Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

MONDAY, EVENING, OAKLAND TRIBUNE 'AUGUST 9, 1909. 13 i MEETING NOTICES. BUYERS9 QUI BE OaKland tribune MmW Amerloaa WrwijepeT Publishers W. E. DARGIE, MERCHANTS fx President.

JOHN F. CONKERS, Managing Editor. J. CLEM ARNOLD, Business Manager. Trirr evening and morning.

Voraiaf TRIBUNE (nix daye week), 60o set TTNE, Be ft month br carrier. Oh year, $7.10. Single cpy, to. Eirtmd at Oakland Poetoffloe ta Madid cIih matter. Bam pi oepiee free on application.

rbUotfon offiot Taismrs mm. Inf. eorner af Eighth and Franklin atreete. Telephone Oakland Ml. Where are tlhe Boys amd Girls that want to earn money I vJf Hem Phonea Advertising Depart.

WbAN TAD give all good children presents, letter in the classified ads Mothers and fathers-will help. ARCH IK INOER. ProDhet of God, speaks I Hamilton Hair, 13th and Jefferson next Tuesday, 8 p. no collection. admission iree.

PERSONALS. A merchant would not think a woman r.rv wIm If art nurrhnmn a vara less silk for a town than she needed even if It wprn wrv fine allJc Nor is me mer chant wise to purchase a column less advertising space than; he needs, even Jf It Is very fine advertising space anu costly. AT.T. ft m.n mill romiira Badcres. FIjirb and Banners for Labor Day; get them from Wnttrr VJ Brunt.

Printers. Badee. Banner and ReKalla Makers, 8fi0 Mlgilnn nnr Kfh Ran 'PranClSCO. Catalorue1 sent unon -reauest by mall or phrme. ANY poor srlrl lnyneed of friend, a home or advice.

Is Invited to call or write the matron of The Salvation Army Home, Beulah Heights. Cat Phone Merritt 3827. CAIJFX)RNIA PREJSSETD BRICK STOCK-HOTJ3KRS Assessment No. 1. of five cents per share, has been levied; con-Bult this office concerning the legality, reasons and purposes thereof; all holders of stock In this company having Stock standing In the name of persons, other than the holder will learn much to their advantage bv consulting this office.

Suite 206-6-7 Union savings l. Bldg.iOakland.j PR. E. O. WOOD has moved his office from 1111 Washincton Rt.

to his resi dence. 652 8th st. Hours from 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. ELKCTRIC baths and maasatre: rheu matism a specialty; gentleman attendant: chlrorjodv.

lime. M. Turner. Del- ger. 14th and Broadway Rooms I 73 to 78.

rnone oaKiana naia. resi dence Oakland S344 and Home A-4458. ELECTRO vibrator massage. Mrs. Johnson of Oakland Sanatorium, COi 10th st.

i GAS Consumers' Assn. reduces your bill 15 to 80 per cent. 358 12th; St. HAIR priceless! Defects remedied: avoid advertised faks: see Hair Doctor Kuester; established reputation of 28 years' residence. 3 Telegrapn ave.

L. S. CLARK, attorney-at-law. 851 Jack son st. Consultation free.

Open MISS F. M. MAYNARD Electrolysis. scalp treatment, etc 466V4 13th over Chlnn-Beretta's; phone Oak. 3899.

R. TT. Call at Loeb's Quick Service Lunch Room, 972 Franklin st. NOTARY. A-A V.

I). Stuart, notary public: money to loan, 'in Dune once, stn and Franklin. Phones Oakland 528; Merritt 173. i ITELP WANTED MALE. WHEN "the best" servant Is looking for a new place, your ad.

vhould be "THERE.1 AN EXPERIENCED painter's helper, bet. in and zu years oia. can Tuesday morning. 7:30, at 855 Market bet. 7th and 8th.

AN EXPERIENCED solicitor for the Oakland Dyeing and Cleaning Works, z.iu Aaenne sc. COUPLE to assist In Oakland. Man must be capable of doing light carpentery, wife as second gtrl. References. Box 8153.

Trlbunay FIVE boys, with wheels, $20 to 140 per month. Red Line 'Messenger 458 9th st. Hop Picking ALL families registered In our offlee for hop picking near Sacramento call at once for tickets; office open until 10 p. m. Z.

C. Horst 215 Pine San Francisco. HOUSE to house solicitor; easy seller; salary. 633 First National Bank Oakland, bet. 8 and 10 a.

m. OFFICE boy of good address for general office work. R. H. Van Sant, 27 Mac- oonougn tiiag.

PHOTOGRAPH and picture agents; good offer, easy money. Cutberth Studio, Bacon Bldg. WANTED Railway mail clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers; salary $600 to $1600; examination in Oakland. Nov. 17th; preparation free.

Write for schedule. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn to operate pic ture mnchines; operators in demand; salary 135; weekly. 221 Logust 8.

F. WANTED Bright boy. about 17. for of fice Apply Goldberg-Bowen, 13th ana jay Oakland. A REFINED girl for second work and assist with child; call morning; car fare raid, good wages.

120 Blair ave, cor. Carmel, Piedmont. Phone Piedmont 1420. A LADY demonstrator ror desirable, ln- oispensaDie arucie, nouse to nouse canvass: generous commission. Call at 1065 Washington room 81.

AT SUNSET EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, eiu iin st. fnone Oakland 4t31. Male and female help furnished. COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids and general housework helD at once. Wo man's Emp.

349 Albany Block. rnone Oakland 3359. COOKS, housemaids, waitresses, 'house work- giris can at New uakiana ornce, 652 Seventh phone Oakland 8302. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier ror 3 nours a nay; must De rapid figurer; state salary; probably perma-' nent. Box 7030, Tribune.

1 FOR all kinds of reliable help call A-184 or Oakland 3940. o. HUDSON Employ-ment Agency, Suite 24. 855 Broadway. GIRL for cooking and downstairs, work; lib.

call 2204 ulenn one block out Spruce, from North Berkeley car, GIRL wanted to assist In housework and care of 2 children. Call mornings, ip3 in rawi oamana. GIRLS -wanted; paid while learrdn-j; Western Paper Box 16th and Adeline. I GIRL for general housework. Phone Berkeley 2025.

Hop Picking i ALL families registered In our office for hop picking near Sacramento call at once for tickets; office open until 10 p. m. Z. C. Horst 215 Pine San Franclsro.

LADIES, home employment, stamping transfers; steadv or evenings; 11.50 dozen upward. fr.O Market. Westbank R. 816. San Francisco.

LADIES to take home work. Trelber, 1240 Sutter near Polk Ban Fran Cisco. -Ji MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house. work, riain cooiuiig; German or Jewish prefprrt'd. Box 8ft54, Tribune.

STUDENTS to prepare for Oak- land Millinery Parlors and Sohoou BOB 14th st WANTED A good cook, experionced. A woman, net a girl; family of 3. Wages 15 a week. Sleep, home. Apply 1504 Bray Fruitvale.

WANTED Unincumbered womain to work a few ho'irs each dav in return for housekeeping rooms. 664 San Pablo ave. wais i k.ij oin wno can doi some cook ing and other work in kitchen. 1203 Park near San Jose, Alameda, WANTED Neat' capable girl for general nouseworK; a nnuiis in family. 2540 Benvenue W.

Berkeley. WANTElv 2 experienced girls for cook ing and; general housework. 570 31st I st, near (jrove. WANTED' Competent girl for" general housework; references desired. Call at 3o Kast I7tn it.

WANTED Lady stenographer; new be-glnner; small salary. Apply room 15, 855 Broadway. WANTED Nice young girl to assist with housework. 1479 21st cor. 20th East Oakland AN ED A first-class cornucopia baker; none other need apply.

Box 13S7L Tribune. Aiipiy laoo weo- ster. WuNu.nirn45h6ersthn.?a nSlc" bind 12, r-i WANTED A girl to assist with house- work. E55 Chetwood st. Piedmont 1210.

T-ri t- r- YOlNG girl for candy factory; steady position. ioii Kirknam st, cor. 12th, WHEN "the best" cook looks your adT ahould be "THERE." PATRONIZE LOCAt ANTrorrrc pttr'vttttri yE Olde Curiosity Shoppe Mahogany ta- pigg, enra, nureaus, aavenps. jtn-tsrusn. BICYCTes atvt MOTortrrvrr.i?5.

N. Y. BICYCLE WORKS SuDDlies and repairing; we sell California best $3 tires. 4 months" guarantee. Phone A-1511.

974 7th st, near Filbert CARPET n-EAvrxfi. OAKLAND House-cleaning Co. AMER1- t-Ar House-cleaning, windows, whitewashing, lanitor work; art rugs; waxed floors a specialty. 855 Broadway, room S4. Phones Oakland 8940.

Merritt 763. i CAST.OPP" rTTYTrTTVO. H. GOLDBERG win nev highest price for cast-off clothes; write or phone; will call. 969 Harrison Oakland.

Phone Oakland 4986. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. Call me un for a floiiu. nn that founda tion. Walks, floor, walls or driveway.

F. B. NebKm, P. O. box 12.


McFarlernd. 1708 E. 14th. Fruitvale: Phone Merritt W. DRAYAOE AND STORAGE.

I HAY ANDiORAIN HALL WAREHOUSE CO. 720 Adeline st JAS. HENNEBERRY does an kinds of drajrlng. Office. 428 th st Phones Oak.

564. A-1564; res. Oak. 4080. A-2746.

DRESSMAKERS. DRESSMAKING French- styles; reasonable prices; dresses made over. 572 Jones or 21st St. MARIE ROMELL Ladies' tailor made suits, latest styles; Parisian modes. 820C Telegraph aye.

Phone Oak. 7284. PERCTVAL Dressmaking School: diplomas given. 1065 Washington over iaee tit louse. DYEING AND CLEANING.

PHONE Alameda 46. Alameda Cleaning and Dyeing Works. J. Koenig, 2315 Alameda ave. FEATHER RENOVATING.

FINE UDholsterinar. mattresa maltlne. feather beds and pillows renovated by made over. 84 27th st. Phones Oakland 3387, Home A 3341.

FIXTURES ELECTRICAL WORK, REPAIRS Century Electric and Fixture oo. jrnones Oakland 911. A-2911. 1376-1377 Broadway, Just north of postofflce. ELECTRICAL WORK Of all kinds.

Oakland Electrical Inc. 405 12th. Oakland 341. A-4341. FRENCH LAUNDRY.

EAST OAKLAND FRENCH. LAUNDRY. Strictly high-grade wok; ladies and gentlemen's fine work. Phone Merritt 3594. Immediate attention.

416 East 15th st. FURNITURE REPAIRING R. J. HUNTER, expert cabinet maker. upholsterer and polisher.

633. Telegraph established 1886. GAS REGULATORS. PUT on. Gas Regulator and Supply Co.

Phone Oakland 4919. HAIR GOODS. AAA DIEHL'S HAIR STORE Largest stock of switches, pompadours. Psyche knots, old ladles' half wigs, wigs and toupees; Marcel waving, hairdresslng, shampooing. 469 14th st CHARLES HOFFMAN A Importers oi numan nair.

Manufacturers or wigs and all kinds of hair goods. 476 Thirteenth at; phone Oakland 5806. LA VERITE Sunshine Hairdresslng Par lors, snampoomg, racial, scalp massage, chiropody, electrolvsls. 16 Telegraph ave. Oak.

7744, A -1962. RATTAN GOODS. OAKLAND RATTAN 28th and San Pablo. Phones Oakland 2786; A 2786. Baby go-cftrts and rattan goods at lowest marfet prices; all kinds of repairing; goods of any design made to oraer.

BUSINESS CHANCES. A FAMILY llauor store, with bar at tached. Will sell at a bargain. Account Of dissolution of partnership. Brisk trade; long lease.

See 17th and Broadway. A SNAP Will sell fruit, produce. groceries; store In best location in Oakland; at a sacrifice; all good cash trade; best of reasons for selling. Address box 11982. Tribune.

A VEGETABLE route, 200 customers; horse and wagon; sold cheap. Hellman, 821 Grove st. BUSINESS PROPERTY; it bargain; 1 block from Broadway; paying $300 per month for 6 years; property will increase 50 per cent in that time; $20,000 will handlo this fine Investment. M. T.

Mlnney Co. 1259 Broadway, Oakland. BUSINESS enterprises encouraged, ar ranged and fianced. Capital for promotion secured. Prospects written and Investors) secured for- enterprises of merit.

Suite 205-6-7 Union Savings Bank, Oakland. I i i BARGAIN Great bargain! 6000 gallons or wine ror $400. (Call at the Peterson over Feltoni or write to Mts. D. Batlstlch, box 900, B.

Santa Clara, Cal. i FOR SALE Very cheap, one. new electric coffee mill. 2 goon counters, tea cans, scales, 200 pounds tea; all kinds; must be sold at one. Call 1018 E.

16th East Oakland. GROCERY and merchandise, doing a good business in a good location, cheap rent, long lease rooms. This Is a snap. for selling, owner having other business to attend to. Price $1600, or will Invoice.

Box 8175, Tribune. GILT edge Investment for $5000, to ex tend business. Box 8133, Tribune. HARDWARE and plumbing store for sale; good opportunity for: plumber and tinner. Bex 806O, Tribune.

HOME bakery, and lunch-house for sale c-ieap. Call at 1741 Grove st. MILLINERY STORE for sale. Going out of business on account of sickness. Bargain.

Box 12015, Tribune. MILLINERY business for sale; 3 living- rooms; in good location; a bargain. 4803 Telegraph ave. RUBBER stamp and' printing business, paying wen; wnoie or nair interest lor sale; established 15 years. Box 8115, Tribune.

RESTAURANT for sale doing thriving business: bargain for right party. Box 8180. Tribune. STATIONERY, notions, school books. candies, cigars, hear large rent $15; 2 living-rooms; no agents.

Box 8195 Tribune. PARTNERS WANTED. WHEN the owner of "idle' money" looks. business opportunity ad. should be TH5BE." I INVEST1MENTS.

INVESTMENTS. Those' who can own, buy, sell or trade In stock or bonds or Mother investments unusual facilities are offered for keeping in touch with buyers, sellers and traders through this office. List your sales; place vour orders; register your wants and results will follow. Suite 205-6-7 Union Sayings Bank Building. 2C to 50 per cent on your money; will guarantee 8 per cent with ample real estate security; proo on request Box 11.570.

Tribune- FINANCIAL. CORPORATIONS formed, organized. In corporated, inducted, nnancea, promoted, rehabilitated, consolidated, managed and otherwise assisted. Suite 205-6-7 Union Savings Bank, Oakland. 1 BUY, sell or trade stock, bonds or ether evidences of Investment and have facilities for furnishing information concerning any Investment on the market.

-If -price Is right I can -use to advantage any investment stock or bonds. Suite 205-6-7 Union Savings Bank, Oakland. DENTISTS DR. CHAS. Wi DECKER Surgeon Den tist Phelan 780 Market st, S.

F. i Rooms S08--lv-llc Phone Kearny 1830. 26th. r4 a ah J- BY AL S. LAITNTJRIES.

Fujiyama Laundi est. Delivery all over conn t-v Rmulnv. neaf Phones Oakland 9122. Home MARKET "LAUNDRY CO. Quick and satisfactory service; deltvery anywhere.

860 Myrtle both phomea. QTJIE LTTNG. EIRST-CLASS laundry, first-class wortc; prompt service. 671 27th at. Oakland.

TELEGRAPH LATTNDRT. ave. Phone Oakland kinds of work done by hand. No ma-' chine work; ladies' waist, 25o up. ttttc TOKYO LAUNDRY.

FIRST-CLASS WORK; family rates. 1734 Filbert st. Phones Oakland J38S. Home A-2382. TOGO LAUNDRY.

perrect work; wagons, call anywhere; lowest prices. 1685 7th. Oak. 5084. A-1J1I.

Union Laundrv Japanese laundry on coast; alt work done with care and dispatch at lowest prices; wagon calls dally. 1930 imion st. Phones Oakland 3958. IX)CKSITTHS. B.

MARCON, 516H 6th st: kinds of machine and gun FOR door-openers and keys. Key Works, 8.55 Play 8t- Phones Oakland 6717. A-2574. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. ALWAYS IN FRONT Pierce motors and bicycles; ride the i Pierce yibratlonless motor and cushion' frame bicycle.

J. Chick. 312 San Pablo. "NOTIONS WHOLESALE -notions and hosiery. Lichtlg.

681 6th. Phone Oakland 4290. SnOE REPAIRING-. machine, while vou wnit. i S.

M. Som. 215 San Pablo ave.i SHOW CARDS. MTTLV AN how cardx. lots Wash-lngton st.

Phone Oakland 2398V, stove rTmrNG. STOVES moved and connected a cpeo-lalty; French ranges built and repaired; sheet metal work of all kinds; repair, for all stoves. Pied. 4335. 670 36th st.

SILVERSMITHS. MONSEN silversmiths: silver. work and repairing. 825 47th st. Phone Piedmont 2999 R744.

i TAILORING, i NFW TAILOR SHOP. 408 10th st. bet. Broadway and Franklin First-class. work at popular prices; and repairing: work done promptly, no delay.

-408 10th st Goldstein Co. i NTTSSENBAUM. ladies' tailor. 1505 Grove corner San Pablo ave. Phone Oakland B576.

JAPANESE THE Hinoy. high-grade tailors for ladles and gents. 1610 y. Geary st. S.

F. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. MADE, re-covered and repaired; specialty, embroidered parasols. Whlttall Umbrella Factory, 606 San Pablo ave. Phones Oakland 3009.

A -2460. TRUNKS, BAGS AND SUIT CASES. OAKLAND Trunk 66 San Pablo opp. 15th st. WICKER FURNITURE.

WICKER Furniture; go-carts, carriages made and repaired: wheels re-tlred, seats re-caned. Call or phone Oakland 2180. Western Wicker Works, 374 12th. WELL BORING. Well-boring at reduced rates.

75o pe foot, Including gal ran! red casing: also pumps repaired and well cleaned at reasonable prices. Address YOUNG HALL. Walter Elmhurst UPHOLSTERING. BERTIN, upholsterer; i mattresses made at your home or shop, returned' same day. Phones Oakland 6401.

A4878 WINDMILLS AND PUMPS. A. R. EATON meved to 405 10Kt et. Phone 2478.

A Modern School for Modern Times. Polytechnic Business Colfetre and School of Engineering, WVIUCgC, 12th Oakland, Cal7 Leading Business College of the Wesf Courses in Business Training, Shorti. 5n.d' Typewriting. Telegraphy; also- Civil. Electrical.

Mlrilnsr nn.l AT f-rknli-nl Engineering. Summer school, Free cata logue, i A PRIVATE kindergarten and school hast opened at 215 Twelfth street; chlK nren conducted to public parks dairy; French included. Phone Oakland 6721.r BOYD shorthand easily completed -la 2 months; private $25. Box 8125. Tribune.

C9T-'EGE OI Physicians and Surgons of Chicago. College of Medicine, University of Illinois Twenty-eighth year be-. gins October 1st; send for catalogue No. 1. Congress and Honore Chicago, C.

Patrick Hildesley Voice Culture. 1069 Broadway: ENGINEERING Civil, elec, mechanical, survey, essay; day, esti 1864. Van der NaUlen School, 51st, and Oakland. 7 ELIZABETH L. MAKINS, Teacher of Elocution and Expression; Dramatio Reader.

1318 Market St Phone Oakland 5457. i Heald-Dixon College San Pablo ave. at 16th st. Oakland-New ard modern; 12 'schools; greatest facilities and strongest influence; com-merclal. shorthand, typing, OAKLAND Shorthand Institute; eetab.

1' years; select private school of hmltcr personal guidance of exper: certified instructors; moderata terms. 106R WaalilriB-ton- at MRS. R. B. Crichton.

experienced teacher4 shorthand, (Pitman and Gregg); speedr; dictation); public school work 609 17th st. Oakland 3959. MRS- Harriet Hale Craft, teacher of, piano, organ and 1 harmony, Aug. 1st. 654 Vernon st.

Phone-'-Piedmont 1693. i atRS. D. J. HAPP.

copyiny. interoreterC translating; Span'sh lessons given; als lessons In the English branches. 571 9th st. i MRS. WILLEY, an experienced will give instruction in att i EnglishT branches.

862 32d -at MRS. F. LERCHER Voice tried free'? piano. 673 17th st. Phone Oakland 3947.

MISS FLORA C. pianist and teacher. 265 10th st. Phone A-33S2. PIANO Instruction; highest standard: i HAZEL REEK.

Studio room 30, 1115 Broadway; telephone Oakland 6454 or Home A1468. Artistic Private Instruction given by experienced lady teacher In Epgllsh branches of both private and public school work; terms moderate; best-of- references. 880 Fairmont Oakland. I SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING. Ex; pert shorthand reporter will give -per--sonal Instruction to a llmitedT number of pupils; an exceptional opportunity to learn shorthand direct from an expert who has done practical shorthand Work successfully fourteen years; special help given, to incomp3tent stenographers; terms very reasonable.

723 14th st. WHEN the piano-hunter looks over the ads. yours. If vou have a piano to should be "THERE." WEBER piano, r-sat bargain, at 619 San Pablo ave. PIANOS TO RENT.

1015 Broadway. Phone Oakland 1009. FURRIERS. FURS remodeled and redyed, very lowest prices; nnest worKmansnip, j. tierti-berg, 535 13th, bet Wash.

and. ail meat, ami. oaeecxTPiieii Til AtUli Camnlalfit Depart ment, A4tl Editorial Department, AUtTt Cltr Editor. A314I. Branch Off to.

1061 Brtadwajl Then Oakland 767. an Franetaao Offlo. 789 Market street, nar Foartn; Phone Xoaray iilO. Berkeley Office, till Can tar street; Telephone Berkeley laa. Alamada Offioa, Schnelder'i ttattonarr Star, eornar Park ttrt aad Santa Clara arann; Talaphena Alameda 6o.

Fraltvale Offlee, Daweon'a Brug Store, Traltvele avenne and Eaat rearteeath street! Telephone Merritt 77. Malroae Branch Offioa. laala Dror ttore. oeraer Perty-eeventh avenne and Eart Fourteenth atreeti shone Herri tt a. Fltoheurf Branch.

Caflen'a Drat Store, Zaat Fourteenth and Geerge atreete phone Merritt (IB. Zliahuret Braaoh. Fhltllpe PhHltpe, drnggiota, Xaat Femrteeath street aad Bar view arenue; phone llerritt 717. fttnhnvmd Braaoh, Eudey lieonaa, 70( MacDeaald arena. Baa Joee Agenoy, II Xerta Beoend ttreot: Telephone Bias 1311.

Manager Foreign Adrertlatac, Wit llama it lewrenoe. Maw York Brnne-wiok Bnitdln-, Fifth avenne aad.Twea. tv-etrth street; Chicago 1184 Marquette Building. Will T. Creamer, Bepreeeata- Uva, TO BTrBSCeUBZBB, toVeorlbere failing; to receive their paper within reaaonnbla bear after tnbM nation will pleaao report the aame TBI TBIB1TNI Offioa br teler-hene.

and special meeeengerwill be dla. patohad mrltk ft opy af THZ TaUBUVX at ene. Maeaaortpta er photographa submitted to the editorial department for consider-. atiaa nut hare itainpa eacloeed en. urn Che return ef aame If sot accepted.

MOBKTWO TKIBTVX. Xatrred a aeoend olaaa matter Tab 4 1 v-u. land, under act ef Ooagreea Marc a. nil. You Gam TELEPHONE a "Want" to The Trlbuee Call Classified Denartmcnt Oakland 528 Home A2151 All ftdrertiaenients Intended fat Insertion nader headlnar "TOO tATX FOB 0LASSinCATI0a.n le ft kae daily.

All adrertlieinents ardered by telephone for a definite namber ef Inawrtioaa wtll be charged for the tine aeUled, abject to no rebate a dlaeantUianeft erdar before eaplratien date. All ftdrertiaers aheuld retain eensier eherka giren. aa no mlataka will be reotlied without preeentatlea ef these gareipto. ardera reoefnired for adfeetlae-menta fer lnaertiea "I1U Ferbid.1' ehaire mad fer bes reatal ta patrons anawerlnf adrertlaenieata re-taMtlar ftaawerft to eertaia bes nnmbera. Special Notice Fatrona ef THX TXIBTTSrE are par-tienlarlr eavtionad agalnat paying money la adeanee for any adrertistna' to be blaoed in THE TEIBTJNI nnlaaa jello-Iter can produce written atttherlxatien the Builima Manager.

TBIBOBX FUBUBHTSft 0. DAY A. DCO XintA CT WO It 1C. ANY kind roofs repaired or painted. A.

ma n. 606 B. 1 2 th; rop postal card. MARBLE and granite monuments, large and artlitlc stock; marble Interior work. K.

Dlnnen. show room 717 7th Oakland. PA INTINO. tinting, papering; gat our figures nnd see bow much we can save von. Thones Hom A -3SS.

Oak. 7183. Kemnen 854 Harrison. A JAPANESE Employment Office, 381 8th at. Phones Oakland 3158.

Home A-4613. AA A RKLIABLK help. Orient Emp. Ags. Chinese r-rv.

Phone Onk. 3101. 361 8th. Ja PANPSR Employment and Houseclean-ing OfTlr. 311 7th t.

Phone Oak. rtilnvmnt nnd hnuse-r1nn- Inr 7thr Oakland TtENOVATOKTES. JAPANESE UenoW.ing 814 Tele- grnph n-ar 20th. First-class dye-. Ing and cWnlnto bats cleaned and blocked.

Phone Oakland W-R keep vou looking neat; prices reasonable. Golden West Renovatory. II Tni-armnh ave. sTENor.n Arums. ANNE K.

ItTIN. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. NOTARY PUBLIC, i Room 47. BrftTflwsv. ADOrTIOT contlnemont: children boaaded or adopted: conflrtntlal.

Maternity Villa 141 th Almo1t HOUSS CTaEAMNO JAPANKSK houacclenning. washing and gardening. Oakland 5371, A-124. 934 Telcgrsph. Oakland.

11. H. EN DEKSON Raising, shorelng. moving; buildings bought and sold. 41 Id at.

rhnnen Oak. 2R7. TTnme-B1S. CAItPhn' CLKWING, Vv liKN lunn una looks over the wants In search of your ad. it should be "THERE." AI.XMKDA County Steam Carpet Cleon-inar Works Carnr-tn cleaned.

4c vard: rlcaned and relald. 9c yard. Mrs. J. J.

T.errl Co. Tel. Oak. 2031. Home A-3334 A CARPETS cleaned and relald.

9c per yard; carpets 4e per vnrri. Berkeley Steam. Carpet Cleaning Wka. vv. r.

tieme. rhone Berkeley 943. AA Dwlght Way Carpet Cleaning Works Carpets cleaned. 4c pr. cleaning ani laying.

r. rnone Berkeley 1B3. A. LKSTF.R Gold medal steam carpet denning, ksi. Clay.

All work guaranteed. Oakland-4184. A41R4. Res. A4T7R.

CARPETS cleanetl and relald: refitting rspeclnllv: nil work guaranteed. Phone C. T. Holland. Onk.

TTome A2071 CARPET laving and cleaning. Onklsnd 473. Home A-4763. Robert Pltken. BlaRe Block.

'THEWSON Carnet Beating Works 315 Fast 12th st. TeleDhones Merritt PATENTS. wAmao i uiurM.y patents; late ex aminer u. s. Patent Office.

1220 Me. trot.olls Bank 8, F. c. SCilK'iKfiRK. TT.

f. and for- patents. 41S-1P First Natlocal tXPERIKNCED dressmajtlng, by day or at home: rhildrjnB Ureases also. Home poone Ait.u, utie AGENTS WANTED. WHEN some one looks over the wants la search of your ad.

It should be "THERE." MEN an4 women good optening for the ngm parties. Ureat American Tea 60 San Pablo ave. WANTED Good energetic agents to sell lighting systems and Incandescent kerosene lamps; good proposition and ready' seller. 408 13th. i i CAPABLE salesman at once, to worki on Melrose Heights; prospects furnished and liberal commission to right man.

M. T. Mlnney 1259 Broadway, i WHEN the right employer begins to read the "situations wanted" yours should be "THERE." A. A. A.

YOUNG man of good education and refinement wishes work during leisure time evenlngB; capable to act as secretary or handlo private affairs' of gentleman. Box SJ36. Tribune. A TRUSTWORTHY competent night -watchman or day borter wishes position; best of San Francisco references. J.

1286 61st st. Phone Piedmont 450; A.A.A. First-class, experienced Japanese wants situation as cook in small best recommendation. Phono Oakland 6857. A JAPANESE first-class cook; best recommendation, wants position In small family.

Phone Oakland 3373. A GOOX), honest Japanese student wishes a place In good small family as a school boy. Y. Yetow, 260 11th st. ACCOUNTANT, capable, installing modern systems; for tulJ or partial engagement.

754 Telegraph ave. AN EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wants position in Harry, phone Oak land 3916. A GOOD Japanese eook In family: has good reference. Phone Oakland 6679. CEMENT finisher wishes work by day or contract; step building a specialty; private, or real estate firms solicited; best references.

Phone Oakland 2135. CHAUFFEUR, English, seeks-situatlon In private service; 10 years' experience with cars; used to polished, service. Box 8194, Tribune. COACHMAN, gardener, wants situation; can milk; good worker; best refs. E.

2471 Woodruff E8t CHINESE, position. first-class1 eg a good 259 8th st Oakland. E. L. GOOD Chinese eoookwvants position family.

Ah Lum, lioaa53. Tribune. JAPANESE, young coupleTw highest reference, desires position in private family or club; steward, butler, valet or expert cook; wire oon expect wages. Address box 14.297", Tribune. MACHINE draftsman, designer and pattern maker wants position.

W. J. Ar-nett. 424 San Pablo ave. MIDDLE-AGED man wants situation in small family; garden work or chores.

3940 Howe. PLASTERER or patching work; cheap. Box 8062. Tribune. PAINTER with tools Box 8346, Tribune.

would like work. SHIPPING clerk 14,276, Tribune. Wants position. Eox WANTED Position as milker and butter maker. Danish, 1603 Broadway, Oakland, Cal.

YOUNG man desnreJr (situation as general office assistant or other clerk; can operate typewrite; can grive good rer erences. Box 80S7, Tribune. YOUNG man, 33 years of age, good scholar, good worker, steady and tem perate, wishes steady employment; no soliciting. Box 14350, YOUNG man 20. with no bad habits.

wants position on poultry ranch; cannot take care or horses; some experience Box 8184. Tribune. YOUNG years, steady and tern perant. wants position In store or de livery wagon; references. J.

L. Du Bols. 1167 7th st. FURNITURE FOR SALE. WHEN some one.

wno wants the particu lar article of used furniture which you would like to sell, looks your ax should be'TH ERE." I A BARGAIN $110 Furniture of 5 -room flat. Blodge.tt. No. 1108 East 15th st. R.

E. A. COMPETENT laundress and house cleaner wants day work. Phone Oak' land 3633. BARGAINS at H.

Schellhaas Furniture Sale, 11th and Franklin Oakland. FORTY Dollar bookcase, folding bed. $20 $25 Hoosier kitchen cabinet. $15; $lo refrigerator for $5: all good as new. Call 69 Hamilton place, Sunday FURNITURE for new flat for rent.

Male; flat 6 rooms; Phone Home A-5503. HERE is a chance for anyone looking for a good mismess bargain in lurniture 6-room flat, completely furnished; roust be sold at once; right in town; fine moneymaker. 415 15th lower floor, east of Broadway. YOU are invited to call on us and get our prices on iron beds, rugs, dressers, chiffoniers bedding. We are giving more goods for the money than any other plae In Oakland Auc tion 359-361-363 13th near Webster.

1 MOVING AND STORAGE. BEKIN OF COURSE. 1070 Broadway, near st COOK-MORGAN Storing Moving Co. Furniture, pianos, merchandise packing and shipping. -Office 503 14th st; phone Oakland 3235.

DRAPER DRAY STORAGE CO. Transbay service; furniture and piano moying. Office 468 11th at Phone Oak land 2050. FURNITURE stored in separate rooms at reasonable rates. Porter.

1016 Broad. way. Phone 1990. LYON STORAGE AND; MOVING Packing and shipping. 437 14th st; Phone Oakland 2p71; Home A-2071.

Tr- -p- PRMCOTT Van and Storage sep- arate compartment. cartage free. Phones Merritt 482: Home B-1144. 01 nee 111a Z3d ave. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE TRIBUNE fvY RETURNS FOR, MONEY INVESTED.

wants to misspelled prizes. the Mystic Puzzler Look for the and receive LOST AND POUND. IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING Advertise it here. It will be returned to you If aa honest person finds it. Remarkable recoveries are brought about every day through this column.

IF YOU FIND AN YTHINQ Advertise It in THE TRIBUNE. Offices Eighth and Franklin and 1058 Broadway. THE LAW Section 485, Penal -Code of is strict In requiring finders of lost property to seek the owners through advertisem*nt nnd otherwise, and failure to do so, If it can be proven. Involves a severe penalty. FOUND -On Saturday last lady's watch and pin.

Call bet, 10 and 12 a. Metropolitan Furniture 514-520 12th st. LOST Lady's gold watch. Initial black fob college pin, A. C.

In Alameda or Oakland, Saturday; return to 342 Lincoln Alameda. Phone Alameda 1127; reward. LARGE size black and tan terrier: round leather collar; license number 657; an-I swers to name, of Gyp. Phone Home A4izi or Hertz. 206 Telegraph ave.

LOST Tuesday evening, July 27, on or near College ave. cars, about 86th sliver purse with chain; large on one side. 3621 liberal reward. LOST July 26, near 14th and West gold lion's head locket diamond eyes; also In mouth; Initials A. H.

L. on back. A. H. Lent, 1237 Broadway; reward.

LOST Saturday afternoon, between Piedmont and Moss a nugget bracelet Return to 28 E. Moss reward. Telephone Piedmont 1486. LOST or strayed, yellow Angora kitten. Saturday evening; finder please Teturn to 429 Vernon st; receive reward; no questions asked.

LOST San Pablo, between 16th and 20h, oroocn with two sweetwater pearls. Return to proprietor of Hotel Arcade and receive LOST Coral pin attached to black bow, oet. 5)tn ana littt ounuay. neiurn to juync 1 neater. LObl Account book, from a veratahln I wagon.

Return 1380 62d st, Emery- vine; reward. LOST Fox Terrier pup; black spot on urowa ears, license: ias reward. 1 ooin su LOST Gold fob. Initial lart'a rdr-rnr xiciurn 10 zyto iign i-ruitvaie; re- Tiro rA 4 LOST-Necklace of heavy white beads; rcewara. Keturn 662 23d St.

LOST--Sunday in Diamond Canvon. h)r wuh auver oucKie. 06 lltn st Reward. REWARD for recovery of leather hand- Dag ana rninestone hat pin taken from dressing room of Oakland Dancing x-avuipn, fsaruraay evening, August 7 Mrs. 625 10th WILL Dartv who found nnran i uuuiii H.i loiii-st, aepot Kinaiy return to ojj jutn retaining money 7 $50 REWARD for return of eold wnt-h ana cnam, witn Masonic rob: also dia.

aoacu ll ITS" turned to 1011 14th st ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE. A BARGAIN Completely furnished 18 iuuiu uouae; nean- oakiann; sunny, 8 bay windows: best of fnrnfhiro 3 rooms pay rent. House full. Rent only uu, wj.ier lnciuaea; large yard, 2 bams, telephone. dears $100 month over rent Must sell.

Box 12012, Tri- FOR bargains In hotels, rooming 1 houses, apartment houses and exchanges of all lulus, oee I THOMAS a SPTLKER 1241 Broadway. Phone Oakland 779. boarding; clears $60 mo $500 6 clears $20; a nice $325 14 housekeeping; cheap at 15 new bargain. $1200 -s a nne trans, house $1750 So new; rent $50. $3000 40 center of town $3500 120 a $5000 50 new: strictly oriv.

We have several apartment houses for sale at exceedingly low prices and easy terms, clearing from to $3o0 per mo. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO EXCHANGES. I i THOS. C. SPILKER 1241 Broadway.

Phone Oakland 7794. $225 THE best bargain In furniture of an 18-room house, in Central Oakland; newly painted and papered "throughout; rent $60 per month. See Spilker for snaps, 1241 Broadway. Phone Oakland 7794. 12-ROOM sunny corner; 3 Mocks from Washine-ton st: must be i sold: ent $45; price $650; only parties who mean business need answer; no agents.

box 8172, Tribune. MASSAGE; ALCOHOL massage by an American lady. Miss Emerson, 1784 Sutter, Si room 1. 10-10. AA MASSAGE; select 4, 269 12th st.

patrons. Parlor CABINET baths and 522 6th st No sign. ilcohol massage FAY BISHOP Bath and -massage, 1165 Jefferson st, Oakland; Room 4. LTJLA CIRCLE Massage and baths. 9th st No sign.

626 MABEL I CLIFFORD Alcohol and scien tific massage. 419 6th suite 1). MRS. E. LEWIS, tub baths and alcohol massage, libf jerterson st.

VERNA COLLINS' shampoos, steam baths, electro, magnetic massage. Telegraph walk In. CLAIRVOYANTS. LAURA BERTRAND, palmlst and card reader; advice on all matters of life. 6C9 10th, over Owl Drug Slope, 12 PROF.

A. G. SABLICK, Eg. and spir. consultation oany, iu m.

to p. cir. 8 tn. 1693 Geary, cor. Webster, S.

F. ZAZELL tell your name positively without your speaking or writing a single word; powerful healing medium; when others fall consult me for positive re suits, names, dates, facts and fieures mines and business; I produce desired conditions quickly. 920 Oak land. ZTNGA. medium clairvoyant oalmist healer; circles, 10c; 50g up.

U10 Broadway. I WHEN some one looks over the wants in search of your ad. It should be "THERE." i A JAPANESE girl wants position gen eral housework and cooking, in Oakland; $6 up week. A. Hiroi, 1317 Harrison st.

A COLORED "lady wishes i days' work. Good laundress. Phone Oak. 6205. Call after 5:30 p.

m. A COMPETENT laundress and house cleaner wants day work. Phone Oakland 3S33. DRESSMAKER, formerly of Boston, would go by day; perfect fit. J2.10 per day.

Phone Oakland 0750. COMPETENT middle-aged office man wants emplovment; at moderate salary. Box 8173, Tribune. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes engagements; good references. Phone Piedmont 4105.

EXPERIENCED, Danish girl wishes see-on. work. Box 8120 Tribune. JAPANESE maid wants position as cook In family. Phone Oakland 6715.

873 21st st. LIGHT general housework or care elderly couple. 1269 61st st. of MISS WARREN Flrst-class dressmaker out by the day. Phcne Oakland 9140.

NORTH German girl wishes position as nurse, governess. 525 8th st. PRACTICAL housework. nurse, willing to do some 3637 Fruitvale. SWISS woman wants wash by the day.

Yokum ave. and Boulevard, Elmhurst. F. R. HOLNDNAR.

SWEDISH first-class second girl wishes position. 652 7th st. Phone Oakland 8302. WANTED Position, as amanuensis, com- panion, assistant bookkeeper and clerical work by a school teacher. Address Box 8192, Tribune.

WOMAN wants housework by the day or nursing during confinement Address 1456 61st Melrose. WANTED By competent stenographer. work to tn spare moments. Aaaress box 8025. Tribune.

WANTED by first-class laundress, shirt waists to do at home; prices reasonable. 1012. E. 23rd st. WOMAN wants work by the day.

osgooq, 355 Telegraph ave. YOUNG lady with general office exper ience would like position as assistant bookkeeper, stenographer or correspondent. Box 14349. YOUNG" Scandinavian girl wants position as second or good refer ences. 817 16th st: phone Oakland 80O1.

YOUNG widow wants position as house- Keeper, inquire at 31st and Market sts. HORSES AND WAGONS, i A. A. SELL, trade or Hire any kind of a norse, all kinds of wagons and buggies, single and double sets of harness. Auction sales Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11 a.

565 4th st. Phone Oak. 8892. AUCTION sales every Wednesday, 11 a. norses, wagons and narnesa oi an descriptions; also horses for hire.

664 Broadway, Oakland. A FINE horse, heavy wagon and harness lor sale cheap. 8425 Wilson Fruitvale. i FOR SALE 4-year-old trotting horse, by Monterey bay color; guaranteed to be sound and thoroughly broken; a rare bargain for a horse lover; also classy runabout buggy. Will sell cheap on account of owner buying an auto mobile, call at 3SR4 west swnear 39tn FOR SALE Beautiful road mare, stand ard bred, perfect gaited; will trot a mile in at "any time; 'very Intelli gent and well mannered; absolutely sound; if interested Will show or send further details.

Apply box 8021. Trib tine. FO RSALE Wagon and horse suitable for butcher: will sell separate. Call Sunday at 2222 Magnolia st, or week days at 1405 34th st i FOR SALE cheap Good horse, surrey and harness. Apply 1665 24th E.

Oakland. D. P. Barnett. Merritt 3867 FOR SALE rCheap; good horse, surrey and harness.

Apply 1665 Z4th E. oakiana. i. p. jarnett ierntt 386 FOR SALE Nearly new rubber tired surrey and brass-mounted harness; 2o.

can oe seen at ei 41st st. FOR SALE Two fine driving horses, buggies and harness. Apply 8102 Shat- tuck Berkeley. FOR SALE 10 -year-old horse; weight 1150; price 45. au Zi3 iast 12th st.

Oakland. i FOR SALE Fine large carriage horse, $250; surrey, $125. Phone 6658 Oakland. FOR SALE Small young driving pony. tn ave.

GOOD horse for 'sale cheap; 1050 lbs, 1323 53d Fruitvale. HORSES boarded and shod. $20; large sanitary stalls; special rates on first-class buggies furnished by the month. 489 25th, near Telegraph; phone Oakland zbsz. HORSES.

100O to 1400 pounds, and rent 619 Franklin st. for sale LIGHT top delivery wagon, $30; and horse for sale. 220 Adeline st, Oak land. PONY, rider or driver; single or double gentle for ladles or children; $75. 09 Valley st.

bet. 23rd and 24th st. WANTED Good driving horse for Its keep, witn privilege or buying. Address a. AUTOS AUTOS stored when not In use: Run abouts, $2.50 to Touring Cars, $3.00 to $4.00.

Phone Oakland 8163, Home 1813. Sibbett McMannls. 7th and Poplar sts ALUMINUM brasing, aluminum solder for sale. Dies and models; radiators' repaired. Von Serkey, 357 3d Oakland 4187, A1174.

ALUMINUM brazing and soldering In all its branches. "i07 Franklin. FOR SALE A Mitchell Runabout, wtth lamps complete. All In perfect the thing for a light, serviceable car. $350.

Apply room 359 Albany block. Oakland. N. V. Co.

SPIRITUALISM OAKLAND Gill's test circles. 8 p. p. m. i 3 ieiegrapn.

Phone 7548. PROF. GEE, medium; read's. 60c, circles, 8, 25c. 618 Telegv ave.

CaUf. Hall. 11th 4tf 4 Oar, 10c- -J 1.

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)


What happened to the Oakland Tribune? ›

The last daily edition of the Tribune was published on April 4, 2016, as it was combined with other BANG-owned East Bay papers the Contra Costa Times, Hayward Daily Review and Fremont Argus, The Alameda Journal under the new East Bay Times nameplate.

Does Oakland have a newspaper? ›

The Oakland Press – Oakland County, MI News, Sports, Weather, Things to Do.

What is the Tribune Tower in Oakland used for? ›

The roof features an 86-foot flagpole and a civil defense siren. Although the Oakland Tribune newspaper group moved out of the Tower in 2007, the building houses offices, the Tribune Tavern restaurant and Modern Coffee cafe on the ground level.

Where is the Oakland Tribune? ›

Oakland Tribune News, 1 Airport Dr, Oakland, CA - MapQuest.

What happened to Tribune Broadcasting? ›

On September 17, 2019, Tribune Studios, the television parent of Tribune Broadcasting, was acquired by Nexstar, and the television company went disbanded shortly.

What is the famous tower in Oakland? ›

Ascend to the top of the Tribune Tower, and you'll be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of Oakland and the Bay Area. While the tower was initially closed to the public, it has since opened its observation deck, allowing visitors to marvel at the city's ever-changing landscape.

Why is the Tribune tower famous? ›

The Tribune Tower is one of four towers, along with the Wrigley Building and two buildings across the Chicago River, that frame the Michigan Avenue Bridge, all built in the 1920s and considered to be among the most iconic and important architectural compositions in the downtown area.

Can you live in the Tribune tower? ›

Tribune Tower Residences Offers A Once-in-a Lifetime Opportunity To Own A Home In One Of Chicago's Most Iconic Buildings. There Are 162 Residences With 56 Different Floor Plans, Creating Many One-of-a-kind Residences.

What happened to the Players Tribune? ›

Acquisition. In November 2019, it was announced that The Players' Tribune would be acquired by Minute Media, a digital entertainment media company that owns Mental Floss, The Big Lead, FanSided, and other digital media properties.

What happened to Oakland Roots coach? ›


– Oakland Roots SC announced on Sunday night it had parted ways with Head Coach Noah Delgado. Assistant Coach Gavin Glinton will lead the team as Interim Head Coach as a permanent appointment is sought for the position.

Does the Chicago Tribune still exist? ›

The Chicago Tribune is an American daily newspaper based in Chicago, Illinois, owned by Tribune Publishing.

When did the New York Herald Tribune close? ›

April 24, 1966


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.