1. Monitoring LAN (eth0)

nload eth0

2. Monitoring WLAN (wlan0)

nload wlan0

3. Monitoring Modem (ppp0)

nload pp0

mailto:[emailprotected] How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (37)

4. Using KB/s Unit

nload -u K wlan0

5. Using MB/s Unit

nload -u M wlan0

6. Using Kb/s Unit

nload -u k wlan0

7. Using Mb/s Unit

nload -u m wlan0


• If you want to change nload settings on-the fly (when it's running), press F2.• If you want to change network interface on-the-fly, when you run nload without

argument, press down arrow key until you get the interface name. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (38)

Source URLs

These are list of the source URL for every article in this magazine issue #12.


2. 3.

chromium.html 4. 5.

zotero.html 6. 7.

libreoffice.html 8.

latest-version-in-ubuntu.html 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

libreoffice.html 14. 15. How To Change Phone Number in Telegram Desktop (GNU/Linux) Ade Malsasa Akbar  The latest version of Telegram Desktop (0.9.27) doesn&#039;t have - [PDF Document] (2024)


How do I change my phone number on Telegram desktop? ›

It's important to keep a working and up-to-date phone number linked to your Telegram account – otherwise, you can lose access to it.
  1. Go to Telegram Settings > Phone number > Change number .
  2. If necessary, enter the code you receive via SMS to the new number.

How to get your Telegram account back without phone number? ›

You can recover your old Telegram account without the phone number only when the same Telegram account is already logged into one of your devices. If not logged into Telegram already, account recovery isn't possible without the verification code, which will be sent to your phone number.

How do I update Telegram on my desktop? ›

You can download it from or update to it in Settings > Advanced.

Why can't I change my number on Telegram? ›

Steps to Change Phone Number in Telegram

Navigate to Settings. Under the Account tab, select your current mobile number and choose the Change Number option. Confirm your selection by tapping on Change in the pop-up menu. Input your new phone number.

How do I get a different number for Telegram? ›

How to change your number on Telegram with a virtual number?
  1. Open the Telegram app on your phone.
  2. Tap on the menu icon in the top left corner.
  3. Tap on Settings.
  4. Tap on your phone number to change it.
  5. Tap Change Number.
  6. Tap Change.
  7. Type in the new number (the virtual number).

How to delete Telegram account and create new account with same number? ›

Enter your phone number and click on 'Next'.
  1. Once you enter your phone number you'll see the 'Confirmation code' box appear. ...
  2. Select 'Delete account'.
  3. You don't have to provide a reason if you don't want to and can simply click on 'Delete My Account' to skip to the next step.
Mar 3, 2023

Can I get into Telegram without phone number? ›

When setting up a Telegram account for the first time, the user's country and phone number are required. As a result, there is no option to create an account without a phone number. This requirement applies to both the mobile and desktop apps, as Telegram sends a code to the number to complete registration.

Will I lose my Telegram conversations if I change my phone? ›

Telegram only keeps the information it needs to function as a feature-rich cloud service. For example, your cloud chats – so that you can access them from any devices without using third-party backups, or your contacts – so that you can rely on your existing social graph when messaging people on Telegram.

How do I update Telegram in Linux? ›

After you installed telegram using sudo apt install telegram-desktop command, you can easily update it by:
  1. First go to the official telegram-desktop website.
  2. And then download the zip file.
  3. Extract the zip file.
  4. Go to the extracted folder.
  5. If opened, close telegram before proceeding to the next step.
Sep 9, 2017

Is there a desktop version of Telegram? ›

If you would like to get all updates faster and be the first to test new features, you are welcome to use Telegram Desktop's beta version updates. The stable version is updated less frequently, but is tested better than the beta version. Just install it on top of your current Telegram Desktop and there you go.

How do I change my phone number on PC mobile? ›

All account changes and updates must be communicated to our customer service centre at 1-87-PCT-INFO-1 (1-877-284-6361) It is the responsibility of our customers to ensure that their account information is up to date.

How can I change my input device in Telegram desktop? ›

Select "Settings App" Select "System" Select "Sound" Go to where it says "Input", than select your microphone in the box where it says "Choose your input device" (in my case I had other options as I sometimes use other microphone inputs)

How can I use Telegram without phone number on desktop? ›

No. Every Telegram account is connected to a unique phone number. You can change that number, but can't go without one. You need to verify your login on Telegram Desktop through the mobile app you have previously verified using your phone number.

How can I change my Telegram account to new phone? ›

Getting Telegram up and running on your new device is a breeze:
  1. Download Telegram: Download Telegram from and install the app on your new phone.
  2. Phone Number Verification: Open Telegram and enter your phone number.
Jan 24, 2024


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.