Redemption lies within - grocamol (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

While I can't argue the reason why the lord has sent me to hell, I have found it in myself to earn a purpose once again.

A bandaged up sinner with crisped skin underneath it all, looked up from his table of firearms, "You...wish to... help redeem sinners?" Joshua questioned the offspring of the biblical Lucifer. "I find it...ironic that you of all hellspawn would deign the idea and notion." He drawled out, before checking his rifle in his hands, and shelved it aside after finding everything was in order.

The road to redemption is a long and arduous one, and by no measure is it ever easy one for one to accomplish. To redeem oneself, is to find it in one's self to change for the better and to care for others.

Charlie smiled excitedly as she stood across from Joshua whom sat at his table while she stood on the other side. "Well, I figured if I was going to help sinners redeem themselves back up to heaven, I figured you'd be an acceptable guardsman as well as a follower of the bible!"

Joshua stared back at Charlie with an even stare, before speaking, "While I would call myself a follower, I would instead call myself a stray lamb of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. I had dedicated myself to the teachings, but is obvious from my state, that the father above deigned my sins too heavy a toll to reach the pearly gates."

The father of Christ is endlessly patient, as is his love, but that does not mean we do not earn his disappointment either. While I would called myself a born again Christian, it does not absolve me of the innocent lives I ended while I served under the command of Caeser.

"Right!" Charlie pointed up with wide brimming smile, "And this just might be your chance to give god another look at your soul, you might even earn your redemption this way!" She said while clasping her hands in a hopeful manner.

Joshua let out a soft sigh before speaking as he kept an even look back at Charlie through his mummified face and head, "So shall it be, as the bible teaches, we can't expect the lord to do all the work, we all must strive to better ourselves through trying times, even if it takes one step at a time."

"Sooo...I'll take that a yes?" Charlie leaned forward with hopeful look.

Joshua continue his stare as he replied, "Yes." He simply replied, while repressing the urge to roll his eyes at needing to be straight foward with the hellspawn.

"Yay!" Charlie shook her fists in celebration.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 | Pilot episode part 1

Chapter Text

The door to the hotel is opened with Vaggie entering through first while Angel Dust entered second with Charlie being the one to enter last and shut the door behind her, the three of them are greet to the ever present sight and sound of a nigh empty hotel with creaking wood; the only one however that was inside the hotel at the time to greet them at all was mummified man with burnt skin beneath his wrappings, that being Joshua Graham, the first 'sinner' that Charlie had search for to get his council for help.

Sitting on a lone chair beside a table of M1911's and a duffle bag, Joshua idly leafed through a book with the title 'Seven Sins', his eyes were that of before he glanced up from his book that he managed to acquire through his own means while in hell; Joshua's eyes trailed after the first two as Vaggie plopped down onto a couch while Angel headed towards the beat up fridge to get himself a Popsie.

While the two were doing their own thing, Charlie continued to walk in while holding her arm and looking down in shame; the spawn of Lucifer and Lilith looked up and glanced in Joshua's direction, of the two that spoke first was Charlie. "Did…did you manage to catch that broadcast?" she asked while looking a bit ashamed of losing her cool while on tv.

Joshua, who held his book in one hand while leaning his other elbow on his knee, shut his book and placed it aside on the table beside him, "That depends on what council you'd like first, Charlie." he started to say as she walked over to stand beside the room to speak with the burned man more clearly, he look up at her from his seat, "I can quote from the scriptures I still remember, or I can speak my mind from experience."

Charlie shrugged as she leaned against the table Joshua stashed his M1911's on top of, "Both probably, I am trying to redeem these sinners afterall." she replied lamely with a downcast look.

Letting an exhale of thought out, Joshua spoke while remembering off the top of his head of a bible verse, "One such verse might help you better, and it is Ecclesiastes Chapter seven verse nine, 'Do not be quick to take offense, for the taking of offenses lodges in the bosom of fools'." he spoke, before adding, "Though, that just one iteration of the verse in how it has been interpreted, there's also 'Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools'." Joshua idly commented.

"Hmm…" Charlie rubbed her arm in uncomfortableness at how spot on her situation was on the mark with how easy she was provoked at having her attempt be called a failure, "That newscaster, she…" she began to say, only for Joshua to cut her off as he stared at her through his eye holes of his wraps.

"Yes, she called you a failure after telling you your project was dead on arrival." Joshua regaled what he had seen on the available small television that Charlie had in the hotel, "A simple jeer from a sinner about your attempt at redeeming a profligate." He pointed out with a plain look in his eyes as he idly placed the book he had shut onto the table beside him.

From across the room, Angel Dust lifted a brow while licking from his popsie, and questioned, "A what now?" he asked while looking confused at what he was called. It wasn't hard for him to eavesdrop, and he has yet to ever be called a profligate. "You mean p*rn star, right?" Angel Dust asked with a flat look.

Joshua slowly looked in Angel's direction and answered, "That is what a p*rn star is, a profligate, a shameless immoral and degenerate person." he further explained, before looking back at Charlie.

While Joshua went back to speaking with Charlie, Angel Dust smirked while shrugging as he walked around to look for some place to sit, "Eh, I"ve been called worse."

Back with the conversation Between Charlie and Joshua, Charlie then questioned Joshua to speak what he thought from experience, "Many a time while I was alive on Earth." he began to explained as he sat forward in his chair and steepled his fingers together, "I've faced plenty of foul and atrocious characters, it's easy to be cross with someone when they open their mouths and bark, but just as so is it easy to walk away as well when all they do is bark."

"Huh…" Charlied mused as she stopped rubbing her arm and relaxed herself from the stress she built up from the day, "And if someone bites with their bark?..." she asked with an amused grin of hers.

"That is up to you to decide, but never let it be unsaid that the bible does not prohibit defending yourself." Joshua explained to Charlie with a soft tone, before reaching out to pick up one of his pistols, and retracted the top of it to check the chamber, "Nor I, in my case, as many a time in my life as a born again Christian of the Morman faith, more than once I had to place a bullet into the head of an enemy." After checking everything was good, Joshua placed his pistol onto his lap to look directly back at Charlie, "Violence is a tool, but never let that tool control you." he warned.

Charlie laughed softly, and leaned off from the table to head back over to Vaggie, "Thanks, Joshua, it feels good to hear that sort of advice." she commented with a soft smile.

"Hm." Joshua let out sound of agreement while reaching over the table to pick his book back and open it to where he left off from, "So as the faith teaches, Wisdom is worth more than silver, it makes you much richer than gold." he said softly as he leafed through the pages and found his spot.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 | Pilot episode part 2

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Angel Dust watched Charlie exit the building while leaving the bandage sinner to his own devices after requesting his council on a matter from earlier, Angel idly licked from his popsie before munching down on it to clean the stick of the treat that was frozen on it before tossing the wooden popsicle aside without a care.

The p*rn star walked over to speak with the sinner out of sheer curiosity, his appearance underneath all the bandages unknown as of yet, and it vexed Angel with curiosity of what appearance the man underneath his wrapping took on as a sinner like all others that had fallen to hell.

While Angel walked up to Joshua, the man himself was still idly reading from his book, while momentarily turning a page to continue reading through the textbook; the eyes within the opening of his mummified head would gently go from side to side as he read, not bothering to look up and address the p*rnstar as of yet.

"So…" Angel Dust began to say as he leaned over on the table filled with pistols and a duffel bag, "What's your story? With all that wrapping you got going on." Angel twirled his index finger while pointing it down, "You must be hiding some freakish looks of your sinner appearance." he noted with a smirk.

Joshua didn't reply to the p*rnstar immediately, but after a few seconds, he lowered the book down and slowly looked over back at Angel with an even stare, "What you see before you is what I wore after being lit aflame while I was alive on Earth, and continued to wearing up to my death." he spoke back with a measure tone of indifference towards Angel Dust.

"Upon my death and descent into hell, it is what I found myself still wearing even including the pain of the burns, so no, I do not know what my sinner appearance looks like underneath these wrappings." Joshua continued to explain while leaving Angel Dust to his own thoughts.

"Huh." Angel mused with a curious look on his face, before making a sly look as he reached out to pull the bandages off, "Oh come on then! I bet you look-" he was cut off from saying more by the sharp look from Joshua, and the quick grab of his wrist by the mummified sinner. While not feeling threatened one bit by the action, Angel simply smirked as he commented on his situation.

"What, feeling shy about could lie beneath those wrappings?" Angel tried to tease the man, only to get a flat look from him.

"I care not how I look as a sinner." Joshua began to say as he released Angel from his vice-grip like hold, "But the only reason I keep these wrapping on is to remind me of why I am down here, in hell. This is my penance for the atrocities I have committed, a heavy reminder of my sins." he explained with a harsh look in his eyes.

"Heh." Angel Dust chuckled a bit as he leaned off from the table and massaged his wrist a bit, "You make it sound like you killed scores of people in your life, innocent lives and all." he jested while still trying to get a rise out of the mummified man.

The man that still sat across from him gave him a simple stare back while not speaking on the matter, and before Angel could speak, Joshua beat him to it, "Make no mistake, the Judgement of the lord comes to all upon death, and I was no exception, regardless of my dedication to the teachings of the bible."

At that, Angel Dust smirked at the bandaged man that peered back at him through his wrappings, "And that ain't the reason to drop your faith? God discarded you like last week's trash." he derided Joshua with an amused look.

Unbothered by the jeer towards him, Joshua finally shut his book after bookmarking his place, and put it aside on the table once more, "Quite the opposite in fact," he started, while earning a surprise look from Angel Dust, "I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame. I had carried the fire of the holy spirit inside me, even to my death and stood before the lord for my judgment."

At the mention of being judged by God himself, Angel lifted a brow of astonishment, "Wait wait wait." he said while making the gesture of halting motions with his palms, and made a rewind motion with his finger, "Back that up….no innuendo intended…" he smirked at that, before continuing on, "You." he pointed at Joshua, "Were Judged by god, and not just immediately sent to hell?" Angel asked with a confused look on his face.

Leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, Joshua gave Angel Dust a flat look, "I won't bore you with the details, but the lord god saw fit to judge me personally, and was with deep regret in his tone that he sent me to hell, to pay for my sins until he saw fit I was worthy of the golden kingdom of heaven."

"Heh, you're quite a character, you know that right?" Angel commented with an amused look on his face and soft chuckle, while walking off to finally mind his own, "Never would have thought I'd run into a devout follower in hell." he said while heading back to the fridge to grab himself another popsie.

Joshua Graham, now able to resume his own past time of reading up a bit of literature, was about to reach over and grab his book on the subject matter of sins, but before he could grab it, Charlie finally walked back in through the front hotel doors, leaned against the shut doors before sliding down a bit; The Demon spawn of Lucifer let out a dejected sigh as she looked like she was dealing with her own inner issues.

While not one to pry into other business, Joshua could see Charlie had quite the baggage of emotions welling within her; he had seen the look before many a time in his life, of dejection, of indecisiveness, of a young adult not sure what to do with the decisions they have made in their early years of life. Deciding not to press the issue unless she actually needed it, as it looked more like a personal issue, Joshua opted not to weigh in on giving some helpful advice unless Charlie wanted the advice and came to him for it. He was here to help her figure out ways to help redeem sinners, not pry into her personal business.

Though if she came asking, he didn't mind parting with any advice he might have that would help her personal matters that seem to plague her mind.

Before he could once more reach for his book once more, the front doors were knocked on, followed by a few more, and before he knew it, Joshua watched as Charlie quickly opened the left door to reveal the sight of a broad smiling demon looking sinner; right before the sinner could finish his 'hello', Charlie was just as quick to shut the door on the visitor.

Charlie opened the door once again to confirm who it was, before shutting it once again and turned to look over at where Vaggie was, sitting atop the couch she had plopped herself down on. "Hey, Vaggie?!" she said, while earning a 'what' from her.

"The Radio Demon is at the door." Charlie nervously explained while making a forced smiley expression with her fingers, then used them to point at the front doors.

"What!?" Vaggie asked while leaning off from the couch.

Angel Dust, while sitting at a lone circular table and chair and slurping on a popsie, pulled his ice treat from his mouth and also asked, "Uh, who?"

Meanwhile, from Joshua's perspective, he was curious as to who the Radio Demon was.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 | Pilot episode part 3

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"What should I do?" Charlie asked as she clasped her cheeks in worry while lifting them up and down a bit.

While leaning forward on the couch that she sat on, Vaggie made a quick glance at the door and back at Charlie as she voiced her protest, "Well don't let him in!" she warned.

As Charlie made a glancing thought at the door, she headed back to open the front door despite Vaggie's protest.

Meanwhile, Joshua decided to make known his curiosity as to what or who the radio demon was, "Pardon the curiosity of mine." The burnt man spoke over to Vaggie, who looked back over to him as he sat in his chair, "But what sort of…creature is this Radio Demon." he inquired with a pointed look at the fallen angel.

Vaggie, with her lone eye, glanced off to the side with it to watch Charlie head to the front door, "Nothing but trouble, is what I can say. Guy disappeared for seven years and now all a sudden he's back at our front door for a visit or something? I call bullsh*t… excuse me…" she pardoned herself from the short conversation with Joshua as she stood up from the couch she sat on and rushed to assist Charlie.

While what was going on at the front door once Charlie let the Radio Demon in, Joshua glanced over in the direction of Angel dust with a pointed stare, who shrugged at the stare as the p*rn star stood up to head to the couch and steal himself a spot on the cushy furniture. "Eh." he shrugged, "Don't look at me, I don't bother with that wider thing of hell, probably some big bad overlord or something." he mused.

"Hmm." Joshua let out a hum as he dwelled on what caused Vaggie to be so distressed about the Radio Demon.

The conversation between Charlie and the Radio Demon eventually made its way into the lounge room were they were in, while Vaggie was already on her way in to mope as she plopped onto the couch beside Angel with a frown on her face.

Heading into the lounge room, the aforementioned demon walked beside Charlie as she led him into where everyone else was in while conversing to each other. "So, does this mean you think it's possible to rehabilitate a demon?" she asked the demon holding a mic on a stick, while dressed in the nines.

Alastor laughs a bit before replying to Chalie with an amused grin, "Of course not! That's wacky nonsense!" he said while shaking his head back and forth, "Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity! No, no, no, no. I don't think there's anything left that could save such loathsome sinners!"

The radio demon then makes a passing glance at the two still sitting on the couch, Angel simply shrugs with a smarmy grin while Vaggie has an offended look with her arms crossed, then makes a passing glance at the burnt and bandaged man, before returning look back at Charlie

"The chance given was the life they lived before, the punishment is this!" Alastor exclaimed while putting his arms out, gesturing the entirety of Hell as well as the hotel he stood in.

While the two continued their conversation elsewhere in the hotel, Angel Dust was the first to voice his thoughts on the matter, "Uh, so... uh, what's the deal with Smiles over there?" he asked while thumbing in the direction where Alastor and Charlie went off too.

Vaggie glanced between the two, and noticed neither sinners actually knew another about the Radio Demon, going by their expressions…or lack thereof in Joshua's condition. "Wait, you two have never heard of him before?" she then pointed at Angel, "You've at least been here longer than me." she remarked before looking over at Joshua, "And I don't know how long you've been down here…"

In response, Joshua shrugged at her as he sat on his chair while leaning forward a bit on it while resting his elbows on his knees, "The concept of time eludes me of how long I have been in hell, but I can say for certain I do not know that sinner." he remarked with a steady look in his eyes.

Vaggie looked between the two with a confused look of her own that neither of the two knew about the Radio Demon, "The Radio Demon. One of the most powerful beings Hell has ever seen?" she asked.

Earning a blank look from Joshua who didn't bother to say anything, or a shrug from Angel Dust, who replied with, "Eh, not big on politics."

At that, Joshua looked over at Angel with a curious gaze, "hm…quite curious that hell reflects that sort of thing down here."

Angel looked back at Joshua with a smirk and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, don't know how fresh you are down here, but you can definitely expect to see a good time down here, plenty of explosions, deaths, fights, intergang violence." he listed off.

"That's no different than on Earth." he pointed out with his brow furrowed a bit, almost visible beneath his wraps.

"Ugh!" Vaggie shouts as she tries to steer the conversation back on track, "Never mind that stuff for now, I might as well explain that guy's backstory if neither of you know who the radio demon is!" she said with a stressed out look.

With a wave of her hand as if she were weaving a grand tale, Vaggie began to regale of the tale about the Radio Demon…

Seemingly overnight. He began to topple Overlords who have been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then, he broadcast his carnage all throughout Hell just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners started calling him "The Radio Demon" . Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world's most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing's for sure: He's an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can't risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased!

"Ya done!?" Angel Dust said while leaning over beside Vaggie, before bowling over to laugh a bit with a wide smile, "He looks like a strawberry pimp." he said while pointing at the sight of said demon in the distance.

"Hmm…" Joshua remarked as he ruminated over the short tale that Vaggie tried to regale of who and what the Radio Demon is, and sat up from leaning and stood up from his chair to stand for a bit. "Appearances can be deceiving, profligate" he trailed off as he crossed his arms while side glancing where Charlie and Alastor were conversing with each other, "It is best we keep ourselves wary of the new guest." he suggested.

"See!" Veggie gestured at Joshua, "He at least gets it." she remarked, while earning a glance from said burnt man, before he glanced back at Charlie and Alastor in the distance.

"Tch." Angel made a flippant gesture, "Pretty sure he understands the notion of betrayal, it's probably why his appearance is what it is." he smirked over at Joshua, who made him no mind. "Isn't that right? Bet you looked like that up on earth too! All burnt to a crisp like you hurled yourself into a bonfire.

With a slow sideways look, Joshua replied back with a calm tone, "The man I once called an ally, had his men cover me in pitch, light me on fire, and had me thrown into the Grand Canyon. So yes, profligate, I do know what betrayal is. But then, it was I that should have seen it coming at the time."

Unbothered by the nickname, Angel raised an eyebrow at that, "well…sh*t…" he remarked. "How'd you even survive that sh*t? Or is that how you ended up down here?" Angel asked in a curious tone.

"That's a story for another time, but to make things short…" Joshua expressed with a solemn tone, "I survived being thrown into the depths of the Grand canyon, the matters behind my death is an altogether different story."

"Huh…" Angel remarked with an amused grin of his, "You must have been one tough son of a bitch…" he mused with his four hands on his hips.

"Enough of this!" Vaggie said in frustration as she stood up and began making her way over to Charlie and Alastor, "I gotta stop this before she makes a deal with that demon!"

While Vaggie walked off, Angel relaxed a bit on the soda with his hands behind his back as he looked back at Joshua, "So bandages, when's that story gonna come about being tossed into the Grand Canyon?" he asked, "Cause that had to have been some fall to survive from."

"As I said before." Joshua intoned with a sideways look at Angel, "It is a story for another time, and one I don't much regale about."

"Hm." Angel made a look of curiosity, before shrugging to himself, "Meh, I suppose so, it'd probably bore me too." He joked with a smirk, only to get no response from Joshua.

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 | Pilot episode part 4

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Once Vaggie was able to approach Charlie, while Alastor looked around at family photos and all manner of decor around the hotel, Vaggie grabbed Charlie by the shoulder with a worried expression. “Charlie, listen to me. You can't believe this creep!” She exclaimed while making a side glance with Charlie at Alastor in the distance.

“He isn't just a happy face! He's a deal-maker!” Vaggie protested as she looked back at Charlie, who in turn stared back at her to give her attention, as Vaggie stared up at her with her lone eye, “Pure evil! He can't be redeemed!” she remarked, before making a momentary glance to the side, before looking back at Charlie to continue her train of dialogue.

“...And is most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we're trying to do!” Vaggie finished speaking her mind on the matter for the moment.

“I…” Charlie looked off to the side with an unsure look on her face, “we don't know that!” she said, before shaking her head and looked back at Vaggie, “Look, I know he's bad, and I know he probably doesn't wanna change.” she presumed while making a passing glance at the topic of their discussion, “but the whole point of this is to give people a chance!”

“To have faith things will be better! How can I turn someone away?” Charlie asked more to herself than Vaggie, and looked down a bit with a bit of a downcast look, before shrugging a little, “I can't. It goes against everything I'm trying to do.” she said as she looked back up at Vaggie and reached out to place her hands on her friends shoulders, who looked back at her with an unsure look on her own.

“Everything I believe in. Just... trust me. I can take care of myself!” Charlie tried to reason with her friend with a smile.

Vaggie only frowned back, “Charlie, whatever you do, do not make a deal with him!” she reasoned back.

“Don’t worry!” Charlie tried to placate her friend and gestured to Vaggie and Joshua in the distance, who was leaning idly against his table of guns and literature with his arms crossed, while making a momentarily glance back at them, “And besides, I got you two to help me!”

Vaggie let out a discomforting sigh, before gesturing at Joshua, “If so, then why don’t you ask him ? You’re the one that brought him here for council and guidance after all. Maybe he’ll talk you out of accepting help from that demon!”

Charlie smiled back with her fists at her sides, “Fine! I will!” she answered back, before marching herself over to the man in question

While still leaning back against the table with his arms crossed, Joshua glanced between Charlie and Vaggie, before looking directly at Charlie with a pointed look, “So you wish me to weigh in on the matter? Hmm.” he presumed as Charlie stood in front of him with her hands clasped while Vaggie stood to the side of her with her arms crossed and a dour look.

“Yeah!” Charlie rolled her eyes a bit a in a playful manner before looking directly back at Joshua, “I don’t want to turn away someone in need, or one wishing to help in any way,”

“Oh please!” Vaggie threw her hands up in exasperation and wedged herself between Charlie and Joshua to look up at the man and gestured at Charle with a pointed look, “Tell her why it’s a bad idea to trust that Demon! I just told you the story about the Radio Demon!”

“Curious…” Joshua noted as Charlie reigned Vaggie in by pulling her to her side so that she wasn’t in Joshua’s face, he stared back at the two with a firm look in his eyes, “While I can quote a few verses from the bible on the matter, I’ve also come from many experiences in dealing with untrustworthy people, be they from whatever backgrounds they are.”

“Feh…” Vaggie glowered a bit as she glanced to the side while muttering to herself, “I’ve read enough of the drivel to last me a lifetime.” she unknowingly said a bit loud at the end.

Joshua slowly glanced at Vaggie, before speaking his mind on the matter of her choice of words, “Drivel you say?” he said while Charlie looked smiled in hopes the two weren’t about to be at each other’s throats, “That's quite an observation if all you did was read the text and not study it to the full extent of what it teaches.”

“Calling it drivel, now that’s a word I’ve heard many call it during my life on Earth, but for many others it has provided comfort and so much more.” Joshua expression with a soft tone, all the while staring back at Vaggie who didn’t want to look back at him.

“Well, that’s beside the point!” Charlie waved her hands in front of the two and stood between Vaggie and Joshua, before collapsing her hands behind her back, “We just came over here for you to weigh in on your thoughts on the matter!”

Joshua looked into the hopeful eyes of Charlie with his own as he mulled over the words of the hellspawn, before choosing to speak back after settling his thoughts, “If you truly seek my counsel on the matter, then know this…” Joshua said as he breathed in a bit before speaking once more, “I bare no guile in my words, Charlie, so hear me well. I know not the type of man that sinner is, nor his character as of yet, but know this. Keep an open ear in your wits about you."

After a few seconds of silence between the three, Vaggie was the one to break and speak aloud, “That’s it?!” She threw her arms up in her temper, before she walked around Charlie once more to stand beside and looked back at Joshua with her fist clenched at her sides, “We can’t trust him, he isn’t even here to be redeemed, he doesn’t even believe in it!” she protested.

Charlie glanced between the two while thumbing her chin, before palming her fist, “This is what Happy Hotel is all about! Giving someone a chance, and as many times as it takes! And I can’t turn away help either from someone that is willing to help!” she declared, before giving her thanks to Joshua and excusing herself from the two to speak with Alastor.

While Charlie left the two, Vaggie looked back up at Joshua with annoyed look, “What was that about, you could’ve help steer her away from that dangerous demon.”

Joshua simply stared back with a simple look in his eyes, “Make no mistake young nephilim, I’ll see to it that the demon does not bring harm to Charlie, on that I promise.”

At the mention of being called a certain type of being, Vaggie lone eye shrunk in fear at being called out, “Wha-how-”

“What? Did you believe yourself to be seen to all in hell as a common sinner?” Joshua remarked with a dry tone why his arms were still crossed.

“Just…just don’t tell Charlie…” Vaggie sigh with a downcast look, “I-I don’t know how to break it to her just yet.” she pleaded.

“Then heed my advice.” Joshua instructed with a firm look in his eyes, to which Vaggie looked back up at him, “The longer you wait, the more chances someone else will. I’ll abstain from speaking on the matter anymore than this, but know that the truth will come out sooner than later. So it’s best if you break the news yourself..”

Vaggie let out a sigh of discomfort, “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“There will always be a time when we must do things we are not comfortable with, such is the harshness of life, as it is in hell, so to speak.” Joshua remarked back with a soft tone.

Crossing her arms with a pout, “Doesn’t mean I have to like that notion either!” Vaggie spoke back with an annoyed grunt. Before excusing herself to exit out of the conversation she had with Joshua.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 | Pilot episode part 5

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“Okay….” Charlie started her conversation back up with Alastor, as she slipped in on over to stand across from him. She gestured at him with her palms clasp while smiling nervously at him, “Al. You're sketchy as f*ck and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here as a joke.” Charlie said while gesturing around a bit of the hotel they were in.

While Charlie turned away for a bit during her talk with him, glowing red symbols started to appear beside Alastor which quickly disappeared after Charlie turned back to Alastor.

“But I don’t.” Charlie expressed with a kind look, “I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better.” she said, before crossing her arms as she spoke with a firm tone, “So, I'm taking your offer to help. On the condition that there be no... “ Charlie made a few gestures with her fingers as she made an effort to visualize her sentiment, “tricks or voodoo strings attached.” she finished saying.

In response, Alastor spun his mic on a cane in his hands as he said, “So, it's a deal, then?” he asked while holding his cane to his side and reached out with his other hand to shake hands with Charlie. A bright green glow exploded between them, before Charlie denied the hand shake.

“Nope.” Charlie began with as she held her palms up in her stance against the deal, “No shaking! No deals! I... hmm…” Charlie mumbled a bit at the end as she walked a few steps away from the demon while holding her arm, before releasing her hold to turn around and face Alastor with her index finger raised.

“As princess of Hell and heir to the throne…” Charlie said while switching to her other index finger raised, she then pointed at Alastor with an unsure attitude, “I, uh, hereby order that you help with this hotel. For as long as you desire.” she finished saying with a broad smile, before making a flat look and glance to the side when a stray wolf howl echoed outside.

Charlie looked back at Alastor with an expectant look, “Sound fair? “ she asked.

Alastor rubbed his chin, “hmmm…” he mused, before retracting his staff for it to disappear, “Fair enough.” he answered, before walking off.

Charlie silently sighed before saying, “Cool beans.” with a double thumbs up and nervous smile.

“Hmm hm hmm hmm…” Alastor hummed as he walked around, and stopped by Vaggie, “Smile my dear!” he said while reaching to tickle her chin, which earned an infuriated look from the fallen one, before retracting his arm and finger to stand away from her as Vaggie withheld herself from snapping at him. “You know you're never fully dressed without one!” he commented, before walking off elsewhere.

“So where is your hotel staff?” Alastor asked as he walked back over to Charlie.

“Uh…” Charlie looked around nervously before answering with her hands clasped, “Well…”

Alastor stood away from leaning to glance all that was available on hand while adjusting his monocle; Vaggie who he had just interacted with, the local resident that was Angel Dust in the distance sitting on a lone chair, and off in the corner of the room was a mummified sinner that was looking directly at him while leaned against a table with his arms crossed.

“Ohohoho, you're going to need more than that.” Alastor said as he turned back around to face Charlie with an amused look on his face before walking off towards Angel.

Once Alastor approached Angel Dust, he gestured at the p*rn star, “And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?” he asked, before retracting his arm while leaning a bit forward.

With an amused smirk of his own, Angel answered while giving Alastor a once over, “I can suck your dick!” he said.

In response to the answer given, Mic feedback can be heard in the background as Alastor tried to process what he was just offered. “Haha!” Alastor leaned his head in to say, “No.”

Angel Dust scoffed as he leaned his against a count and rested his elbow on it while resting his cheek into his palm, “Your loss.” he commented as Alastor walked off towards Joshua Graham.

“And you!” Alastor said as he stood across from the burnt man, who looked back at him with an unwavering gaze, “What can you do, my good fellow?”

Not answering immediately, Alastor was expecting something at the very least, and before he could drop his smile and express his disappointment that the man didn’t want to speak with him, Joshua spoke with a measured tone. “I’ll say this only once.” he began with, while earning a raised eyebrow from Alastor.

“Do not think for one second that I do not see through your guile. your wanton selfish ruse. many a time have dealt with your type during my time on earth, and you will not be the first nor last that has suffered my wrath.” Joshua warned Alastor with a steadfast gaze directed at the radio demon. “So this is your only warning, If I ever catch you betraying Charlie’s trust, the barrel of my gun will be the last thing you’ll ever see.” he stated with a resolute look in his eyes and tone.

While his talk with Alastor earned an amused grin from Angel Dust in the background, Vaggie seemed on the verge of panic while Charlie slapped her face at Joshua’s blunt statement. Alastor on the other hand was grinning a tight smile, before chortling a bit. “Well now!” Alastor said as he walked away, “At least you have a good attack dog on you!” he remarked while making a passing glance at a relieved Charlie.

“But…” Alastor said as he whipped out his mic staff once more, “The rest of this just won’t do!” he commented as he turned to face all of the residents of the hotel, “I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up.” he finished saying, before snapping his fingers.

A new fireplace has replaced the hotel's worn down one after a swirl of fire consumed its place and dissipated to show the new fireplace. Alastor was soon walking over to it and picked up a mysterious figure covered in soot, which then opened its eye and stared at the trio behind him.

“This is my Darling Niffty!” Alastor introduced as the figure covered in soot poofed it off herself to show a one eyed sinner demon, before dropping said sinner demon to the floor.

Unaffected by being unceremoniously dropped to the floor in such a manner, Nifty sprung back up to stand on her two feet and waved at the fellow occupants of the hotel, “Hi, I'm Niffty! It's nice to meet you! It's been a while since I've made new friends!” she greeted while her lone single eye swiveled all around to glance at everyone in the room while making a stretched toothy smile.

“Oooh, man! This place is filthy! It really needs a lady's touch!” She remarks as she looks around to see all the filthy dust settling in, before whipping out a feather dust to begin dusting the place down. As fast as her hyperactive energy allowed, Niffty zipped and zoomed all over the place to dust off every collection of dust settled, while saying, “Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!|” she said, before at the end of it all she takes out and stabs a random co*ckroach with a needle that was skittering along a tope. “Nope!”

Niffty looked up to see a pile of guns on the table that she stabbed the co*ckroach on, “ooh! Pretty guns!” she remarked, before her single eye swiveled up to glance at Joshua Graham who was eyeing her back with an unreadable gaze.

“Hi!” She waved cheerfully, only to earn a quiet stare back at her, before pointing at the guns with a bashful grin, “Are all those yours! ?” she asked with a cheeky grin.

“Yes…” Joshua replied back with an inscrutable tone.

“Can I have one?” Niffty asked giddily as she steadily reached out, only to have her wrist grabbed gently before being held up by the burnt man in bandages, she was then at eye level as Joshua held her up by her wrist.

“No.” Joshua answered succinctly, before dropping her back down to land back down onto the floor with her feet.

“Aww. Why not!?” Niffty asked as she looked up at Joshua with a pout, who simply looked back down at her with an unwavering look in his eyes.

“I haven’t finished cleaning them up and checking the interenals.” Joshua answered back without missing a beat, before adding, “And besides, I am hardly pressed to someone a gun, when the hotel isn’t even under attack yet.” he informed her.

“I can clean them!” Niffty said with an eager expression, before being held back with a palm on her head as she eagerly tried to reach out and clean the pistols.

Holding the sinner demon in place with ease, Joshua stared down at Niffty with a simple gaze, “I’d prefer if I did it myself, sinner.” he said, and earned a pout from said sinner demon.

“Oh fine!” Niffty remarked with a pouting face, before quickly zooming off to feather dust a couch off, “Ooh! Messy, messy!”

“Hmm.” Joshua mused as he softly sighed to himself, and crossed his arms and leaned once more against his table of guns and duffle bag, “Very hyper active, that one is.” he observed, before taking his attention back to the tale end of Alastor offering Husk cheap booze, who accepted the offer and walked off with a bottle of booze to drink it down.

“Hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey!” Vaggie cried out in protest, and stomped her foot, “No! No bar, no alcohol! This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! Not some kind of mouth…brothel…man cave!” she asserted while gesturing at the bar.

Angel Dust ended up vaulting over to tackle Vaggie and shush her, “SHUT UP! SHUT! UP! We-” he said as he shook her a bit by the shoulder with a mean look on his face, and then gestured at the booze bar, “Are Keeping this!”

With his peace said, Angel Dust ditched Vaggie to zoom over and lean on the counter of the booze bar, “Hey-” he began to try and flirty with Husk, only to get interrupted just as quick.

“Go f*ck yourself.” Husk remarked as he held his booze bottle up, ready to drink from it, only to get grabbed by the face by Angel Dust.

“Only if you watch me!” Angel Dust replied back with, before getting out of the way as Charlie marched over to greet Husk.

“Oh, my gosh! Welcome to The Happy Hotel! You are going to love it here!” Charlie Remarked with a starfilled look in her eyes and eager expression as she leaned over the counter. Husk had to lean a bit back away from Charlie’s overeager attitude in greeting him.

Still holding his booze to the side, “I lost the ability to love years ago.” Husk said, before turning his head to gulp from the bottle.

“So, whaddaya think?” Alastor asked as he slid over to stand behind Charlie, who turned to face him.

With a very happy expression, Charlie expressed with bubbling eagerness, “This is amazing!” she expressed, and then rubbed her cheeks in excitement.

Vaggie, who stood with her back turned towards them and her arms crossed, she said, “It's... okay.”

Alastor reeled the two in with his arms around their shoulders, “Hahaha! This is going to be very entertaining!” he remarked, before Vaggie had the chance to wedge herself out from the sinner’s grasp and get away from him, leaving Alastor to remove his arm from Charlie.

Meanwhile as Alastor took Charlie with him to do a bit of a music number, Husk on the other hand glanced over at the mummified and burnt sinner as he took a swig from his bottle of booze.

“So…” he began as he finished his swig, and gestured at the man with his booze bottle. “What’s your story?” Husk asked in an attempt to idle some time away, the man seemed like he'd be more tolerable than most other sinners.

“Eh.” Angel Dust waved off Husk’s question as he walked back over to reach over to grab himself a bottle of beer, “Don’t bother with him, he’s probably a wet blanket when it comes to partying it up!” he remarked, before pulling up a bottle for himself and twisted the top off.

Joshua, who glanced their way, made his opinion known on Angel’s comment against him, “I find myself amused, for a bit, that you are in the belief that I do not partake in alcohol.”

“Well duh!” Angel said as he leaned up against the bar, before taking a quick sip from his bottle of beer, then used the half drunk bottle to point it at Joshua, “Isn’t that lame book you read all about abstaining from this stuff?” he smirked in jest.

At the remark about the presumption, Joshua couldn’t help making a soft chuckle, which earned a raised eyebrow from Angel Dust. Joshua shifted as he leaned off from his table and uncrossed his arms as he walked over, “Only a fool with no knowledge of the texts, would one presume such nonsense.”

“Huh?” Angel Dust remarked with a confused look.

Once Joshua approached the bar, he reached out to grab a bottle of red wine and examined its contents, “It only warns to drink in moderation, to not become a slave to the act itself, for that path leads to self destruction.” he remarks, before eying the bottle a bit more, then placed it back down.

“Huh…” Angel mused with a raised brow, “And here I thought all bible thumpers chastised the act of drinking alcohol, always going on about calling it a sin.” he rolled his eyes.

“Hmph.” Joshua shook his head, and turned a bit to lean against the bar with his arms crossed once more, “Alcohol clouds the mind, which leads to acts that more than often ends with regret. The bible speaks of precaution, not of total abstinence from alcohol.”

“He’s got you there.” Husk remarked as he took another swig from his booze bottle, “But then again, we’re all in hell, so it really doesn’t matter anymore.” he said with a dour look, before taking another swig from his bottle.

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 | Pilot episode part 6

Chapter Text

A sudden abrupt explosion that rocked the hotel, that sent the front door flying, caught everyone’s attention; Niffty being in the path of the flying door, got slammed into by it and was taken along with the door further into the hotel while everyone else was focused on what caused the explosion outside the hotel.

While the rest peaked out through the new hole to see a blimp war ship, Joshua on the other hand steadily walked over to the new pile of rubble to pull a pair of spindly legs out; without any effort on his part, Joshua pried out Niffty as he held her upside down how was smiled broadly at him.

“I wanna do that again!” Niffty screamed in excitement, before squirming a bit in Joshua’s hold, prompting the burnt man to drop her unceremoniously back down with a flat look in his eyes while she landed back onto her feet; sprinting in place, Niffty zoomed off without another word.

Meanwhile, Joshua took it upon himself to get himself equipped should the need arise with the looming threat from outside, a rifle with a well aimed bullet might do the trick

On the other hand with the rest, who now stood outside the hotel to attend to the intruder and cause of the explosion, looked up and watched as from out the blimp’s window, Sir Pentious leaned out to address the sinners and etc below.

“Hah! Well, well, well. Look who it is harboring the striped freak! We meet yet again, Alastor!” Sir Pentious said while leaning his chin on his palms, before reaching out with his arm to grasp at the air for a dramatic flair.

With obliviousness on his part, Alastor answered with a cheeky smile, “Do I know you?” he asked.

With his ego somewhat deflated from Alastor’s answer, Sir Pentious retracted from his mood being killed to angry as he grasped at the window edges, “Oh, yes you do!” the snake esque sinner replied back in anger with his hood flaring open.

Slithering back into his blimp to sit in his chair, Sir Pentious sat and reach out at a lever while speaking, “And this time, I have the element of-'' he trailed off a bit as he pulled the lever, “SURPRISE! Ahaha! I'm so evil!” Sir Pentious laughed maniacally as a giant laser cannon lowered down and leveled its aim at the sinners and demons.

Right as Alastor was about to raise his arm up to snap his fingers and summon his familiars, a loud bang a crack of a bullet rang out that thrummed throughout the charging laser cannon; not a second later, the laser cannon ceased powering up.

“Hmm.” Alastor remarked as he glanced a bit at the hotel, and saw a bit of a shine from a scope atop the roof of the hotel. “Well now, it seems little miss’s attack dog isn’t all bark.” He observed with a sly smirk, before another crack of an echoing bang went off in the air.

“Hey wait!” Sir Pentious’s voice rang out from his war ship, “What’s going on!? Why isn’t my weapon working!?” his voice carried out through the air.

Moments later, the mechanism holding the cannon broke off from another echoing shot, leaving the laser cannon to fall to the ground, leaving the warp ship blimp with one less giant laser cannon. “ Who the hell is shooting at my ship! Who dares-”

In the next moment, a rocket propelled grenade went flying through the air from the rooftop of the hotel, to the flying war ship of Sir Pentious and exploded into the front. The impact only caused the blimp to somewhat jostle and move a bit in the air.

HAh!” Sir Pentious bellowed out in laughter, “Is that all?” his voice echoed out in triumph

At the top roof of the hotel, Joshua Graham tossed down his spent rocket propellant launcher to the wayside, and bent down to pick up a remote of sorts with a red button at the top. With his thumb, Joshua pressed down on said button, and in quick succession, a row of S.A.M’s raised up and ignited from one side to the other.

A shower of missiles rained through the air toward the warship, to which Sir Pentious’s voice broke through the sounds of incoming missiles, “ oh, I suppose that’ll do the trick-” BOOM

“You haven't seen the last of me!” Sir Pentious’s voice echoed out as his blimp went spiraling out of control from busted part, before shortly afterwards exploded off in the distance.

Meanwhile, with the others outside at ground level, Alastor chose to break the silence. “...Well, I'm starving!” he remarked, before taking off to head into the hotel, “Who wants some Jambalaya?” Alastor suggested while the others followed suit with only Charlie still staying to look up where Joshua had defended the Hotel from, and resolved to speak and thank the man as soon as she could.

“M y mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya.” Alastor’s voice trailed off in the distance white Charlie remained rooted in the spot for a bit, leaving Vaggie to look at her questioningly , In fact, it nearly killed her! Hahaha! You could say the kick was right out of Hell! Ohoho, I'm on a roll! Yes, sir! This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now..”

“Sorry.” Charlie professed as she placated Vaggie as she marched herself off to follow after the rest of the group, “Was a bit lost in…hey!” she exclaimed as she watched the Happy switch to Hazbin atop her Hotel, “I didn’t agree to that!” Charlie said, while earning an eye roll from Vaggie, before both headed inside the hotel.

Joshua Graham

Having headed inside before the ‘Happy’ was changed to ‘Hazbin’, Joshua busied himself with checking his surplus of armament; Standing in the doorway of his room that Charlie had given him as his place of residence in the hotel, several dozen crates were stacked atop each other to one side of the room, while all else was a simply bed atop a metal frame.

His eyes swiveled to the leftover ballistics, and noted he had run himself short after that attempt of defending the hotel, thus he was left with no more surface to air missiles that allowed him to take out that blimp. “Hmph.” Joshua mumbled to himself as he closed his door and headed off to head back downstairs with his hands in his pant pockets.

“Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble.” Joshua softly murmurs to himself as he walks down the hallway of the Hotel.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 | A day in hell for Joshua part 1

Chapter Text

It was another of that same dream, one that plays out every now and then ever since he had arrived in hell. Ever since he willingly chose to go to hell, to atone for the sins he had committed, all he ever needed was the knowledge that his lord, god and father in heaven loved him so.

And the love was there, as bright and warm as when his family welcomed him back like a prodigal son returning.

His eyes would open to a bright and blurry image of a burning fire as he picked himself up, his eyes would drift down to look at his hands to note all his afflictions were gone, but his attention was always brought back to an ever increasing flame of fire that threatened to engulf him in the midst of a cloudy room.

At once, the colorless flamed bloomed blue and gray, before exploding to encompass the entire area along with him, but he felt no pain.

What he felt most prominently, was love. None of the flames that licked around his bare body burned him. His eyes honed in on the center of the area as the flame that exploded and ecompasses him and the area swirled back in on itself and became a pillar of white fire. It gently burned upwards, all the while he couldn’t feel a muscle to push himself to walk forward.

Then, from within the flame, a voice of his and every human being spoke to him.


He wanted to reach out and touch the flame, as he felt an overwhelming sense of love in the words that called out his name, he knew who was calling out to him. He felt the words of his name spoken aloud in his soul, and knew….

An unnatural guttural caw of whatever hellspawn echoed into his room, prompting Joshua to open his burnt eyelids; blinking a few times, he let out a groan of discomfort as he moved to pick himself up from laying on his bare cot. With his ‘condition’, it really wouldn’t matter if his choice of bedding was soft or not, the pain of his body was always present but his faith always powered him through the ever constant battle of his new body.

New being a rather apt descriptor, as now he had another reason to always replace his bandages every day.

As Joshua sat on the side of his cot hunched over to steady his breathing, he lifted his hand to look at his bandaged hand and arm; he had to go out of his way to buy specialized bandages to cover his sinner body to prevent what it does. Joshua’s eyes wandered over to the nearby bedside table and noted he was running out of the bandages he had to buy with soul currency…a peculiar form of currency that was like the dollar bills he heard about of the old world before the bombs fell and caused fallout across the states.

A curious thing it was, a convenient way to trade goods with bank notes compared to using bottle caps…

Random thought aside, Joshua inspected his hand once more and reached with his other hand to begin unraveling himself to replace the bandages once more with his last bit of gauze; he’d more than likely needed to visit his arms dealer.

Charlie,whilst wearing her satin red and black pajamas, stretched her arms up above her head as she walked through the hotel hallways, her destination being the kitchen to rummage up something for her to snack on before the day officially began; Bringing her arms back down while lifting one back up to cover her mouth as she briefly yawned, she idly smacked her lips a bit as she continued to walk.

Her attention was soon brought to the nearby door she was about to pass by, and if memory served her correctly, it was the room that Joshua was staying in for the foreseeable future. Charlie’s awareness was now full on as her eyes wandered down when she saw a bright glow of red emit from beneath the crevice of the door, making her raise an eyebrow of curiosity while she reached up to scratch her head in bewilderment.

Shaking her head of the oddity, Charlie dispensed with her unease and forgoed to knock and check in on Joshua right as the red hot glow disappeared; just as she reached up to knock on the door however, the doorknob turned before the door was opened with Joshua on the other side having opened it himself.

Both shared direct eye contact, before Charlie retracted her arm from her near attempt to knock on Joshua’s door, and went with clasping her hands nervously together with a smile, “Hey…uh…” she then unclasped her hands to reach up with one of her hands to rub the back of her head with a shy smile, “Uh…you doing alight?” she asked, while making passing curious glances into Joshua’s room and noted that nothing was actually burnt by whatever anomaly she witnessed when the door was shut.

Having noticed Charlie's wandering eyes that led into his room, Joshua connected the dots and resolved to speak of the matter. “I was replacing the gauze over my body.” he began to explain as he walked out while shutting his door behind him. Charlie backed away a bit to give the man some room as he walked out into the hallway

Lifting his arm up to show his hand, Joshua turned it a bit before clenching his hand into a fist as he looked at his wrapped appendages. “this…sinner’s body of mine has a propensity to catch aflame.” He explained, before relaxing his arm back down.

Charlie perked up a bit as she understood now, “Oh! Wow…uh…” She began to say as she inspected Joshua from head to toe a bit, “Uh, does it-” Charlie began to ask with a sympathetic gaze, only for Joshua to cut her off with a safe gaze of his own.

“It indeed, does hurt, The flames burn my body, it also takes great willpower to keep the flames from burning everything around me up in flames.” Joshua said to Charlie with a firm gaze in his eyes.

Before Charlie could comment on the burnt man’s situation, he shook his head and held his palm of to cease her from worry over his state of being, “The pain is only temporary from time to time mind you, but it is nothing compared to the love and faith that I have in the lord above.” he said, before excusing himself, “Now I must be off, I have a few errands to run, and I need to stock up on a few things.”

Charlie shook herself from her reverie, and followed after the man to catch up with him. “Do you need any help at all?” she asked in a simple manner as she walked beside the man that towered over her a bit.

Keeping his gaze forward, Joshua let out a hum of thought, before speaking his mind on the matter, “I believe I’ll be fine on my own, it’ll be a busy day for me to visit all my suppliers, as well as schedule a meeting with one of my more prominent suppliers.”

“Besides.” Joshua said with a sideways look at Charlie as the two walked side by side towards the foyer of the hotel, “You should get ready for the day ahead, much work is to be done if you truly believe in this endeavor of yours.” He recommended as he approached the front doors, while Charlie stopped midway.

“Well…” Charlie fidgeted in place as she waved off at Joshua, “Good luck and safe travels, I guess…” she bid Joshua a good day as he opened the doors and headed out.

As he held the door open to look back at Charlie, Joshua nodded at her, “I appreciate the concern, but you should worry about the sinners that cross paths with me. A follower of the bible I am, but a pacifist I am not.” he said with a firm gaze in his eyes, before fully exiting out and shutting the door behind him, leaving Charlie to her own thoughts and self.

After a few silent seconds passed, and Charlie was about to form a full thought in her mind, she reached up to touch her lip in thought, “...” before shaking her head and turned to head to the kitchen. If the man was confident enough in his own skills to survive hell on his own, Charlie resolved to respect the man’s wishes and get working on her own endeavor to get the hotel working in earnest.

Afterall, it’s not like Joshua was the type to create some trouble on his own, right?

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 | A day in hell for Joshua part 2

Chapter Text

Walking along the sidewalk in what felt like an early morning of Pride Ring, Joshua kept to himself and his thoughts as he walked past various denizens of the hell that he was casted down into, many of which seemed eager to either size him for an easy mark or left him alone to go about their day of living in hell.

His destination in mind was to stop by the closest ammo store in the early hours of the day,, before the rush of customers swarm in to resupply themselves for another day of killing and murdering each other. A curious thing is that when one dies, one is simply reconstituted back into their sinner form, but god above help them if an angelic weapon kills a sinner or hellspawn.

There’s no coming back from that death…

Dreary thoughts aside, Joshua’s eyes beneath his wrapped head swiveled up to see the nearby sign of the ammo store, his internal thoughts could continue later, as he had arrived at his location.

Inside the store as seen through the barred window, the ammo store workers were shelving boxes of ammo behind the counter, some were even using ladders and boxes to transport the many goods they had received to sell for the day.

No surprise there when the store was sold out the first time he had visited the place, Joshua was in hell, getting killed was just not an occupational hazard, it was an expected occurrence when you literally live in a place that doesn’t exactly punish you for killing another the same way as on earth.

…sure, you’d get some revenge mixed in by getting killed by the same person you killed the previous day, but that’s beside the point…

Joshua rid himself of his reverie and walked forward, pulled the door out to let himself. After walking in, he caught a few passing glances from the imp employees, but returned to their work in satiating their passing curiosity to see who it was that had come so early to the store.

At the front counter was a barred glass counter with ammo boxes on display to show what was on sale, a pair of horns were seen peeking out from the top before the sound of something scraping was heard in Joshua’s ears as he approached the counter.

The pair of horns belonged to the imp as said hellspawn used whatever he dragged over to aid him to stand over his own counter, the imp was a bit rotund but was gleeful at seemingly getting an early client to sell to so early in the morning.

The imp manager threw his arms out in a welcoming manner as he greeted Joshua, “‘Ay, welcome tah Nix's ammo shop, what can I do fo’ yah?” He asks in a bit of an accent, an accent that Joshua felt he heard before but couldn’t put a pin on what sort of human would speak in such an accent of the English language.

The imp though, blinked a few times before widening his eyes when he realized who he was talking to, “Well I’ll be!” he said with a brimming smile, “Joshy boy! My favorite bullet connoisseur! Here again tah select some fine led!?”

Joshua stared back at the imp before letting his eyes wander down to scan the various ammo boxes in the barred glass counter as he leaned onto the counter with his hands on the edge, “I’m out of the rocket propellent misiles you sold to me, I’d like to procure some more for the future days ahead…along with several cases of your five five six bullets.” he listed out as his eyes continued to roam at the available bullets that were shown in the glass counter for viewing pleasure.

The manager, Nix, frowned a bit as he tapped his lip before ducking down and coming back up just as quick to pull out a ledger book and opening it up, “Huh…let’s…see here…yup.” he said as he look up with a smirk, “You’re just in luck my friend, I just got a supply of those missiles in last night.” Nix said as he bought out a notepad and pen

“I can also sell you those five five sixes at a bundle of ten for a fixed price.” The manager Nix said as he began writing into his notepad of the cost.

Joshua looked back up at Nix as he stood up straight to slide his hand into his vest pocket and pull out a wallet, “That is agreeable, I’ll need three salvos of your rockets and thirty cases of your five five sixes.” he spoke calmly as he pulled out a wad of soul bills.

Nix smirked as he wrote down the appropriate price, and ripped the page out from his notepad to give to Joshua, “Pleasure doing business, Joshy-boy! Makes me wonder who’s your benefactor that pays this well.”

Joshua let out a soft breath as he exchanged the pseudo receipt with the appropriate sum of money that he owed Nix the imp ammo seller. “My former employer paid well, and she still does when she commissions various gun repairs,” he explained.

“Huh.” Nix mused as he leafed through the bills, before nodding to himself and putting them aside to speak a little more with Joshua, “There’s only one reputable gun seller in Pride Ring I know of that pays well enough for a man such as you to buy such bulk amount of ammo…” he then smirked as he leaned on his own counter to give Joshua an amused look.

Joshua simply retracted the rest of his bill back into his wallet and pocketed it back into his vest that clung over his shirt, “Miss Carmine was not a bad employer when I had first found myself in hell, she needed a good gun repairmen, and I sought the means to provide for myself in hell.”

Joshua then closed his eyes in thought, before quickly opening them back up as he crossed his arms as he chatted more with Nix the ammo shop manager, “But a new venue popped up, and while I still do somewhat work for her, we still keep a cordial relationship.”

“Hm.” Nix mused as he made a curious look, before shooing Joshua off once he noticed his clock was showing that it was near time for the morning rush of ammo buyers for the day, “You’s better get’tah going Joshy-boy, usual delivery location?” he asked.

Joshua shook his head, “Not quite, I moved to that new hotel.” he answered before taking his leave. “Have the boxes and crates left outside the front door, would you?” he followed up with a sideways look, before leaving out through the front door.

As Joshua left through the door, Nix hollered back at him while cupping his mouth, “Figures a bible man like you’s would shack up there, good luck on dat front Joshy-boy, ahaha!” he cackled a bit in amusem*nt.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 | A day in hell for Joshua part 3

Chapter Text

While he wouldn't deny the irony of being a gunsmith while being a follower of the faith, Joshua took as much effort as needed to know the ins and outs of repairing a gun, fine tuning one, or even outright making a new one if the need arises if given the blueprints for one; having stocked, loaded, handled and all manner of others actions with guns had made him intimately familiar of what is needed for a gun to work appropriately.

That said, Joshua's next stop for the day was Carmilla Carmine herself. After having toiled away enough time in making a gun with some particular type of metal, Joshua's curiosity was piqued at what and where the metal the arms dealer overlord got it from…

If anything, he supposed he'd ask if the opportunity came up, but he wouldn't press for it if the chance does come up.

Walking along the sidewalks of the more bustling part of Pride Ring, where the streets and buildings gave him reminiscence of New Vegas but with more lights and glamor…along with the occasional drug peddlers and pickpockets, Joshua expected nothing less than his current predicament of being in hell.

Suffice to say when he first came to hell, his expectations were…shall he say…underwhelming…

…don't get him wrong, one would expect demons, devils, and all manner of beasts with pitchforks torturing the sinners in hellfire…His own condition notwithstanding mind you.

Joshua abruptly stopped and stepped into a nearby alleyway as a vehicle nearly ran him over while the occupants within fired their guns back at a chasing car, which had its own occupants shooting back at them with automatic guns.

Once the coast was clear, Joshua stepped out of the alleyway and took note of all the dead sinner bodies that were run over from the mayhem; the rest of the sinners went about their day as usual, as the happenstance was just another occurrence in hell…afterall, you simply get reconstituted back into being and continue your suffering in hell.

If he was being honest with himself, Hell was no different than on Earth, other than the fact that sin is more encouraged and unrestrained to its full capacity.

Continuing his trek along the sidewalk towards a high rise building, Joshua eventually arrived at the front where most of the place was barred with the open driveway for cargo trucks to come in and out. On the pavement was Carmine's supposed overlord insignia, which Joshua walked past as he headed to the back door entrance to gain perchance inside to deliver the finished product he was commissioned by Carmilla Carmine.

Approaching the door, Joshua was about to knock or whatever was needed to gain entrance into the building, but before he could, the door opened with nary a hiss; Joshua glanced up and around and noted a camera was focused on him.

"Hm…" he mused, as he came to the conclusion that either Miss Carmine had seen him through the camera's, or one of her security detail personnel tipped her off and prompted the door to be opened for him.

Nonetheless without any fanfare, Joshua walked inside with the door shutting behind him with a harsh thud.

Carmilla Carmine

One does not become an Overlord without vast amount of ambition and reason to rise above the filth and violence that was hell, much so when you die as a mother and end up in hell; there was hope in her that her daughters would have left the life of crime she lived through, but Camilla had obviously failed as a mother seeing as how she was now in hell along with her daughters.

At present, Carmilla stood amidst the center of her foyer with her arms crossed as she waited for the gunsmith Joshua to finally enter into her humble abode. Humble being a rather apt descriptor as it was fairly decorated and shaded in colors to match her tastes.

Carmilla, with her pointed shoes still on, easily paced around while tapping her finger on her arm as she waited for the guest of the hour to arrive; the man knew his way around a gun, and she had hope she'd finally acquired the man and his subset of skills to expand her powerbase.

'Had' being the past tense, her intel had briefed her that the Princess of Hell had managed to pick the man up before she herself could get the chance to go through with the offer of full employment rather than simple commissions.

Halting in her steps with a clack of her pointed toe shoes, Camilla swerved a one eighty to face the doorway once the doorknob turned; uncrossing her arms to relax one by her side, she place her other hand on her hip as she watched the man wrapped in gauze enter through her front door of her suite.

Joshua beheld a rather focused look in his eyes back at her as he let himself in, before gently shutting the door behind him. "Greetings, Miss Carmine." he greeted as he walked forward to address and speak with her.

If there was one thing Carmilla liked about the man other than his skills with a gun, he was cordial and polite despite being in hell; it took a presence of great will and strength to not be torn down by hell, and Camilla was more than curious what sort of life Joshua led prior to his death…but that was a thought for another time.

Carmilla walked forwards to meet Joshua halfway and greeted the 'burnt' man, "and to you too, Mister Graham." she replied back as Joshua and her stood across from each other. "I assume you finish the product I gave the blueprint to you for?" Carmilla asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm…" Joshua began with as he reach up to pull a glossy shining pistol of a certain make from out of the inside of his vest, "The metal you had given me was particular light, and easily malleable, but when hardened its quite sturdy." he remarked as he held the weapon out for view.

Carmilla examined the gun in Joshua's hand with veiled interest, but kept a stoic look about her while Joshua continued speaking, "While I'll say the Mauser C96 isn't exactly my choice of pistol, I won't deny it has its aspects that grant it uniqueness."

"Quite so." Carmilla replied back as she glanced back up to look back into Joshua's eyes, "You know, I was gonna give it to you." she remarked idly, earning a raised eyebrow from the man from beneath his head wrapped in gauze.

Carmilla let out an annoyed sigh as she crossed her arms and shrugged to herself, "I wanted to hire you on full time, but rumor has it that the princess herself has hired you herself." she divulged with a sideways look off to the side with a bit of hint of jealousy, "Your skills in gunsmithing are impeccable, Mr.Graham."

She then glanced back at the man as she snapped her fingers for a table to rise up and allow Joshua to place the gun on the table, "It's a shame those skills are wasted on some hollow effort in redeeming sinners." she sneered.

After Joshua placed the gun aside on the table, he looked back at Carmilla with a stern stare in his eyes while he crossed his own arms, "Just because we are sinners, Miss Carmine, does not mean we do not have any chance of bettering ourselves" he scolded her with a firm tone in his voice.

Scoffing aside, Carmilla shot a dirty look at the man, "I've heard rumors about you being one of those bible readers, look at you now." she gestured at him with an angered look, "Where is your faith now?"

Without missing a beat, Joshua responded back, "That's the difference between you and me, Miss Carmine, I accept my punishment, I know what I did in my life was awful and take full responsibility for my actions, but you don't see me cursing my existence down in hell, now do you?" he berated her.

Seeing that he won that little argument with Carmilla Carmine, Joshua decided to hammer it in a bit more, "We all must atone for the misdeeds we did in life, Miss Carmine, and it all starts with acknowledging that we have sinned, only then can we start on the road to a better life."

"joder amor." Carmilla bemoaned as she palmed her forehead, "You speak like my madre." she groaned.

"And I am sure she tried to raise you well with good intentions." Joshua responded back.

"Enough of this!" Carmilla swiped her hand off from her forehead, and pulled out a stack of bills, "Will this amount suffice?" she inquired, "All this bible speak is making me furious as it is."

Accepting the stack into his vest, Joshua replied back as he held his gaze back at Carmilla, "Well, just know as the book teaches, you always have your loved ones on your side." he said back, while earning an eye roll from the overlord of guns.

Carmilla shooed the man away while looking off to the side, "Just be off, already."

As Joshua took his leave, he glance over his shoulder as he opened the door to let himself out, "If you're ever in need, you know where to find me, for reasons of guns or otherwise." he bid her well, before fully exiting out, leaving Carmilla to herself and her thoughts.

Carmilla snarled a bit with her arms crossed, before glancing at the gun she had commissioned Joshua to make, then relaxed her posture now she was alone. Cursing to herself, Carmilla spoke amidst the silence, "I'm doing all I can to protect my loved ones, it'd be easier if they weren't down here with me." She cursed her situation.

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 | A day in hell for Joshua part 4

Chapter Text

While Hell's Pride Ring became more active as the day…or whatever sufficed to get a sense of feeling a day going by…Joshua having left the premises of Carmilla Carmine's building, was now walking the sidewalks of hell with his hands in his pant's pockets with his thumbs out hooked on the hem of the pocket liner.

The 'burnt' man reflected on his thoughts, while paying some attention to his front and surrounded for possible random attacks or thievery from some random sinner; it wasn't an accusation, he was in hell, and in hell it was evident sinners preyed on each other.

The best Joshua could do would look imposing while giving off an air of danger, and if all else fails, he would have to deal with any would-be assailant. He learned early on that most would bother giving him a second thought and attempt to assail him, and the select few were sinners that were at the bottom rung hoping to carve out a means to survive in hell.

Soon, however, Joshua's thoughts were abruptly halted as he came up to an intersection, his eyes beneath his wrapped head idly glanced to the left and saw all that was Pentagram city where all the glamor of sin was, while in the opposite direction was the Hazbin hotel.

Idly looking over back to his left where an electronics store was situated at the corner of the street he stood at, Joshua walked over to stand in front of the window while passing by several sinners minding their own business, each with an odd gadget in their hands with their eyes glued to some small screen.

One sinner walked out of the building he stood in front of, prompting him to look over to see that the sinner had the same device in hand, and began using his thumbs to do whatever he was doing with it, before using it to talk into it and walked opposite from Joshua, not paying the 'burnt' man any attention.

Joshua looked back to the front window and saw various different devices with small screens on them, all advertised as digital phones along with prepaid plans for soul bucks.

With his eyes focused on the gadgets so intently from curiosity, he was left unaware of an additional onlooker that stood beside him; that Being, an amused Alastor, who had walked over to amused himself a bit in idle chatter with the 'burnt' man, only to find said man's curiosity with the phones.

With his cane tucked under his arm, Alastor adjusted his monocle over his eye while Joshua eventually unfocused his curiosity from the phones and glanced over at the other sinner that stood to his left, "...Alastor…" he acknowledged the other man, to which said man acknowledged back.

"Joshua." Alastor said with a smirk as they both glanced back at the items displayed in the front window, "Thinking of getting a phone yourself, are you?" he questioned the burnt man.

"No." Joshua said simply as stepped back and began heading back to the intersection of the street, "My curiosity simply had taken the better of me, and led me to see what the buzz is all about with those small screen devices."

His curiosity a bit peaked at getting a gauge on the sinner that still claimed to be a follower of the bible, Alastor smirked ever more as he followed after the man and deftly slid in step with him, "What…" he began to say as he took his cane from out of the corner of his arm and twirled it around a bit, "You don't seem to me the sort of man that existed before the introduction of the smartphone…" before souring a bit at a different thought, "Besides Television …" he muttered.

As the two came up to the intersection of the street, Joshua halted first as several vehicles went zooming by, some were even in the midst of a shootout between each other.

Joshua spoke up as both sinners seemed to wait on traffic to slow down, as odd as it was, there were traffic lights…go figure. "Believe me Alastor, I come from a time beyond an apocalyptic event, you might even find it ironic that radio replaced television as the means of entertainment."

Once the signal for pedestrians to walk was clear and visible, Joshua crossed the road first, leaving Alastor with a shocked look, before returning his mouth to an ever present smirking grin.

"Oh really now?" Alastor asked as he caught up with Joshua while the two headed back to the Hotel, his attitude matched that of vindication against another type of devil. "What's that part you say about television?"

"In my time, you'd be hard pressed to find an actual working television, but with radio, the means to make and fix one are abundant, and so, humanity was stuck with Radio." Joshua answered with a dry tone, before glancing quickly at Alastor beside him as the two sinners finished crossing the street. "While we are at it, I believe we should set some things straight, while we are alone." Joshua said as the two of them stood apart from one other.

"Oh? And what's that?" Alastor asked Joshua as he and Joshua turned to face each other, while in the distance, Hazbin Hotel was just down the road. Alastor's grin still prominent as he looked directly back at Joshua, both men's height were almost equal, if not more in Joshua's favor.

"I don't know what your intentions are with the Hotel, but know that Charlie means well. Don't ever betray her trust." Joshua warned Alastor with narrowed eyes at the other sinner.

"Hmm…." Alastor mused with a widening grin that would have many a lesser sinner run with their tales or whatever they had between their legs running, "Is that. A. threat?" he asked with his demonic sinner powers being willed into power from the depths of himself.

"No. Alastor." Joshua said back to him as he stepped up nose to nose with the other man, his eyes became engulfed in his flames from beneath his bandages, while the air around him visibly bent from whatever heat was beneath his bandaged body, "It's a promise. A dog can bark and bite, but a man of faith is a man of his word." Joshua retorted back, alluding to what Alastor had called him the other day.

While other onlooking sinners steered clear from what looked like two adept powerful sinners, between the two men on the other hand, Alastor ceased his show of force with a simple chuckle and twirled his cane a bit, "Oh do take a joke, my good chum." he jested, while Joshua himself eased himself back from letting the flames of his sinner's body engulf his form fully.

He really didn't want to buy more special gauze than necessary.

"As long as we are in agreement, Alastor." Joshua spoke back with a narrowed look from his eyes at the other man.

"What." Alastor retorted back with an amused look and raised eyebrow, "No nickname like the one you gave to Angel Dust." he jested with an eye roll.

Joshua simply looked squarely back at Alastor, "Perhaps, I'd got so far as to call you a silvered tongue…but…"

Alastor smirked at Joshua, "But I have yet to lie to any of you, yes?" he remarked.

Sensing that the conversation was simply dragging on, Joshua chose to exit out and head back to the hotel, but not before leaving with a few more works, "Yet, Alastor, Yet."

While Joshua was far away, Alastor adjusted his monocle once more as he stewed over his thoughts on the sinner, "Little miss Charming Demon Belle certainly reeled in quite the character of a man, I'll say that much…" he mused.

Hazbin Hotel

Charlie rubbed her forehead as she felt an onset of a headache coming on. She stood outside a witness to quite a few supplies of ammunition, while Vaggie seemingly did her best to chew out Joshua…but to know avail.

"What are you expecting!? The entirety of Hell to come crashing in on us guns blazing!" Vaggie yelled a bit up at Joshua with her arms thrown up in exacerbation.

With his arms crossed as he stared back down at her, "Would you rather the hotel lay defenseless?" Joshua questioned back at Vaggie with an even tone of voice.

Vaggie smacked her own face, and dragged her hand down to glower up, "I-you…you can't just…" She tried to reason while gesturing at the crates of ammo and missiles, before dropping her arms down and leaned forward with a defeated look. "Just…just put that stuff somewhere then! This is a place of redemption, not some wild west!" She pointed furiously up where Joshua's room was.

Joshua simply shrugged at her order, nodded over at Charlie before excusing himself to find himself a dolly cart to begin hauling the supplies in.

Once Joshua had gone inside, Vaggie marched over to Charlie and looked up at her with an annoyed look, "Can you believe that guy!?" she gestured where Joshua headed through the front doors of the hotel.

Charlie simply clasped her hands a bit, "I'm sure he means well, Vaggie!" she tried to soothe her girlfriend, and put her hands on her shoulders to soothe her more, "look at it this way," she began to reason while lifting a palm up, "The worst thing that can happen is a gun club, right?"

"Hey, what's this kind of gun?"Niffty's voice rang out, before a gun was heard fired off.

Both Vaggie and Charlie shared a look, before Joshua's voice rang quietly out, "The safety was on for a reason, little one."

"....hehe, I got a hole in my foot!"Nifty's voice spoke back.

"...remove your shoe, that foot will need some gauze on it."Joshua spoke up once more with a dry tone.

Charlie meanwhile gave Vaggie a nervous look, while Vaggie simply rolled her eyes at the nonsense of whatever happened inside the hotel.

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 | Episode 1 part 1

Chapter Text

Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates known as Heaven and ruled by beings of Pure light, Angels that worshiped good and shielded all from evil.

Lucifer was one of these angels. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for All of creation. However, they see him as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven. For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world. So, he watched as the angels began expanding the universe in their ways. From the dust of Earth, they created Adam and Lilith, equals to the first of Mankind.

But, despite this, Adam demanded control, and Lilith refused to submit to his will. She fled the Garden. Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her, and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love.

Together, they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering the Fruit of Knowledge to Adam's new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted.

They came to Adam's new bride, Eve, to offer her an apple from a tree to bring free will to humanity.

But this gift came with a curse. And with this single act of disobedience, evil finally found its way to Earth. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin. And the order Heaven worked to maintain was shattered. As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his love into the dark pit he had created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity, only the cruel and the wicked. Ashamed, Lucifer lost his will to dream.

While Lucifer stagnated, Lilith thrived and brought Hell to new heights, leading the angels to start the yearly Extermination as population control for the overpopulated Demons and Sinners.

But Lilith thrived, empowering demonkind with her voice and songs. And as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power. Threatened by this, Heaven made a truly heartless decision. Every year, they would send down an army, an Extermination, to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them. But Lilith's hope remained. And her dream passed down to their precious daughter, the Princess of Hell.

“So!” Charlie finished with saying with some perkiness in her tone, while closing up the book of Hell and Heaven’s origins she had in hand and placed it on her lap, “How different was that, compared to this bible of yours from your life?” she asked Joshua as she sat on a wide crimson and pink couch.

It was after lunch time, and after some thinking on her part, Charlie wanted to get to know Joshua more on what he meant about the teachings of the faith, as well as what he’s always alluded to about the lord, the son, and the holy spirit.

Sitting atop a simple cushioned chair that was available in the room, Joshua made a humming sound of thought as his eyes drifted to the side as he mulled over how different the hell he found himself in truly was. “It’s…quite drastically different, Charlie, compared to how my denomination of the bible portrays the beginning of the world…though…” he then looks back at an eager looking Charlie.

“From what I do understand, all interpretations of my world’s bible all state that there was only Adam and Eve…” Joshua stated as he stewed over his thoughts for a bit, before continuing on, “Though a lot of other literature has portrayed Lilith as Adam’s first wife, before being replaced by Eve for one reason or another…”

“Huh…” Charlie began to muse with a thoughtful expression as she shifted a bit on her couch, and rested her hands onto her lap in idleness, “Do you think this bible from your life is any different from what one that the Angels gave to humans to live by?” she asked.

Joshua looked directly back into Charlie’s eyes as he sat on his chair while hunched over a bit and his elbows resting on his knees, “One thing to keep in mind, Charlie, is that the world I come from, the bible has been passed down through many denominations of faith, but all if not most, all say the the world and everything in it was created by one god.”

“Oh, well, that is a bit different for here from what I know. you humans seem to have trouble getting split on many denominations of faith.” Charlie remarked as she reached up to tap her lip in thought, before pointing it out through the air, “What about the Angels?” She began to ask, “Did your god create them, or do they even exist?”

Sitting up a bit more straight with his hands now resting on his knees, Joshua spoke back to Charlie, “They exist, of course.” he replied back, and crossed his arms, “Though, from what I remember, they were agents of the Lord’s word and acts, most particularly in the old testament.” he shrugged a bit at that, “A time when God was more heavy handed in his punishments against sinners.”

“Wait.” Vaggie spoke up, who had remained silent the entire time whilst sitting off the side of Charlie with her arms crossed as well; she unfolded her arms though as she sat up and placed her hands on the edge of the couch to sit forward and stare directly at Joshua with a scrutinizing gaze, “Are you saying on your would, your angels and god punished humans on Earth?” she asked with some surprise written on her face.

Joshua focused his eyes over at Vaggie, and pinned her with an even stare as he sat forward in his chair once more, “From raining brimstone and fire at one point and time, to flooding the world, to causing plagues against a nation to release his chosen people from slavery, I can say for a fact that the lord was very heavy handed in the old testament.”

“Huh…” Vaggie looked to the side with a downcast look, “And here I thought the angels were heavy handed against sinners…” she said, while alluding to the yearly extermination of hell dwellers.

In response to that, Joshua spoke back to Vaggie, “I highly doubt the lord above of my world would have wanted his arbitrators of his word to commit genocide against sinners in hell, when the whole purpose of hell is to punish the sinner. Throughout the bible I’ve read, the lord loved humanity, but would also look down on them in disappointment for any sins they transgressed.”

“Though…” Joshua began to add on to say with a thoughtful look in his eyes as he began to stand up from his chair, “And from what the bible preached of how Hell punishes a sinner, your own is light punishment against sinners compared to the Hell I know of.”

At the mention of how different Hell could be, Charlie spoke up with curiosity, “Oh, how different is the hell in your bible?” she asked.

Joshua’s eyes focused back on Charlie as he stood straight up and working some of the stiffness out his left shoulder, his ‘burnt’ body was always sore and it always felt like his burnt skin was being stretched thin, “Believe me Charlie, the hell I know of from my world, is far severe on a sinner compare to this hell you live in. Just try and imagine every sinner being burnt alive while being tortured by every demon and devil under Satan’s rule.”




After a moment of silence passed between the three occupants of the room, it was Charlie that spoke with some effort to lighten the mood.

“...So, what denomination is your faith from again? Heh heh.” Charlie laughed nervously while silently glad her hell wasn’t the same as what hell was depicted in Joshua’s bible. She rubbed the back of her head nervously.

As he stood, Joshua relaxed his shoulders once more while crossing his arms once more, “The Mormon faith.”

At the mention of the Mormon Faith, Vaggie raised her brow as looked over at Joshua weird, “Don’t you mean the Normon faith?” she asked, thinking she misheard the burnt man.

After being questioned by Vaggie, Joshua addressed her as he focused attention back over to her, “...As I said, the faith has many denominations, and apparently your Earth has just as many…” he remarked with a dry tone.

“By the way.” Charlie started to say as she sat up with more attentiveness now that the awkward sense of feeling passed, she smiled over at Joshua to ask, “What’s your bible say about my dad, Lucifer?”

Joshua looked back at Charlie, and let out a heavy breath, “I believe that’s a story for another time, I still have a few more crates of ammo to haul back up to my room.” he excused himself as he headed towards to the door, “You can asked me later if you still wish to know, but for now, I believe this discussion on theology can continue for another time.”

While Joshua opened the door to the room to let himself out, Vaggie stood up to holler over to the burnt man with her hands cupped over her mouth, “And don’t forget to carry in those crates of missiles, for f*cks sake, you’d think you were starting up a military complex!” she hollered at the man as he closed the door behind him

Once the door was closed, Vaggie rolled her eyes and looked down over at her partner Charlie who still sat on the couch with a thoughtful look present on her face; Vaggie thumbed in the direction that Joshua had left, while her other palm was on her hip, “Can you believe that guy? Here we are trying to redeem sinners, but then he goes and buys up all manner of ammo and firepower!”

“Hmm?” Charlie mumbled out, before perking up and smiled up at Vaggie, “Oh, sorry, my mind was elsewhere at the moment.”

Vaggie raised an eyebrow at Charlie, and placed both of her palms on her hips as she turned to face her partner fully, “What? Like how it seems he wanted to avoid speaking about how different Lucifer is in his world?” she asked, and shrugged it off, “I mean, it couldn’t be that bad, right?”

With that said, Vaggie gestured for Charlie to get up and follow her, “Alright, come on, enough of this weird talk. Alastor says he has something to show us.” she says, before walking out of the room to head to the foyer of the hotel.

As Vaggie exited through the door, leaving Charlie to herself for a bit, a loud bell rings throughout the city outside the Hotel’s perimeter. Charlie turned to look out the window behind the couch she sat on to see the Bell Tower at the Heaven Embassy.

Looking on with sadness, Charlie inwardly reminded herself that it'll be another year before the Extermination comes again.


After showing what effort he put into making an advertisem*nt for the Hotel, Alastor shut the Television off with a turn of a dial, the tv itself no doubt an antiquated form of television that alastor bothered to conjure up and tolerate compared to the modern Television that were sold in Pentagon City.

“So, what do you think?” Alastor asked Charlie and Vaggie with a broad smile, while the two of them sat on a loveseat couch.

While Charlie seemed to have a neutral expression with her hands on her lap, Vaggie however had an angered look with her hands on the cushions she sat on, “I'm sorry. What the f*ck was that?” Vaggie asked.

Charlie tilted her head a bit as she tried to voice her own opinion in a less crass manner, “Uh, Yeah. One note, Alastor.” she began to say while lifting her arm up with her index finger raised

“I mean, first off, thank you so much for making this seriously amazing.” she tried to compliment the Radio Demon, and clasped her hands before fidgeting with her fingers a bit.

“but um, maybe the tone is a bit off. We want people to want to come here. This makes it look, um…” Charlie tried to voice the best choice of words without being too harsh on the sinner, but Vaggie interrupted with bluntness.

“Bad. The word you're looking for is bad.” Vaggie spoke with her arms crossed and her head turned towards Charlie to speak to her partner directly.

“Funny…” Alastor started with saying while placing his palm on his chest, “I was going for hilarious.” he made a flippant gesture with his hand while tilting his head back and looking upwards in amusem*nt.

Vaggie however didn’t think so, as she leaned forward to rest her right elbow on her knee, while lifting her other arm up to hold her head in exasperation towards the Radio Demon, “It didn't explain anything about how we're trying to save demons from extermination, which is the whole f*cking point.” she said while sitting back up straight and throwing her arms out in annoyance towards the sinner and situation at hand.

“Vaggie is right, Alastor.” Charlie started to say, before smiling as she tried to lighten the mood, “the commercial was to let sinners know we are trying to help them.”

“Well, my dear,” Alastor said back to Charlie as he began to pace over to a nearby fireplace, “I haven't been active in Hell for some time and everyone remembers me from my radio show, the proper medium to express oneself.”

Alastor then paced back to the old television to tap it with his mic cane, “But, you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisem*nt.” the radio demon then retracted his cane to toss it to his other hand to look on with an amused expression, “So, I had a little fun with it.” he admitted.

With a harsh and annoyed look of her own, Vaggie voice her opinion on the matter, “Oh, fun? You had a little fun with it?” she began to question the sinner, before standing up on the couch, and pointed at Alastor.

“Well, this is not what we want to represent us. When you showed up here a week ago, you told us you would help run this hotel. Instead, you're mocking us. Nobody's gonna wanna come to a place that a powerful overlord like you thinks is a waste of time.” Vaggie ranted at the sinner, before sitting back down with an ever present annoyed look on her face.

From over on another couch, Angel Dust raised his hand as he lazed on the sofa he laid on, catching Vaggie’s attention, “What?” She asked the p*rn star with an annoyed tone towards the sinner.

As Angel Dust laid on the couch with his head resting on his palm, he sat back up while speaking his mind on the matter while speaking in a sensual tone, “If'n you're filming a commercial, can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?” Angel Dust suggested with a wink at the end and three of his index fingers pointed at himself.

With a deadpan look on her face, Vaggie spoke back to the sinner, “Angel, you're a p*rn star.” she bluntly pointed out.

Leaning forward a bit, “A famous p*rn star. I'll have the hornie*st sinners knocking these walls down to get in.” Angel explained while making a few gestures with his body, before relaxing back down into the couch.

Vaggie protested against the notion with a glare, “We are not filming a p*rn as a commercial.”

“Why not?” Angel asked with his hands out in a questioning manner, before using one of them to make a gesture of rubbing coins together while winking. “Sex sells, don't it?” he followed up with asking.

Angel Dust then continued speaking his mind on the matter, “I swear if you film me goin' at it with mister fancy talk-creepy voice here,” Angel gestured to Alastor as the Radio Demon appeared next to the couch that Angel laid on, “ you'd be rollin' in participants willing to stay at this tacky hotel.”

“Haha! Never going to happen!” Alastor denied the idea with a sharp smile.

Out of the corner of Angel’s eye, he caught Joshua hauling in a few crates with a dolly, “What about you, toilet paper man?” he asked as he sat up and sensually leaned his back over the armrest of the couch to look at the burnt man upside down while puffing his floofed chest out, “Bet under all that gauze, you got some sexual frustration all pent up! You’re in hell now, a perfect opportunity to indulge yourself.”

Just as Joshua approached the stairs while Angel asked him such a question, Joshua stopped turning the dolly around so that he could begin pulling the dolly up backwards up the stairs; Joshua stepped around the dolly with crates to look directly over at Angel Dust, “I believe you are missing the point of the Hotel, promiscuous one.” he noted with a dry tone, while giving Angel dust a deadpan look with his eyes.

“And besides…” Joshua said as he resumed transporting the crates on the dolly, via up the stairs with the occasional bump of the small tires against each step, “Even if I did partake in anything close to such a thing, it’d with the opposite sex.” his voice trailed off as he carried the ammo supplies up the stairs.

“Eh.” Angel Dust smirked as he leaned off from the couch armrest to sit back up straight, “His loss, I guess.”

Vaggie however rolled her eyes at Angel, “I think it also has to do with his body’s situation as a sinner, guy looks like he’s forever burnt to a crisp beneath all that stuff.” she noted.

Angel looked back over at Vaggie with an amused look on his face, “tomato tomato, I’ve f*cked with worse, guy probably just needs some loosening up.”

At that, Vaggie gave Angel her own deadpan look, “Yeah,...good luck with that.”

“Toots” Angel Dust smirked as he palmed his floofed chest, “Luck ain’t got nothing to do with this sensual body!” he said while making shaking suggestion gestures with his chest.

“Alright!” Charlie spoke out loud to try and cut the crass behavior, she waved her palms out to catch everyone's attention, looked straight over at Angel Dust, “Angel, I appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to, um, attract folks to the hotel, but I really don't want to exploit you in that way.” she said with a kind smile.

Visibility smirking, Angel retorted back as he went back to making suggestive gestures with his body, “Oh, please, baby. This body was made to be exploited. I got the arms, I got the stamina, I got the legs. I got the lung capacity. Oh, I got the legs. The gag reflex, the holes, the chest fluff everyone thinks are tit*.”

While Charlie withheld the urge to slap her face in dismay in trying to reign in Angel’s promiscuous behavior, her phone suddenly went off, prompting her to take it out to see who was calling her.

Charlie raised her finger up to halt the conversation at the moment, “Hold that thought! I'll be right back.” she urged, before getting up and leaving to head to a secluded spot to talk with her dad.

As Charlie left the room, Angel Dust hollered back at her leaving form, “I could keep going all night, baby.”

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 | Episode 1 part 2

Chapter Text

While the general occupants of the hotel conversed amongst themselves in the main room, Charlie was beside herself as she spoke over the phone with her father in a not too distant hallway; after talking with a bit with her dad, and him asking her of something, Charlie’s expression shifted to that of excitement as she held her phone up to her ear.

“Yeah, I can totally, yeah!” She spoke while leaning forward a bit, before standing up straight in excitement, “I'll head over there right away. Okay!” Charlie said, before ending the call with her dad with an ever present giddy expression.

After gasping in excitement, Charlie couldn’t help but shout, “Yes... YES!” she cheered while throwing her arms up in celebration, before bringing them back down.

Putting her phone away into her pocket, Charlie rushed back from where she came to poke her head out to wave over at Vaggie who was still in the main room and at Joshua who was on his way back down the stairs minus the dolly he was using to transport his ammo crates up the stairs with.

“VAGGIEJOSHUAHOLYsh*t!” She said all at once in an excitable and exuberant way, and earned the attention of both.

Surprised by the sudden and abrupt way Charlie called out for her, Vaggie responded with a surprised tone, “Ah! What!?” she asked.

Joshua on the other hand, as he finished walking down the stairs, focused his attention on the Princess of Hell as he set both his feet down and turned fully face to Charlie, “hmm, yes?” he answered softly.

With an excited attitude while biting her lower lip with a smile, Charlie urged the two of them to come over into the hallway with her before dipping back into the hallway away from the others to converse in private with Vaggie and Joshua.

Vaggie glanced at Joshua and gave the man a shrug at his glance sent her way, before both of them headed into the hallway to see what was so urgent for Charlie to speak with them in such a way.

Vaggie was the first to speak as she and Joshua entered the hallway with Joshua trailing behind her a bit, “What's going on?” she asked

Bouncing up and down in unbridled excitement, before taking a deep breath to explain the situation she had on her hands, Charlie spoke in a very rushed manner, “My dad just called.” She began by saying, before pacing around, “he said that the leader of the Angel Army wants to meet.” she followed up with, before turning to grab Vaggie by her shoulders, “He asked if I could go instead.” she finished explaining, before releasing Vaggie from her hold.

With a confused look on her face, Vaggie tried to make sense of the situation, while Charlie breathed in and out to calm her hyperventilation.

Joshua decided to voice his thoughts on the matter, “Curious, indeed, this matter is. a most fortuitous chance on a silver platter for your endeavor for the Hotel to show any meaning, if I may say so…” he surmised as he crossed his arms while lifting one hand up to cup his chin in thought.

Charlie shook her fists in excitement as she glanced between the two of her fellow workers of the hotel, one of the first two to be more exact, “I know, right~! With this, perhaps I can try and reason with them or even heaven that I want to make a change in the system!” she reasoned.

“I don’t know about this…” Vaggie remarked as she crossed her own arms and expression and unsure look on her face, “The extermination just happened. What could they want this soon?” she asked while expressing with her arms out at her sides

“Who cares!?” Charlie expressed with a shining smile, she clenched one hand beside herself while using her other hand to lift her index finger to the air, “This is my chance to try and get heaven to stop their exterminations on hell!” she reasoned with a bright eyed look.

Vaggie, however, glanced over at Joshua and lifted an eyebrow at him, “Well, what do you think?” she asked.

Joshua lowered his hand back away from his chin back into his crossed arms, and shrugged with his shoulders, before glancing in Vaggie’s direction, “I can think of one good passage that brings to mind on this situation, and it is this” he began with saying, before focusing his sights in on Charlie who focused her attention back on him.

“‘But there are some things that you cannot be sure of. You must take a chance. If you wait for perfect weather, you will never plant your seeds. If you are afraid that every cloud will bring rain, you will never harvest your crops’.” Joshua finished saying with a brief exhale of breath.

Vaggie however, was a bit more critical of the matter, as she looked at Joshua, “Yeah, but this has nothing to with some simple crops!” she threw her hands up in exasperation, “We are dealing with exorcists here, angels that make it their job to kill sinners. There’s a lot at stake here.” she professed.

“Hmph.” Joshua exhaled an amused breath, before speaking back to Vaggie as he glanced back at her, “Would you rather I go by the old adage of looking a gifted horse in the mouth?” he jested a bit dryly, before speaking more seriously on the matter as he focused his attention back at Charlie.

“In any case, what would you have us do, with this information of your father giving you this opportunity?” Joshua asked with a raised eyebrow from under his wrapped head.

“Yeah.” Vaggie remarked as she gestured back to the main room where everyone else was, “If you haven’t realized, we still need to fix Alastor’s f*ck up on the commercial for the hotel!” she reasoned.

“Right…” Charlie noted with a nod, and gestured at Vaggie with her hands, “That’s why I figured you can help matters here while Joshua comes with me for moral support!”

At the mention of calling Joshua a moral support, Vaggie raised her brow at Charlie with an expectant look directed at her, “And what am I, chopped liver?” she quipped.

Charlie walked over to Vaggie and placed her palm on her partner’s shoulder with a placating smile, “Oh relax, Vaggie, I said moral support, you are my emotional support and partner after all, right?” she smiled afterwards.

Vaggie smirked back up at Charlie, knowing both of them were just jesting each other, “I’ll see what I can do.” before she frowned a bit at Charlie, “Just don’t sing to-”

Before Vaggie could finish her sentence, Charlie began twirling in place and stepped out from the hallway to begin singing a tune, “~ I can do this! Somehow, I know it! ~”

“-Them…” Vaggie finished saying with a deadpan while Charlie sang to herself and danced and twirled off into the distance.

Vaggie glanced from her place up over at Joshua who had turned around to follow after Charlie as the princess of hell exited out through the front doors while still singing, “Hey, bible reader.” she called his attention over, to which Joshua stopped momentarily to glance back at her.

“Yes?” Joshua asked as he looked towards Vaggie while momentarily turning sideways to look in her direction.

With a plain look and arms crossed, she lifted out her arm to point at Joshua, “Just a fair warning, since you and Charlie will be speaking with the leader of the exorcists. There’s something you should know.” she explained with a bit of a distasteful look on her face.

“And what would that be?” he questioned the fallen angel with some interest laced in his tone of voice.

“You’ll meeting with Adam.” Vaggie said bluntly.

“The first man, Adam?” Joshua asked with a raised eyebrow.

With a flat look from Vaggie, “Yeah, and he’s a major dick, so don’t expect some holy messiah-esque man that comes off as a pure soul or whatever.” she remarked with an eyeroll.

Making a thought hum, Joshua responded back to Vaggie while glancing at her, “Speaking truthfully, the scriptures describe Adam as just that, the first man of mankind that had died after living a long life, never going into detail of his personality. So I wouldn’t put it past the first man to have a crass behavior as well as an ego to match it.” he remarked, before taking his leave to catch up with Charlie.

“Huh…” Vaggie mused with a scoff as she watched Joshua head out of the hotel past the other occupants of the hotel that had watched Charlie head out through the front doors whilst singing, “Figure’s that book wouldn’t bother to paint that dick waffle in a dark light.” she muttered to herself.

Heaven Embassy

“Hello!?” Charlie greeted an empty building as she entered halfway in through the front doors, before opening them up to let herself in; as she walked through the embassy, Joshua soon let himself in through doors as well a moment later.

While Charlie hollered out another ‘hello’ to greet anyone that may be present in the building, Joshua massaged his wrists as several times he had to get past a few chaotic fights between sinners.

In the whole time Charlie had sung her way through the streets towards her destination, sinners of all types were indulging themselves to every sin imaginable; from cannibalistic sinners to lustful creatures that peered through a sex shop, Joshua had to push his way past several fights and annoyances that dared cross his path.

There was already some crimson blood on his knuckles that was not his from the aftermath of catching up with Charlie, there was only so much sin that he tolerated, but when confronted too far, he was within his rights to push back.

Joshua's eyes glanced at his bare forearm that was missing the gauze he used to cover up his burnt body. Just as he had reached the embassy after Charlie entered through the front doors, a cannibal had lunged at him and wrapped their jagged teeth onto his forearm.

The sinner would think next time not to eat something that was capable of catching aflame in their mouth.

“He~llo~” Charlie hollered once more while cupping her mouth to make her voice carry off more, before commenting on the situation, “Creepy…” she remarked.

“While concerning…” Joshua began to comment as well as he caught up with Charlie with strides strides to walk up beside her, “I highly doubt heaven would bother to station an angel in hell when needed.” he said, before pulling out a roll of gauze to re-wrap his arm up, so that his focus wasn’t stuck on keeping his arm from catching aflame.

“I…suppose you might be right.” Charlie replied back to him as the both of them approached a front desk with a single bell atop it, and tapped it to see if anyone would arrive to greet them. “You gonna be alright?” She asked him with a pointed look at the man’s bare forearm that Joshua was in the process of re-wrapping up to cover his burns.

As Joshua spoke, a golden scroll and feather ink pen floated from above down over to her, to which Charlie couldn’t but mutter ‘also creepy’, “I’ll be fine Charlie, nothing I haven’t dealt with before in my time I’ve been in hell.” he placated her worries as he finished re-wrapping his arm with a fresh set of gauze.

“Okay?” Charlie guessed in her worries over Joshua’s state of being, before reaching out to grab the ink pen to sign her name. After finishing, the set floated over to Joshua next for him to sign onto the guest list.

After signing his own name into the guest list, the scroll and feather flew back up before disappearing. Right then, the twin doors off to the side slid open to show the two of them the meeting room.

“Well…here goes nothing, right?” Charlie asked without expecting an answer, before leading the way into a dark room with seemingly none inside. “Hello?~” she hollered out a bit.

As the two of them enter, the doors slide closed while the lights suddenly switch on, revealing two angels at the end of the room. with one being an exorcist lieutenant, Lute and the big boss leader of the Angel Army, Adam, who is eating a rib in his hand.

“Sup.” Adam greeted the two nonchalantly, while causing Charlie to stumble back a bit at the abrupt greeting.

“Holy sh*t!” Charlie exclaimed while nearly falling over herself if it weren’t for Joshua catching her by the arm, and helping her back onto her feet. After muttering her thanks to Joshua, to which the man nodded silently at her, Charlie addressed Adam with a chipper attitude.

“Hi, I'm Charlie. My dad asked me if I could meet you.” Charlie explained herself.

With a spare rib in his hand, Adam responded back with a plain look and bored attitude, “Yeah, I know.” before eating his spare rib through his teeth like a buzzsaw,

“Okay, well.” Charlie said as she reached out to shake hands with Adam, “It's nice to meet you.” She greeted him.

After finishing his spare rib, Adam spoke back while leaning forward to shake Charlie’s hand, “Totally. It's nice to meet you, too.” he said back to her with a sharp toothy grin.

Just as Charlie reached over to shake hands with the man, her hand phased through Adam’s hand to which he guffawed in laughter.

“Augh!?” Charlie shirked her hand back in surprise, while Joshua looked on with some confusion of his own for personal reasons.

“Ha! I f*cking got you.” Adam poked fun at Charlie while leaning over the table, before sitting back to turn to Lute, “Did you see that?” in response, Lute who stood next to him nodded once.

“Ha. Good sh*t.” Adam finished with saying before looking back at Charlie.

“Uh…” Charlie began with, “so wait,” She said while pointing down at the floor, “You aren’t here?” Charlie asked.

With a look of disgust on his own facemask, Adam answered, “No, you think I'd come down there?” he pointed down with his finger, before laughing a bit at the idea, “No, I mean, I love the vibe, totally, I love your tunes.” He gestured with his hand, before making a downcast look, “But! It's such a bummer! man. Everything down there's just so "eugh", ya know?” Chuckling a bit, Adam finished off with saying, “Ew.”

Glancing in Joshua’s direction, Adam took note of his appearance and knew a sinner when he saw one. “That tag-along of yours knows what I am saying, right buddy?” he smirked at Joshua. “Betcha wished ya didn’t become a sinner.” Adam taunted.

While he stood off to the side behind Charlie, Joshua responded with his arms crossed as he stared back at Adam with an even look from his eyes, “Speaking from experience, I’d say hell is humanity’s sins unleashed.” he spoke dryly, while not rising to Adam’s taunt.

“...Sheesh, way to sour the mood…” Adam commented blandly with a frown, having hoped to get a rise out of the sinner, only to receive a comment from Joshua in his observance of his time in hell.

Realizing she had more on her plate to work with, with how abrasive Adam’s personality was, she cleared her throat to grab Adam’s attention back to her, “Right. So, I'm happy we've got this opportunity to meet.” she said as she clasped her hands into a pleading manner, “There's a project that I've been working on that I really want to talk to you about-”

Before Charlie could continue and further however, Adam reached over to put his hologram finger on her lips to shush her for a moment while his finger flickered for a bit from him almost phasing his finger through Charlie’s face, “Hey, hey, hey, hey, slow down. We've got time. How about we get to know each other a little. Mmm. How about lunch? You hungry? I got you.” he said while pointing his fingers at Charlie, before reaching down to hold up a platter of ribs.

“Here's my personal favorite. You'll love it.” Adam offered with a smirk on his lips.

As Charlie was designing the thought of partaking some of the meal, Joshua spoke up as he realized something, “Pardon the question, but why would she be able to partake in your offering, if everything that you are is merely some hollow facsimile?” he asked with a narrowed eye look directed at Adam.

“...hey, wait!” Charlie said with a look of realization, and glared at Adam.

Adam meanwhile gave Joshua a deadpan look as he sat back into his chair while setting his ribs aside, “Man dude, you really are a buzzkill, you know that?” he slid a bit off from his chair in an off put manner.

Without skipping a beat, Joshua responded back with a firm tone of voice, “Charlie is not here for your entertainment, nor am I.” he said with his arms still crossed, while Charlie smiled warmly at the help that Joshua was giving her.

Adam looked back from Joshua to Charlie, and rolled his eyes at her, “Whatever.” before standing up to introduce himself properly, “But yeah, I’m Adam.” he thumbed at himself, “The Original dick master!” he smirked.

As Charlie moved to sit, she leaned forward with her hands on the table, “Wait, your name is Adam? Like the first man Adam, that means you…Oh….”

“...What?” Adam asked with a prideful smirk, “Finally realized who you’re talking to?”

With a wince, Charlie muttered a bit while still being heard, “That explains so much..” she commented.

Adam raised a curious eyebrow at whatever Charlie was referring to, but in Charlie’s mind, she realized why her mother left Adam. His Attitude was crappy as sin.

“Hm…interesting, so that’d make Charlie the stepdaughter of you…correct?” Joshua noted with a ponderous look in his eyes as he stood behind the chair that Charlie sat on.

“....What the f*ck!?” Adam spoke with an aghast look on his face while reeling at the actual thought of being semi-related to the hellspawn.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 | Episode 1 part 3

Chapter Text

After recovering from the initial shock of being asked of the assumption of him ever being related to Charlie, Adam glared over at Joshua while leaning forward on his chair, “What on holy green earth makes you think I’d be related to that-” Adam made a flippant gesture at Charlie, “Hellspawn?” he asked.

Meanwhile Charlie crooked her finger over her mouth in thought while making a thought look of her own as she used her other index finger to connect a few imaginary lines in her head.

Joshua on the other hand kept a simple calm look in his eyes as he stared back at Adam, “While I am unsure of the whole story, your first wife was Lilith before Eve, correct?” he questioned Adam.

Adam leaned back from the table to sit back on his chair to respond back to Joshua, “Yeah.” He shrugged with a dirty look of anger, “Stupid bitch left me after a heated argument…” Adam then scoffed with a shrug, “She was like ‘we were created to be equals’.” He mocked while making gestures with his hand.

Standing up with his fists on his hips, Adam smirked, “And I was like, ‘Bitch, We ain’t equals if I can punch you into next week.” he proclaimed proudly.

“Your attitude makes it obvious that the lord had to correct some errors after you.” Joshua retorted back in a simple tone of indifference.

“What’s that?” Adam deadpanned at Joshua with a confused look afterwards.

With a fierce look in his eyes, Joshua stared defiantly back at Adam, “First Peter, Chapter three, verse seven; in the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.” He announced with conviction in his voice.

“Psh…” Adam waved off Joshua’s words, “That old thing? Dude!” He thumbed at himself with a proud smirk, “You’re looking at the guy that predates that stupid crap! So it didn’t apply to me. hah!”

While Adam smirked in his attitude towards his old wife, Joshua simply tapped his arm while his arms were crossed, “It’s obvious you were a failure in the eyes of the Lord.” Was all Joshua could manage to get out while keeping his temper under control.

“f*cker!” Adam slammed his palms into the table, seemingly creating noise for a hologram, no doubt caused from the audio from the other side of the meeting, Adam glared at Joshua while flicking his finger out to point at Joshua while keeping his other palm on the table, “I don’t know where you get your news from, but newsflash! The angels created me and Lilith, not that retired god!”

“Obviously.” Joshua spoke back dryly, unblinking in the face of such news, “Otherwise you’d have turned out better…besides losing two sons…” he added that last part after a bit of thinking.

Adam slammed his palm back down with his other hand, and chewed his bottom lip before speaking in a heated tone, “You shut your sh*t, mummy man!” He retorted, “It was Cain’s fault! I told him I wasn’t into that vegan sh*t, it’s why I favored Abel more cause he brought the bacon home!”

Seeing that the conversation was getting a bit off track, Charlie chose to voice her findings on the matter as she snapped her fingers, “Oh yeah.” she said while earning the attention of everyone, and pointed at Adam, “My mom was your wife, before she married my dad…sooo.” she dragged the last word out, as Adam came to the realization. “That’d mean I am a bit related to you through my mom, since both of you were created together.”

In an offhand question, Joshua asked with a cursory glance down at her as he stood beside the chair Charlie sat in, “So presumably, that’d make you the first daughter of mankind through your mother, correct.” All Charlie could offer in response was a glance Joshua’s way and shrugged, before answering back.

“I don’t know, I think it’s more technical than that. I do have a demon form afterall…” Charlie said with an unsure expression.

“Whatever!” He threw his hands up into the air, as he wanted to be rid of the current conversation, “Enough of this talk of old news, gah!” He grumpily spat and crossed his arms in annoyance, before reaching out with his arm to point at Charlie, “If you came for Child support, kid, I ain’t payin.”

Charlie glanced over up at Joshua, who shared a look with her, before she looked back at Adam, “No? um…I’m here for something else, actually…” she began to smile with a hopeful look on her face. “I was hoping we could talk about redeeming sinners to heaven.” Charlie announced with her fingers laced and a smile on her face.

All she received in return was a ‘are you for real’ look from both Adam and Lute, Before Adam decided to voice his opinion as he sat up to lean forward and point at Charlie, “Ya’ kiddin, right?” he asked.

“No!” Charlie stood up from her chair to propose her idea, “You see, I was hoping-”

Only to get interrupted by Adam as he guffawed in laughter, before quickly shutting up to give Charlie a flat look, “Those sinners had their chance in life, now they have to live with their lot in hell.” he denied Charlie.

“So that is your stance on sinners, to cast them away forever?” Joshua challenged back at Adam, while giving the man a withering look.

Adam simply flipped Joshua off, “f*ck yeah, I do! What are you gonna do about it? Cry?!

In response, Joshua continued to voice his opinion on the matter while earning Charlie’s attention as while, “It is evident whatever schism has happened in heaven, the teachings the lord had provided were lost to the angels.”

“Hey!” Adam shouted in protest as he stood up from his chair, “I don’t know what version of the bible you read, sinner, but newsflash! The Angels run the show, and I don’t see the ‘G’ man showing up anytime soon.”

Adam then slammed the bottom of his fist into the table as he ranted more, “He hadn’t shown up then, and he ain’t showing up now. He’s an absentee father of the angels, an absent god to me, and he sure as sh*t an absent god to you human sinners! Get over yourself you f*cking windbag! The angels run the show now, and there’s nothing you can do but cry about it!” Adam finished saying with a heavy breath of ranting his annoyance out.

While Charlie glanced with an unsure look on her face between Adam and Joshua, the conversation having gone off the tracks and down the chutes, Joshua stared back at Adam with a resolute look in his eyes, “It is obvious, Charlie, that the situation is more dire than you might believe.” he spoke in a calm tone.

“Hm?” Charlie said as she glanced back over at Joshua who kept an even stare back at Adam, “What makes you say that?” she asked with a quirk of her eyebrow.

“Oh?” Inquired Adam with a rather smug look on his face as he stood up straight with his fists planted on his hips, “Finally realized there’s nothing you can do about facing your complete and utter annihilation?” he boasted.

“No.” Joshua denied the threat, and instead voiced his thoughts, “and while I don’t have the full picture just yet, I can’t help but feel like Lucifer wasn’t the only one to betray heaven, much less god himself…erm, outside the other angels that fell with him of course.” He added the last part after some quick thinking.

Having had enough of the sinner’s accusation, Lute stepped forward with a sneer of her own, “Sir, I think this meeting should end, this sinner has been spouting nothing but heresy of the highest order!” she said as she stood at attention beside her superior.

“No wait!” Charlie waved her hands around in a halting manner, “but what about my idea! I want to try and help the sinners! Don’t they at least deserve a second chance!?” she asked pleadingly towards Adam.

“Pth.” Adam blew a raspberry and gave Charlie a thumbs down, “Nope.” he made emphasis on the ‘p’ part. “Get over it bitch!” he smirked, “And besides, never before a sinner has been redeemed, and I don’t see it happening anytime soon!” he guffawed in laughter at the end while holding his gut.

Charlie hurriedly looked Joshua’s way, only for him to shake his head, “I do not believe we’ll be getting anywhere with this crass fool, Charlie.”

“Grr…you know what!” Adam announced with an annoyed tone, having had enough of Joshua’s nonsense, slammed his palms back into the table, he grinned nastily, “Just because of this little meeting, I’m feeling vindictive! Consider the next extermination within Six months now!” Adam announced with a gleeful look on his face, while Lute allowed herself some gratification of the idea as well.

“Wait, no! I-” Charlie tried to cease the deadline from being finalized, only for both Adam’s and Lute hologram forms to dissipate from the room, leaving Charlie and Joshua to themselves. Charlie felt her world and idea of the hotel crashing down on her all once in her failed attempt to reason with Adam.

While Adam’s behavior was indeed crass, and Charlie felt like she wouldn’t have gotten a good word in even without Joshua’s presence, it didn’t help matters that both men were at odds…and that was putting it lightly.

After a bit of silence from both of them, it was Joshua that spoke in a soft tone, “Apologies, Charlie, but I believe I was out of step in helping you on this matter…” he sighed afterwards.

“No…” Charlie shook her head as she stepped out from between the chair and table, and looked directly back up Joshua as they stood apart from each other, “I don’t know why, but I have a feeling this meeting would have been a failure even if you were not here…I…” She began to lace her fingers together with an unsure sideways glance, “I mean…”

Letting out a frustrated sigh, “Can you believe that guy!” Charlie wanted to pull her hair out, but settled for clenching her fists while looking down in anger, “Now I just feel sorry for my mom for having to deal with that guy before leaving him!”

“Hm.” Joshua let out a sound of agreement, his eyes glanced to the spot where Adam and Lute once were on the opposite side of the table, “But now, we have a short deadline…” Joshua mused while glancing off to the side.

“Crap…” Charlie winced at the realization as it dawned on her, “What am I gonna tell the others?” she asked.

“The Truth.” Joshua simply answered with a small shrug.

“Easy for you to say.” Charlie replied back with a dour look, before shooting Joshua a childish pout, “But you’re helping, you caused it after all.” she accused him.

Joshua stared back at Charlie with a flat look, “Do you take me as a coward and a liar, Charlie?” he questioned her.

“What!? No-I-” Charlie caught herself and waved her arms around, “What I meant was-” she tried to defend herself, or to earn a soft good hearted chuckle from Joshua, which made her give the burnt man a dirty look, “Hey!” she began to accuse him of playing a trick on her.

“Apologies. It was a poor part on my end to lighten the dour mood.” Joshua apologized lightheartedly.

Charlie smiled back a bit, “Right…well…thanks.” She replied back to him, before taking the lead to the exit.

Hazbin Hotel

As the twin doors opened inward from the outside, Charlie was in mid conversation with Joshua as she was talking animatedly about something, “And then, dad said-” she said while turned around to walk backwards while lowering her voice baritone, and wagged her finger through the air, “Michael was just a pompous brat that dad liked to spoil.” she then turned back around to continue walking forward, “I mean, dad can be a bit…uh…” she tried to find the right words to describe her dad

“Childish?” Joshua supplied in a dry tone, it was quite baffling to listen from an eyewitness account of this hell’s ruler as a family man.

“Eh…kinda?” Charlie shrugged while glancing behind her with a shrug of her shoulders, “But get’s a bit…” she pinched her fingers together a bit, “upset when confronted about his past as an angel.”

As the two of them continued talking, Vaggie ran over as she heard them coming in, “Charlie!” she greeted as the fallen angel rushed over to hug her partner, which Charlie reciprocated. “How did it go, did they listen?” she asked with a hopeful look on her face.

Charlie glanced over her shoulder at Joshua, who gave a stiff nod to her, before she looked back at the fallen angel with a nervous smile, “Well…the thing is…” she began to say.

“To put it simply, Adam was more of a crass man than you let on…” Joshua crossed his arms while looking to the side with a narrow eyed look, “Very heavily biased on sinners, the meeting turned into an argument, which led to the extermination date to be pushed up by six months.”

At the reveal of what the meeting had devolved into, and the end result, Vaggie slapped her face while muttering ‘Why am I not surprised?’

“What was that?” Charlie asked, unable to hear fully of what Vaggie said.

“Nothing!” Vaggie shook her head, and looked straight into the eyes of Charlie, “So…what now?” she asked with a dour look now on her face.

“I’ll think of something!” Charlie sighed afterwards while palming her head.


Adam guffawed in triumph as he sat across from Sera in her office, “Hehe, and then, and then this stupid mummified dumb f*ck that came with that hell brat, thought he could come at me with some bible verse that doesn’t even exist! It was hilarious!” he laughed afterwards, while Sera narrowed her eyes while lacing her fingers together.

“Hm…and his name? What was this sinner’s name?” She asked after a bit of thinking, and after Adam calmed down from his boorish laughter.

“Pheh. f*ck if I know, didn’t asked the losers name.” Adam said with a flat look, “All I know is that the loser thought God still ran the show, hah! What an idiot, hahaha.” he slapped his knee in humor towards the burnt sinner.

“...” Sera tapped her index fingers as she tried to make sense of the situation. Turning in her chair, Sera sent Adam away to leave her to her thoughts.

“It’s only one sinner…it’s not gonna make a difference…” She told herself with a dark and resolute look.

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 | Another day in Hell part 1

Chapter Text

His name was spoken to him softly in such a way that felt like a father welcoming his child home, Joshua couldn’t help but feel a rapturous emotion as the flame before him slowly danced in the air as it hovered in place of the voice that spoke through it.

“I…” Joshua tried to find the words he wanted to say to his lord, “I stand before you and await my judgment…” he said as he collapsed to his knees as he presented himself before his lord. “I come before you as a sinner…I have been humbled through flames…I have done my best to live a better life…and yet….” he announced with no ounce of bothering to tell a lie to the lord.

The flame the lord’s voice spoke through climbed upwards very slowly as the lord spoke calmly to Joshua, “I have seen that world crumble to man’s arrogance and greed…were it not for the promise I gave to Noah, I would have drowned the world a second time!” God’s voice rang out in anger in the end while the flames grew wild, before calming down.

“But know it makes me proud to see my people have kept the faith through the worst of times…” The flame gently curved through the air while the hue of the flames became blue, “I have watched you, like many so many others, turn their back from my covenant with man, turn their backs to me.”

Joshua wanted to stand up and protest, but chastised himself as he was speaking to the lord creator. “I…I do not excuse my actions, nor do I expect your-”

“Joshua.” The lord spoke through the flames, Joshua in turn quieted in respect and beholden to the lord, “You were humbled through flames, and returned, you did your best afterwards, that is all I ask for all man, woman, and child, for the faith I hold with man is Pure and Just.”

“I-the White Legs.” Joshua couldn’t help but cringe at the animosity he held for what they did towards Zion and his people, “Even Salt-” he tried to say more, only for the lord to silence him.

“You forget whom you spoke to, my once lost lamb.” The lord interrupted Joshua with a brief burst of the flame of fire, before calming down. “That is why I will say this…”

“Joshua, I am about to make a very important covenant with you, but you must choose willingly, for if you choose yes, I must send you to hell that will reflect your sins upon your body.” The voice of the lord spoke through the flame with a heavy tone, “But know you will feel the love of my will when you act in truth through my will.”

Joshua, if he wasn’t already on his knees, he would have fell to them at the mere thought of forming such a thing with his Lord, but the caveat was he’d be sent to hell that’d reflect his sins…but he was conversing with the lord, and what god was asking of him, was no doubt something of a great task that was greater than himself.

“I-I kneel before you lord…what is this task you will set forth for me?” Joshua asked with deep reverence.

Hazbin Hotel

Joshua’s eyes opened as he awoke to another day in hell, there was that dream again. Remembering he had a promise to keep with the Almighty, Joshua blinked his weariness away before letting out a groan of discomfort as he pulled himself up from his bed to sit on the side of it. His palms resting on the edge of his mattress, Joshua took note of the state of his bandages over his fingers and arm.

He had replaced his bandage just the other night, and already they were showing signs of wear and burns from his sinner’s body catching aflame from within from time to time; sure, he can control his flames to a very good extent, but there were always those times when his body would simply combust through his gauze, leaving him to replace the bandages with new ones even if he had replaced them the same day.

Joshua’s eyes trailed over to his lone nightstand table where a few rolls of gauze were available, before glancing over to the nearby window of his room where the red sky of Hell was ever present. After a bit of ruminating, Joshua realized it has been a month since the announcement; the announcement of heaven shortening the timeframe of the extermination by half.

Rolling his shoulders for a bit, Joshua let out a groan of discomfort as he stood up to get himself ready for the day. He walked over to his simple dresser to pull out a new shirt to wear, while not far off in the corner of his room was a wooden chair where he hung his vest over on; While pulling out a fresh shirt from his dresser from the top, Joshua turned his head to glance out through his window.

Not far into the distance was Pentagram City, the place was nothing short of the worldliness of humanity. The tall skyscrapers with showtime light shows and all manner of enticing adverts to lure in sinners to indulge in acts of sin, and everything in between.

Joshua flapped his shirt through the air to get some creases out, before looping his arm through one sleeve, then pulling the rest of the shirt over his head and torso.

He had a bit of a busy schedule ahead of him today, and the priority of which relied on him getting one of those…smartphone things…he wasn’t sure what was so smart about the blasted things.

Prior night.

Entering through the front doors of the hotel, Joshua had come back after delivering a newly commissioned customized gun to Carmilla. The visit was a polite one between the both of them, though the Overlord had lamented Joshua wouldn’t accept her offer of recruitment, he insisted that he was already under the full employ of Charlie Morningstar.

While the doors shut behind Joshua, Vaggie was already storming over to him with an upset expression, “Where were you?” she asked while throwing her hands up in exasperation.

“Hm?” Joshua began to question as he halted in his steps and looked down at her as they stood apart from each other, “I was not aware my presence was needed today.” he noted.

“Well duh!” Vaggie rolled her eyes at Joshua, and crossed her arms while staring angrily up at Joshua, “You don’t have a phone on you! Charlie all of sudden wanted to try a new exercise of helping sinners, and you were nowhere in sight to try and help her!”

“I see.” Joshua responded, some understanding in his eyes were shone, before he glanced off to the side, “Though, it doesn’t help she didn’t speak about wanting to try something early on before I left, otherwise, I’d have returned at a specified time she wanted to try whatever she had in mind with everyone present.” he explained, before looking back down at Vaggie to stare back.

Vaggie sighed, and palmed her face, “That’s…” She sighed before calming down fully, and relaxed her arms to her sides, “A good point, she kinda has a bad habit though with being spontaneous.” she remarked with a sideways look as she reminisced of the many times Charlie liked to come up with new ideas and begin right away.


Sitting in his wooden chair, Joshua finished tying his shoelaces of his boots while finishing on remembering what had happened last night. While he had some reservations on getting a smartphone, he had agreed with Vaggie that having him on speed dial for the times he’d be out in case something happened while he was gone.

Charlie spontaneous ideas and activities notwithstanding, there were many other reasons for Joshua to acquire a smartphone.

Vaggie even volunteered to help him get acquainted in how to figure out how to work a smart phone was also on the table, since he wasn’t that savvy with tech of such nature.

With a tight pull of making a knot into his shoelaces, Joshua stood up and straightened his vest before heading out from his living quarters.

Hopefully the one phone shop that was at the edge of Pentagram city was open, and he didn’t have to go further into that city than he needed to to buy a phone.

Chapter 16: Chapter 16 | Another day in Hell part 2

Chapter Text

Patting himself down as he checked his pockets, Joshua made sure he had his essentials ready as he made his way down the main stairway of the hotel, his boots making a soft thump with each step he took down the way. Once his boots reached the bottom floor of the foyer, Joshua reached into the inside of his vest and took out his relatively new M1911 pistol.

Relatively new being that it was not his pistol from his life on earth, he had to remake the gun from scratch with what he could find on hand, and from there he had perfected the barrel and grip; while he couldn’t recreate the automatic aspec, it didn’t mean he couldn’t almost match the speed with a fast trigger finger.

Pulling out his pistol from his vest, Joshua ejected the magazine out and caught it in his other hand to check the ammo; seeing that the mag was full, Joshua flipped the gun so that he could hold it by the barrel and check the innards for any discrepancies of the rifling or anything else.

Seeing that everything was in order, Joshua flipped his M1911 pistol back around so that he held it by its grip, and inserted the magazine back into its place; with the mag now in its slot, Joshua pulled the slide back to chamber a bullet and made sure the safety was on before putting his gun back inside his vest.

“That was sooo coool!” Niffty said as her single eye and face filled Joshua’s vision, the little gremlin sinner smiled excitedly as she dangled her body over Joshua’s head to talk with him.

Joshua eyes focused back into Niffty’s own eye, leveling her with a deadpan look, both neither trading a blink; after a few moment’s passed between Joshua’s even stare and Niffty’s frozen look of hanging over Joshua’s head to stare back at him with her single eye upside down and ever present sharp smile, Joshua was the first to move as he reach up and pulled Niffty by the scruff of her shirt.

As he pulled the little gremlin off from standing on his shoulder and around to hold her out in front of him to stare back at him right side up, Niffty giggled as she tried to reach out towards Joshua. “Let me try, let me try! I wanna try that!” she said while her fingers clawed through the air.

Joshua simply dropped Niffty to the floor before responding while she landed onto her rear end, “Some other time…with an unloaded gun.” He spoke simply in an even tone, before turning towards the front twin doors to take his leave, “I have errands to run today however, but perhaps later today if there is still time.” Joshua added with a calm tone as he walked towards the front doors.

“Wait!” Niffty yelled in giddiness as she bounded up from the floor to stand on her two feet, and zoomed off to a nearby closet, “The hotel is out of cleaning supplies!” she said as she made a ruckus while digging through the closet to grab whatever she needed. “Just hang on a minute!” Niffty’s voice was muffled as she hopped into the closet before the door shut her inside of it.

“...” Joshua halted as he reached out for the doorknob, and turned around to glance over his shoulder to witness the closet door bend and buckle as Niffty was…well, being herself evidently. Sure, he could have denied her to come with him, but if the hotel needed supplies, it was best he’d allow the little sinner to join along to save some time.

That, and it was better than letting the little gremlin go alone into the city, and not for the sole reason of Niffty being the one in danger…

Joshua’s eyes drifted to the side in thought, if anything, he had the distinct feeling the other sinners would be the ones in danger around Niffty than herself surrounded by the sinners of the city.

Hehe, there you are my precious needle! Now where’d my best scissors go?” Niffty’s voice echoed through the closet door, “Ah, oh wait, I’m holding it! Hahaha!” Niffty giggled some more, before the closet door fell down to the floor, presenting Niffty back to the world outside.

“I’m ready!” she cheered while holding a spiked parasol and resting it on her shoulder, while on her other shoulder was a small handbag. Niffty’s eye zeroed over on Joshua, and noted he had waited on her, and skittered over to him.

“So how long are we going out?” she asked in an anxious tone, while bouncing on the toes of her feet and craning her head to look straight up at Joshua as she stood before him, “Cause, I got this list-” She drawled out while reaching into her small handbag, and pulled out a piece of paper that rolled down to reach the floor.

As Niffty began mumbling out cleaning products from her list and other things she wanted to get, Joshua spoke aloud while grabbing her attention and making her pause, “I was simply heading out to buy a new phone.” He began with saying while his eyes leveled downwards to stare back at Niffty’s own eye, “But know that if you require cleaning products, I expect that to be the only thing on that list of yours.” he warned.

Niffty’s eye trailed from Joshua’s eyes, and slowly down to her long list, and noted she had written daggers, knives, and everything else that counted as small and sharp “uh...okay!” She then quickly stuffed the list into her hand bag, making some of it dangle out of the handbag in the process.

With a quick smile and giggle, she looked back up at Joshua’s wrapped face to grin sharply and reply, “Ready!” she cheered while standing at attention for the burnt man.

“..hmph.” Joshua exhaled and opened the door, allowing Niffty out first before exiting out next and shutting the door behind him, leaving the Foyer silent save for the sound of Niffty’s voice as it trailed off.

First, I’ll need to stop at Dynomite Cleaners for the oxymint air freshers, then…” Nifty’s voice echoed animatedly from outside and off into the distance.

After several moments passed in the main foyer, Angel slowly picked himself from lying on the sofa, and hung over the backrest with a bottle of booze in hand, “...did…uh…what the sh*t just happened?” he asked drowsily, it was evident he was experiencing a hangover judging by the wincing of his eyes and him reaching up to massage his scalp.

From behind the bar, Husk was in the process of making something with gin, raw egg yolks, some hot sauce and pepper. “Eh, beats me.” he replied back, not bothering to get worked up over it, “Niff went with bible man to run some errands, pretty sure everything will be fine.” Husk explained nonchalantly as he made a mix of the ingredients together with a shaker.

Angel plopped back around to sit correctly on the sofa, and responded back to Husk as he pointed at the other sinner with his empty bottle of booze, “Whatcha making there?” he asked with some curiosity laced in his tone.

“Eh.” Husk shrugged as he poured the mix into two glasses, “Some old recipe I remembered, supposed to help hangovers.” he explained while shoving one of the glasses aside for Angel to grab, “Drink up.”

Angel lifted a brow and asked, “What’s it called?”

Husk simply answered, “Prairie oyster.” Before downing his glass in one go, before using his arm to wipe his mouth dry from any residue of the drink.

Pentagram City

As unfortunate as the circ*mstances were, the nearest phone store outside the limits of the city was not in fact intact from the last time he stopped by to look through the windows. From what Joshua could gather after speaking with a few…willing and pleasant sinners, with…some help from Niffty…

After trying a few times in asking a few passing sinners, only to be ignored or be on the receiving end of an attempted murder…

…he was in Hell, he really wasn’t sure what he was expecting from some random strangers to gain any info from, other than violence or anything else shy of hate or annoyance.

After a few more attempts, Niffty had seen fit to try and ‘help’ by tackling the next sinner, and dragged him over screaming after she bludgeoned him over the head in response to the sinner pulling a gun on her after being tackled.

Never let it be said he hadn’t thought of attempting the same thing…save for the bludgeoning part. He’d have forcefully pulled the next sinner aside and demanded answers, but he supposed Niffty’s help was far enough.

After a bit of asking some questions, the sinner was released from his captivity and went screaming his lungs off into the distance.

While Niffty excitedly waved bye to the sinner as he did his best to escape the two of them, Joshua glanced back at the ruined phone store. From what was said from the sinner, a Crime Mob Family of Imps had come and demanded protection money that was owed from the owners.

Joshua’s eyes glanced further into the broken window of the store, from what he could gather, the Imp Mob took everything of value.

Exhaling an annoyed breath, Joshua turned to face the inner parts of the city while Niffty walked back and around to stand in front of him to point off into the direction of a tall building with a bomb billboard, “Ooh, look, there’s Dynamite Cleaners!” she urged while hopping on her toes, before blitzing off, leaving him alone to his thoughts.

After a bit of quick reflection, Joshua erred on keeping his wits about him, and followed after Niffty.

Hopefully, he’d find another phone store. Preferably one that had models with ease of use and were sturdy. If memory serves him right, he saw an ad for a store that sold a phone called Nokia. It’d boasted the brand as a nigh indestructible phone, and could be attached to a handle if one wanted to use it as a bludgeoning tool as well.

He wasn’t sure of the veracity of needing a phone that could survive being used in such a way, but so long as it could weather a beating, Joshua wouldn’t mind such a durable phone.

Dynamite Cleaners

Joshua kept his arms at his sides as he walked in through the sliding doors of what seemed like a bomb-esque store, Niffty already having gone in ahead of him and gotten a cart from the outside before zooming in with as much energy as…

He really wasn’t sure what to compare Niffty to…she was just Niffty being herself, Joshua supposed.

As he stood just outside one of the aisles with shelves of what looked like bottles of liquid on one side, and all manner of bombs on the other side, Joshua turned to look around as a soft drone music tone filled the store while various sinners and hellborn shopped through the…odd store.

Joshua couldn’t fathom a reason for a store to sell two different types of objects that were as far removed from each other for various reasons, then again, he remembered from his old life that people would scrounge up chemicals together to create their own bombs from scratch…

“Hey bud, ya looking for something?” An Imp asked as said hellborn creature walked up to him. The Imp smirked up at him as he stood apart from Joshua, “Let me guess, first time at my ‘fine’ establishment?” the Imp asked while putting his hands on his hips in pride.

Joshua glanced down at the Imp momentarily, “You would be right.” he started with saying, before looking up to watch as a blur of Niffty zoomed past an aisle with a cart full of bottle sprayers. “Though, I came in here with someone as company, but now she’s off…buying whatever she needs…”

The Imp manager smirked at Joshua, “Well, just so you know, we got a clearance on pipe bomb ingredients, fifty percent off for the first ten packages you buy!” he offered.

Joshua slowly looked back down at the Imp with some interest written in his eyes, “...I’m listening, do you have any more deals in this store?” he asked.

“Buddy!” the Imp introduced himself, “The Name’s Kipster, and so long as you buy bulk from this store, I treat you right like I do with my other good customers.” Kipster motioned for Joshua to follow him, “Come on, let me show ya my other deals like my D.I.Y. kits for mines!”

Joshua glanced once more over his shoulder to see another sight of Niffty zooming through the store with a more filled cart, before focusing back on Kipster and following the Imp to other deals. “Do you have any kits for proximity mines?” Joshua asked Kipster as he followed the manager deeper into the store.

“Haha. buddy, I think I likes ya already! Here, let me show you our deals on molotov kits too!” Kipsters said as the two of them traveled deeper into the store.

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 | Another day in Hell part 3

Chapter Text

Dynamite Cleaners

Outside at the back of the store, Joshua leafed through a few hundred soul bills from his wallet before handing the agreed amount to the store manager, Kipstor, who gladly accepted the soul money. Sitting not far from the two of them was a crate of D.I.Y. mine kits.

After a quick count of bills through his fingers, Kipster grinned to himself and pocketed the money away. "Pleasure doing business with ya, Mr. Graham!" he smirked up at the Burnt man in bandages.

While Joshua pocketed his wallet inside his vest, he looked back down at the Imp and said, "Quite. I expect the crate to be delivered to the agreed address," he warned.

Kipster scoffed with a grin while waving his hands negatively, "Of course, of course!" he assured the sinner that stood before him, "Can't have repeat customers if all I do is stiff them." he jested while jabbing his elbow in Joshua's direction.

Joshua nodded in agreement as a pickup truck pulled around the corner of the store, driven by an Imp with another Imp in the passenger seat; once the truck was pulled up near Joshua and Kipster, the manager himself gestured for his employees to the crate beside them, "Right here boys." he hollered out.

As the Imps exited the truck, Joshua noted that the imp that was driving the truck had a bit of a stocky but muscled build, while the passenger imp was more on the lean side but carried a shotgun on his back.

"On it, boss." The Driver imp half saluted as he and his fellow worker walked over to the crate next to Joshua and Kipster and hefted it up together with the lean imp.

While the imps carried the crate to the back of the pickup truck, Joshua looked back down at Kipster. "If that is all between us with the exchange, I'll be heading back in to check on the little miss that entered the store with me," he said before turning to leave the store through the back door.

"Hold up, one more thing," Kipster said while his workers finished hefting the crate into the back of the truck before getting back into the vehicle to head to their destination. The imp manager walked over to Joshua once the burnt man stopped and turned to glance back at him.

"Yes?" Joshua questioned the imp without missing a beat.

As Kipster approached Joshua once more, he fished through the coat he wore as manager of the store and pulled out what made Joshua tense at first when he saw what the imp was pulling out the moment he saw the handle grip of a gun. "Don't think I didn't recognize your signature from elsewhere!" he flashed a smirk as he fully pulled out an m1911 pistol.

Joshua wasn't sure what exchange was about to happen, but he certainly was expecting what the Imp was about to say next. Tensing his fingers, he quickly pulled out his own weapon in retaliatory fire.

Kipster grinned as he held his weapon out in his palms. "Mind etching your name into this gun of mine?" he asked in the most innocent way an imp can ask.

"...." Joshua froze his hand just as it was about to go into his vest and pull out his own gun. He looked back down at Kipster with a look of uncertainty. "Excuse me?" he asked suddenly, thrown off by the request.

The imp manager's eyes gleamed back up at Joshua. He held his gun in his hand and gently rubbed it with the palm of his other hand. "Ya see, I was able to buy this nice handgun of such fine quality, but I couldn't afford the package deal of having it signed by the gunsmith himself," he then smirked at Joshua.

Joshua crossed his arms and weighed what the imp was implying on wanting to ask while he looked back at the imp with an indiscernible look in his eyes. "And you wish for me to sign it…" he drawled out, earning an excited grin from Kipster, all while the pickup truck drove off to its intended destination.

On one hand, he usually etches his initials into the commissioned guns he's asked for through Carmilla Carmine. It was a simple idea given to him by Carmine herself; he needed capital for his basic needs at the time, and he knew his way around guns. In the end, it worked itself out for both him and Carmine. The agreed split was a thirty-and-seventy split in his favor. The haggling part of the whole deal is a different story altogether.

Carmine increased her clientele count through his guns while pocketing some of the earned commissions, while he had a stable income to finance his basic needs. It was a win-win for both of them.

Blinking to himself back to awareness, Joshua let out a soft breath as he directed his attention on the imp manager, "I don't usually do requests such as this, but-"

Kipster picked up on the hesitation like a shark homing in on blood in the water, "Initial my gun, and I'll have the boys come back later to send you another crate of the same order you paid for, free of charge!" the imp offered quickly with an eager look on his face.

"..." Joshua closed his eyes for a bit to think about it. Already, he was feeling a bit greedy about the sort of deal, and while he was going to do it anyway without the deal before the imp interrupted him, perhaps he should add something of his own to even out the cost of etching his signature into the imp's gun without the cost of the package deal that usually comes with the commissions.

Joshua opened his eyes back up and looked directly down into the imp's eyes with a measured look, "Fine, but if you are adding in a free crate for the signature, I can't in good conscience do it without offering a counterbalancing deal." He said while unfolding his arms to reach into his vest and pull out a slip of paper.

Kipster's eyes trailed to the slip of paper that Joshua pulled out before he offered it to the imp. "Call this number. You'll be greeted by an operator that will send you a catalog of a wider selection of guns I've made designs for."

The imp gently reached out and accepted the slip of paper, and nodded numbly as his eyes focused on the slip of paper in his hands., "It's a deal!" he said breathlessly.

"Good. Now, where do you want me to initial on the gun of yours?" Joshua asked the imp, who looked back up at Joshua eagerly.

A bit later, after the exchange with the imp manager, Joshua headed back into the store to check on Niffty and see if she had found everything she needed.

Walking past a few rows of aisles, Joshua reflected on his time in hell. It was one thing for him to say he was a follower of the faith and bible, but it was another to abide by what it teaches. He was a sinner, that much was evident, but had done his best to adhere to much of what the bible had taught him.

Joshua was a violent man when warranted, but Hell made it hard to be passive in any regard. In hell, you had to look out for yourself, lest you end up as the downtrodden sinners that lay on the streets.

To say that Joshua wasn't already well acquainted with the situation, was an understatement. Much like the wastelands of the Mohave, life was harsh and one had to be efficient in killing any opposition to one's own life. Where you have raiders in the wastelands, you have crime mobs in hell. The Mohave has its warbosses, Hell has its Overlords.

It was a song and dance that Joshua was very familiar with.

Rounding the corner of an aisle at the end of the store, Joshua rid himself of his inner monologuing once he spotted Niffty in the midst of a conversation with an imp he was unfamiliar with.

"I've always figured Apollyon's brand was better on stains," Niffty remarked while standing beside her cart of cleaning products she had in her hands two different brands of cleaning fluid with sprayer nozzles. Her eye narrowed at the one in her left hand, "I never figured Baphomet's brand was a stain remover and an all-surface cleaner as well."

Standing not far from Niffty with her own cart of a few cleaning supplies and tools, the imp shifted on her feet a bit as she took out a bottle from her own cart of the same brand that Niffty was cautious against. "Oh B'lieve me!" the imp remarked with a southern accent as she held the brand bottle in her palms, "After run'n outta anything to use at th' time, Bapho cleaner was all I had left so…" the imp rolled her eyes shrugging with a smile.

With eagerness evident in her eye, Niffty held her bottle up to look at it more closely. "Ooh! Can it also function as a flamethrower like Apollyon's?" she asked with a sharp smile.

After putting her own bottle of cleaner into her cart, the imp gave Niffty a close-eyed smile. "Sure!" she drawled and opened her eyes to look straight at Niffty, "it even works on caked bloodstains that are over months old!" she gushed in response before her eyes trailed behind Niffty to finally noticed Joshua walking up to them during the conversation they were having.

"Oh, hello, thar!" The imp greeted the burnt man with a simple wave while earning Niffty's attention as well. "You must be th' gentleman that lil' ol Niffty here calls mista Graham," she remarks as Joshua approaches the two.

Joshua gave the imp a nod and glanced between the two, "...I'm assuming you know each other in any capacity?" he asked in a measured response.

Niffty giggled manically as she looked up at Joshua with her eye, "Acquaintances, actually! We bump into each other now and then in this store!" she answered him.

The imp, on the other hand, reaches out to shake hands with Joshua. "Th' name's Millie! And it's nice to hear little' ol' Niffty has a place to stay at."

Reciprocating the handshake with the imp, Joshua glanced between the two once more before voicing his thoughts. "I've bought what I needed. If you need anything else, you'll find me waiting at the front," Joshua told Niffty, looking directly down at her before excusing himself to the two ladies.

As Joshua left the aisle, Millie looked back over to Niffty with a perky smile, "Nice guy! Ya'll think he needs assassins for any unfinished business on Earth, by th' way?" she asked, hoping to help her boss by adding a client to I.M.P's list of clientele.

Niffty frowned for a bit before smiling once more and giggled with a sharp grin, "Nah, I don't think he's the type." she remarked.

Millie smiled gently in response and fished out a card to hand off to Niffty. "Well, here, jus' in case," she said, before excusing herself to take her leave and finish her shopping. She waved back at Millie as she rounded the corner of the aisle. "Ya'll don't be a stranger now, ya hear!" she hollered before leaving Niffty's sight.

Niffty hummed an excited tone to herself as she looked at the card in her hand and smiled sharply at it. Depending on how much time had passed on Earth since she had died, perhaps it wasn't too late to finish the job of killing her boyfriend for hooking up with that skan*! It wasn't her fault that she was clingy to her boyfriend!

Those Geisha had it coming for trying to seduce her man after all!

Restricted Archives

As the top dog and leader of his extermination force and the first man of mankind, Adam was granted a very good amount of authority that came with his station, chief of which was access to the deeper levels of Heaven's Great Library—an enormous building that housed every single bit of literature that humanity had created…with some exceptions, of course.

…But that's besides the case…

Adam was looking for a book, and it wasn't just any book either, it was Saint Peter's book. He never really got around to reading the book other than to skim through it. A few preachy gospels here and there, but supposedly good enough of a reason for the man to be granted the rank of Saint and passage into heaven…

What he doesn't remember is the book teaching anything about what that damn sinner had said that had rankled him something awful for the past month.

And last he checked in his brief skimming of the book, Peter didn't write anything about a god or anything other than preaching to the angels. Something did not add up; whatever that sinner said that came with his bitch of an ex-wife's daughter seemed way off the mark of what most humans tended to be preachy about.

Using his gear's index finger claw, Adam looked through each title of the books before finding what he was looking for. "There you are, you stupid thing!" Adam grumbled to himself to pull out a bible that was not supposed to exist on their Earth and Heaven.

Pulling out what was labeled as an orthodox bible, among several other denominations of bible books that had found their way into the realm of heaven, Adam grumbled to himself as he tried to remember what passage the sinner had said the verse was in.

After flipping through several pages and searching from the index page, Adam finally found what he was looking for before slamming the book shut after a quick read. "Well…" he began to say to himself, as he placed the orthodox bible back and glanced between the other bible books. "Looks like we got ourselves another soul that found themselves crossing the aether…again…" Adam mused to himself while noting that while the passage he read wasn't to the exact lettering of what the sinner had said, it was nevertheless spot on what it was trying to convey.

Scratching his chin, Adam looked on with confusion, "When was the last time we had one of those souls here…a hundred or so years ago?" he muttered to himself before frowning to himself, "Ugh…better tell Sera we got another errant soul from some stupid other earth…" Adam shrugged lamely and said as he took his leave of the place.

AN; That was my attempt at Millie's southern accent. Hope it wasn't too jarring.

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 | Another day in Hell part 4

Chapter Text

Dynamite Cleaners

Not far from the building and parking lot filled with various vehicles that were still leftover from the extermination a month prior, a group of parked cars was stationed just on the other side of the street. Within each one, sinners were loading their guns and rifles for a potential shootout with their target.

Inside the lead vehicle, an Avian sinner sat in the driver's seat while a bobcat sinner sat in the passenger's seat. The Avian sinner spoke as he checked the magazine of his automatic rifle of its bullets before clipping it back into its slot, "I keep telling you, Bob." He sneered with a sideways look at his fellow college. "Drop the habit of drinking while we're on the job!" the avian sinner berated his fellow sinner.

Bob shot his compatriot an annoyed look as he gulped down his whiskey bottle in one go and tossed it out his window, resulting in a loud crash of glass from the bottle, "Shut it, Mac!" he sneered while wiping residual liquor off his chin. "And I keep telling you to stop calling me Bob just because my body looks like a bobcat! It's Dobber, get it right!" he exclaimed with a slight hiccup afterwards.

The bobcat sinner jabbed his index finger at the avian sinner, "Or maybe I'll just call you Macaw instead!" He said before picking up a semi-automatic rifle that was on his lap and checking its chamber. Then, he went to check its iron sights out through his window with one eye squinted and the other leveled with the sights. "I'll drink on the job if I want!"

While this was all going on, the fellow henchmen-esque sinners who sat in the back were minding their own business, doing their best not to bother the two upfront.

Mac rolled his eyes at his fellow member's attitude and moved to get out from his side of the car to stand outside and wait. Dobber followed suit after checking that everything was in order with his gun and exited his side, leaving the remaining crewmembers of the group to finish up on their own.

As Dobber shut the car door with his rifle in a firm grip of his hand, he leaned up against the side of the car while he struck up another conversation with Mac, "By the way, you think we need all these men for one guy?" he remarked while resting his elbow down against the roof of the car.

Shifting the weight of his automatic rifle and his hand to a more comfortable position, Mac glanced away from the entrance of the store to look directly back at Dobber, "I would have asked Mister Eldritch for more men, but it's only one guy…so" he shrugged, "I thought otherwise. It's not like we're going up against an overlord's gang."

"I suppose you're right about that," the bobcat sinner remarked with an amused toothy grin before frowning quickly. "Wait." He eyed Mac. "Isn't this Graham guy also one of Carmine's men?" Dobber asked.

Mac let out an annoyed grunt from his lips. "No, you're hearing the wrong gossip through hell's vines." He answered with a roll of his eyes and looked directly at Dobber. "High intel says she doesn't own him and his services but is a very big patron of the man's services."

While the two of them continued talking, the rest of the crew assembled from the parked vehicles and began making their way onto the parking lot of the nearby store with guns, melee weapons, and everything in between in hand.


With a notepad in hand and a pen in the other, Joshua wrote into the pocket-sized notepad as he approached the store's front doors. Making a mental checklist and crossing off the listed items on his notepad, Joshua clicked the top of his pen and pocketed it into one of the pockets on his vest.

As he exited through the front doors to wait for Niffty outside, Joshua finished pocketing his notepad inside his vest, opposite where he usually stores one of his pistols on his person. If Charlie, much less Vaggie, had a problem with him defending the hotel, they'd have asked him to stop well before he bought the SAM launcher.

The hotel was supposed to be a welcoming building for sinners, but that did not bar those who would attempt to destroy the property or harm the residents.

He was pretty sure if Charlie, given the reason and motivation, had the capability of defending the place, but so far, the impression he'd gotten out of the spawn of Lucifer was that she wanted to come off as approachable to all sinners and not some big-shot princess of hell…

Or at least, that's what's figured out so far…Perhaps he'd asked the girl herself on the matter, but for now, he supposed he'd take up the position as her Warhawk…

Joshua paused in his steps and stood on the store's curbside as his thoughts drifted to his previous life in the Mojave…the execution of Salt-Upon-Wounds by his own hands…

However, his thoughts were cut short by a dozen or so sinners heading his way from across the street and into the parking lot of the store he stood in front of… Judging by their looks, he was their target.

Well, now…there could only be a few reasons for a group of criminal-looking sinners eyeing him down like a target…in all honesty, it felt like a walk in Zion Canyon for him against only twelve or so sinners.

Inside the store

Digging through her small purse, Niffty smiled as she pulled out a few soul dollars to pay for her cleaning supplies. Bending at her knees, she hopped up and stood on the countertop to hand her money to the Imp cashier.

The imp cashier looked bored as she rested her cheek against her palm and blew a bubble from her chewing gum. By appearances, the female imp looked like she was in her teenage years in imp years. "Thank you," she spoke, bored, while chewing her bubble gum back into her mouth to chew it. "Here's your change.'' The female imp finished saying while handing Niffty her change back.

Niffty preened with a sharp, gleeful smile after accepting the change back. After saving up on enough coupons, she was able to get the price of her supplies down to a decent amount. "Eheh, it's always a pleasure!" she cackled while pocketing her change into her purse before hopping off from the counter to waltz to the end of it and pick up her bags.

As Niffty collected her bags of cleaning supplies, the windows of the store were soon blown out by bullets, greeting the customers and workers inside the store to the sound of a shootout.

With an ever-present bored look, the female imp cashier reached down to put on a metal helmet. Reaching beside herself, the imp pulled over to her a mic and clicked a switch on.

While Niffty excitedly zoomed over to see what sort of fight broke out at the front of the store, the imp cashier spoke through the intercom system to all present within the building. "Attention customers and staff." She began with a bored tone. "We have another shootout in the parking lot, that is all," she said into the intercom before putting the mic up.

The imp yawned and rested her cheek back into her palm as she waited for the next customer to check out, she glanced for a moment to the front windows to satiate her curiosity. Seeing Niffty bounce on her feet to peer over the broken window sill, the sinner giggled and awed as she watched the chaos ensue outside.

From the outside, a sinner was sent flying through one of the windows from a grenade blast, with severe blood trauma flowing from his chest as his body hung over the broken window he flew through.

Not a moment sooner, Joshua reached in from the outside after making a quick move to reach the sinner's barely unconscious body and pulled the sinner by his leg. "Wha-" the sinner groaned as Joshua grabbed him by his face. "MHMF!" He muffled out as Joshua clenched his fingers into the sinner's face before prying him up off the window sill and using him as a meat shield while bullets were sent his way.

Once the bullets ceased flying for a moment, Joshua tossed the bullet-riddled bloody body of the sinner aside. He quickly noticed Niffty was staring at him through the broken window, "Excuse me, I'll be ready to leave after I finish this mess on my hands." he remarked quickly before making a hasty move towards a broken down car for cover.

Niffty's ever-present smile became a shark-like grin, "I didn't know he had such a bad boy streak in him!" she remarked before quickly rushing off to head through the front doors and see the fight for herself better.

"'Ang on thar!" Millie's voice rang out. The imp reached for Niffty and pulled the sinner from heading out just in time. "Are ya crazy!?" she asked her fellow store acquaintance while trying to hold Niffty up by the scruff of her shirt. "What yer think'n go'n out thar fer?"

While an explosion erupted from the outside, causing some asphalt to blow through the broken window, Niffty craned her neck to look at Millie with a pout. "I wanna go watch the bad boys play!" she whined.

Millie gave Niffty a weird look and placed her palm on her hip while she held the small sinner up. "And with no gun on ya?" she asked, giving Millie a disappointed frown and waggling her finger at the sinner. "Ya's got tah know better than that, darlin! Otherwise, you'll find yerself riddled with bullet holes!"

Niffty giggled at that while clasping her reddened cheeks at the mere thought, "Ehhe, I know, that's the best part!" she remarked and bit her lip while the sounds of gunfire continued outside.

Millie blinked at Niffty's behavior toward the idea of pain and realized what sort of sinner she was dealing with. She perked up with a shining smile. "Oh well, howdy. Yer one o' those sinners, ain'tcha?!" She poked at Niffty's cheeks before setting her back down and shooing her off. "Well, go on then, go have yourself some fun then!" She encouraged the small sinner.


"Who the f*ck is this guy!" Shouted Dobber over the sound of gunfire as he peeked over from behind the vehicle he had exited from prior, only to jerk himself back down as one of his fellow men was blasted by an explosion and was sent careening through the air until his body impacted the hoot of the car and bounced off to continue flying past it.

Mac let out a grunt of anger as he replaced the magazine of his automatic gun before standing up to fire at the burnt and bandaged man with short, controlled bursts. "I don't know! Boss said to rough the guy up and drag his limp body back to base!" he yelled back through the chaotic mess that was a one-man versus many shootout.

As the avian sinner shot cover fire on the retreating form of the burnt sinner, a grenade was tossed by the man just as he took cover behind a beat-up car in the parking lot.

"f*ck! Incoming!" Mac yelled as the grenade arched through the air and landed on the other side of the vehicle he was taking cover behind.

Mac ducked back down to avoid the exploding shrapnel of the grenade alongside Dobber. Both sinners felt the tremors of the explosion from the grenade hit the car as they leaned down against the side of the car. Asphalt and metal shavings ended up flying over the car while gunfire continued within the parking lot between the Burnt sinner and the remaining henchmen sinners.

Dobber winced as he palmed his ear from all the ringing he was hearing, "f*ck!" he exclaimed and hefted his rifle back into his hands before getting back up to return fire, "Nice-pueh!" he was cut off from saying any more as the burnt sinner fired directly at him with a pistol.

A bullet was fired at Dobber's chin, causing the anthro bobcat's entire lower jaw to be eviscerated, miraculously leaving his tongue intact through the whole process.

Dobber dropped his rifle and panicked in pain as he backpedaled and reached to try and cover his bleeding mouth. The brush of air against his eviscerated mouth was a foreign feeling to him as he eventually tripped on himself and fell onto his rear end.

"I wanna join! I wanna join!" A separate feminine voice yelled through the violence.

Mac lost attention from seeing his partner in…well. Was crime really a crime in hell? He never really thought about it till now.

"Ah, this stupid midget bitch is stabbing me in my back. Get her off me, get her off me!- Kekgk.." One of Mac's men yelled before making a gurgling sound that Mac was very familiar with.

Whoever was their target's backup was, she had slit one of his men's throats open.

"Less talking, more killing! Ehehe!" The female yelled through the gun

"Stupid bitch, you'll pay for-kugk." Mac listened and heard another gunfire, followed by the sound of a head being splattered by a bullet.

"If you're going to help, don't leave yourself open." Their target presumably admonished the female.

"But I wanted to be shot at, too~" The female whined back at the burnt man.

Now, with wide eyes, a sweating face, and trembling hands that threatened to drop his rifle, Mac was beginning to question what his boss was doing, sending them on this sort of mission. He was starting to regret not bringing more men…and firepower.

After a few seconds passed for the avian sinner, he realized things had quieted down. Taking great care to lean and peek from the frontside of his car quietly, Mac saw that all his men were incapacitated, bleeding out on the ground, or outright missing parts of their bodies from explosions while lying on the ground in a pool of their blood.

Letting out a quiet breath, Mac retreated to lean up against his car as his mind raced about how sh*t went south. Turning quickly after thinking the coast was clear, his eyesight was covered by the site of the target's face, and his eyes bore holes straight at him.

"..." Mac slowly tried to give the target a disarming smile.


Joshua quickly grabbed Mac by the throat, causing said sinner's eyes to bug out from the vice-like grip. Mac began to claw and struggle for air as Joshua carried him off back towards the store, all the while Mac kicked his feet to find perchance, only to find none.

Niffty waved a gleefully sharp smile at the avian sinner as Joshua carried him through the front doors. The imp manager stood not far from the entrance with an annoyed scowl and arms crossed at Joshua and the Avian sinner.

"Excuse me, but do you have a place where I can interrogate this man?" Joshua asked Kipster with a genuine tone of curiosity.

Kipster stared up at Joshua and glanced around a bit at the damage to his store while weighing his options before thumbing at the employee backroom. "So's long as ya cover the cost of the damages." he expressed with an annoyed grunt. "Our transaction earlier aside, I can't run a charity case here!"

Joshua nodded at the manager once, "Foot me the bill." he said before carrying off the sinner who had passed out from the little air he could barely breathe in from Joshua clenching his throat.

As Joshua carried the sinner off to the back rooms, Niffty walked back in and eyed her bags, sitting beside Millie.

"Well, golly," Millie remarked as she handed Niffty's bags back to her, " n' here I thought you were less violent than I took ya fer!" She shined an amused smile at Niffty.

Niffty giggled a sharp grin back at Millie and waved off her comment, "Oh, that wasn't me being violent! I was just being myself and having fun!" she gushed excitedly, to which Mille smiled more.

"Aren't we all? Am I right?" Millie remarked back to Niffty with an amused expression.

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 | Interlude, Matters in Heaven

Chapter Text


From the front entrance of the Archives, one of the doors opened with Adam on the other side as he let himself out with Lute trailing not far behind him. Adam was expressing a bit of an annoyed look on his face mask, while Lute's face mask was of stoicism as she followed her commander.

As the two headed to the headquarters of Heaven, Adam allowed himself to vent his frustrations to Lute, "You'd think the higher ups would seal whatever breach there is that allows stray souls to crossover here, y'know?" he remarked while throwing his hands up a bit at his sides in exasperation.

With a calm facade, Lute responded to her superior with her hands clasped behind her back as she followed Adam. "I'm sure sir, that whatever the angels are doing, they are doing the best they can to monitor the aether of realms."

"Well, duh." Adam jerked his hands down a bit to express his exasperation, "You'd think management would have fixed the issue by then, but stray souls keep managing to slip through whatever gap that the higher ups have fixed." he ranted

"Hm." Lute hummed in agreement, before voicing her opinion on the matter, "Do you intend on dealing with the matter yourself, like last time?" she asked with a mildly curious tone, while she walked faster a bit to walk beside her commander to glance at him momentarily.

Adam began using his index claw to gently scratch his chin under his mask, before shrugging the question off, "Eh, it's up to Sera, I guess…though…" he began to smirk.

"I wouldn't mind going down there now to send that asshole off to whatever realm he came from myself…" before Adam shrugged with an annoyed look, "But that stupid treaty we have with Hell means I can't just go down and bust a soul."

"Sir." Lute began to say, as she eyed her Commander, "Didn't you already tell her Highness about the sinner? Wouldn't she have done something by now?" she asked.

"Meh." Adam made a flippant gesture, "I'm feeling a bit petty right now, and in case she didn't do anything yet about that bible sinner, I might as well tell her that the guy is definitely not from our realm after the little digging that I did."

"I'm surprised you even bother to do any work at all, sir." Lute remarked as she followed her commander into the headquarters of heaven, to which Adam paused as he stepped inside the building to give Lute a look. "Other than attending the yearly exorcism of hell that is." she added.

With a tired look on his face, Adam huffed a bit before speaking, "Yeah, well, when you get to live as long as I have, Danger tit*, you'll start to get tired of all the work." he answered, before shuffling back onwards to his intended destination.

Noticing that Adam spoke a bit about himself, Lute decided to ask a follow up question as she followed after Adam, "Is that why you left the job of watching over Earth to other saints and angels?" She asked with some curiosity laced into her tone.

With a gruff tone, Adam answered while expressing a mildly angered tone, "no…yes…grr. It's more complicated than that!" he answered while halfway glancing at his lieutenant as they continued to walk beside each other, before he sagged his shoulders a bit to express his exhaustion

"It stopped being funny watching humans kill each other in wars after the first few centuries! So many innocent people were killed for greed and sh*t! gah!" Adam stood straight up to throw his arms up in exasperation, "I stopped giving a sh*t after seeing the more wicked crap humans do in their pillaging during wars, it ruined my mood each time I looked down on Earth!" he expressed with a dour look.


Speaking to a two-way floating video call, Sera sat at her desk with her elbows resting on it and her fingers steepled as she conversed with another angel on the other end of the call. "It was nice speaking to you again, Chazaqiel." she said while expressing a delighted smile, "It's always pleasant to know you are diligent in your work."

On the other end of the call, an angel with gray skin and hair that looked like cascading mist smiled back at Seraphiel, "Yes, well, it helps that humans haven't been a total lost cause." she remarked with a glint in her pale green eye, "They've come a long way in figuring out how the weather works."

"Quite so." Seraphiel commented back with a placid smile, before dipping her head to bid her subordinate farewell, "But I believe that's all the time we have to chat for now, it has been a refreshing chat with you, Chazaqiel."

The other angel giggled warmly, "Yes, yes, let's talk again some other time." Chazaqiel said, before remarking with an amused smile, "And don't forget to tell Emily I said hi! I haven't seen her in a while." she gushed with a wide brimming smile.

Seraphiel nodded in acceptance, "I do that." she answered, before the two of them bid each other goodbye. Once the call ended, and the video disappeared within a blink of an eye, Seraphiel was about to get up when the intercom on her desk chimed, telling her she had a visitor on the way.

With a confused look on her face, Seraphiel tried to ponder who it was that wanted to visit her. Reaching across her desk to press a button on the intercom, she allowed the door to her office to open and let the visitor.

Just as the doors opened, Adam was already on his way in with Lute walking not far behind him, seemingly in midconversation with his lieutenant "And that, my bonafide number two, is why I hate how humans waste each other in such asinine ways in wars. And don't even get me started on those f*cking stupid religious wars!" he rolled his eyes, seemingly at the end of some rant he was discussing with Lute on.

Seraphiel couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at what brought on Adam's rant against one of humanity's worst attributes, but stymied her curiosity for now and cleared her throat to get Adam's attention, which it did as she looked down at him as he approached her desk.

"Hey Sera!" Adam said in a gruff tone with a half hearted wave, dispensing without any formalities to her, while Lute stood behind Adam and bowed her head in respect, "Your Highness." Lute greeted her.

Eyeing the two for a moment, Seraphiel spoke with a measured tone of curiosity mixed with authority, "Adam." she began with saying as she focused her attention on the man, "What Brings you here all of a sudden?" she asked, "If I'm not mistaken, you're usually out partying or helping the exorcist train for the next extermination." Seraphiel pointed out.

"Eh." Adam waved off the idea with a disenfranchised look and tone, "Wasn't feeling it today, wanted to do a bit of research of what passage that sinner actually quoted from."

"Well…" Seraphiel remarked with a surprised reaction as she looked down at Adam in a different light, "I'm surprised you'd bother with such a thing."

Letting out a gruff tone, Adam responded with a flippented gesture, "Yeah, well, I was feeling petty." he replied in a grumpy tone, "So, imagine my surprise when I actually search up the quote that Peter said, and it wasn't in his book of good deeds."

"Yes…" Seraphiel replied with a measured look of thought, "You've said something along the lines of that of the sinner."

With an intense stare back up at Seraphiel, Adam continued to talk to the Seraphim, "Well, after a bit of looking through the archives, and all the way back to the forbidden section…" he started with, while earning wary look from Serapiel, "I had to look through those bibles that manage to crossover to our realm from other heavens and their denominations."

"So imagine my surprise that the sinner's quote was actually from a different bible than what Peter wrote." Adam finished explaining with a proud look, before chuckling with mirth, "The dumb idiot has to have probably realized by now that he's not in the hell that he's expected!"

At the mention of how far Adam had gone to look into the matter, Seraphiel was surprised at the man's willingness to go out of his way to do any extensive work outside of exterminations. She had to lean forward to gently palm her forehead after Adam finished speaking, "Why can't that tear stay sealed?" she muttered to herself while letting out a soft frustrated sigh.

"What's that?" Adam asked with a confused look on his face mask, not fully comprehending Seraphial's mutterings.

Looking up from leaning on her desk, Seraphiel gave Adam a stern frown, "Nothing Adam." she began saying as she stood up from her desk, "But thank you for bringing this to my full attention and actually getting to the bottom of this discrepancy."

"Oh yeah?" Adam began to ask, giving Seraphiel an expected look, "Let me guess, you're gonna sic your special angels on the guy, and send his soul back where it should be, right?" he asked, while expressing a smug look.

Seraphiel's eyes sharpened back down at Adam, "Yes…" she drawled out while palming her desk, "You can leave the rest of this matter to me Adam." Seraphiel then maddeningly smiled, "I thank you for your due diligence." she said before making a quick shooing motion at Adam and his lieutenant, "Now be off now, I have a phone call to make." she advised with a warm smile.

"tch, don't have to tell me twice!" Adam remarked with a wave, and took his leave with Lute giving Seraphial a salute before following after Adam. "totally gonna hit up this virtue chick, and see if she still wants some lessons on the guitar…" his voice trailed off as the door shut behind him and lute, Leaving Seraphiel to herself.

As Silence permeated her office, Seraphiel began tapping her index finger in contemplation of her next act, her eyes glancing side to side in thought; steeling herself to move forward with putting a plan in action, Seraphiel eyes hardened as she summoned a phone into existence.

After thumbing through a few actions on said phone, the device rang once before someone answered while Seraphiel held her phone up next to her ear, "Yes…Yes…How long can you arrive here?,no, it's not that big of a problem…" She conversed with the being on the other end of call, before turning to look out her window of her office, "...About one soul…yes, that sort of problem…yes, and make it quick…very well then, make sure you are not seen." she ordered. Before shutting the phone off.

Letting out a tired noise from her mouth, Seraphial glanced up at the shining sun that shined down on heaven, "He keeps sending these people and books over." she muttered to herself darkly. "The Angels and I are doing just fine on our own!" she told herself with a look of resolve in her eyes.

Chapter 20: Chapter 20 | A Revelation for an Angel

Chapter Text


Mac groaned as his senses returned to him, and as he became more aware of his surroundings, he felt restrained. Blinking his eyes open, Mac tested his arms and feet, only to feel tied to what felt like a chair. He grunted as he tried to free himself, but to no avail.

"Ah, good, you're awake." A voice brought Mac's attention to the far side of the room, and from out of the darkness walked the target he and his men were supposed to kidnap and bring back to his employer.

As the burnt sinner approached the table near Mac's seat, the man placed a few tools on the table, such as pliers and a blowtorch.

Mac's eyes widened in fear, not for his life, but for the potential excruciating pain he'd feel if the other sinner was about to torture him for information on who he works for. "Listen, man, I don't want any more trouble; I'm just a bottom-rung minion of the guy that sent us after you!" he pleaded to the burnt sinner.

On the other hand, the other sinner was brushing his hands off something while looking down at the tools he placed on the table before looking up at Mac. "You brought trouble to me, and while the good book teaches to love thy neighbor, I must get to the bottom of why you and your men wanted to accost me," he said authoritatively.

Mac had to blink a few times at what the other sinner had said, registering for a bit in his mind, before realizing the sinner standing on the other side of the table was once a bible reader, perhaps still. Hard to say. Mac never paid that religious crap much mind. Still, upon reflection on that bit, Mac couldn't help but realize he never thought of the irony in not believing in the afterlife and always did what he wanted in the belief that his only one life was what he got.

And now look at him. A tied-up sinner in hell, about to be tortured by another sinner who was himself declared to be of the faith. The irony was palpable.

Mac couldn't help but scoff at the burnt man underneath heavy gauze: "Look, man, torture me all you want with those tools, but spare me that drivel of that book stuff. I'm already miserable in hell as it is!" he expressed with an annoyed look, "I don't need no Saint Peter book of goodwill jargon!"

"Ah, I see." While glancing down at the tools and pushing them aside, the other sinner remarked, "There's been some misunderstanding on a few things, but we shall fix them, along with whatever information I can get out of you willingly."

Mac lifted a brow at the sudden awkward atmosphere. "Wait, what do you mean?" he asked, his avian beak looking confused.

The Burnt sinner gestured at the tools, "I simply got back from helping the manager and his workers clean up the mess of the front window, and I had just gotten back to check if you were awake yet."

"...What!?" Mac squawked in disbelief at the sinner and glanced at the blowtorch in particular, "In what fashion would you need a blowtorch to fix a window!?" he shrieked in disbelief.

"I welded bars over the broken window." The burnt man answered without missing a beat, "A temporary fix to keep thieves from entering the store during closing hours."

"...My man, I think you forget where we are." Mac deadpanned at the other sinner, "I don't think metal bars would stop the more strident attempt of thieves to ransack this place."

The burnt man stepped around the table while pulling a chair with him, his legs scraping against the floor as he did so. "And you'd be correct, but the manager had also eased my doubts on that idea," he said while plopping the chair around to sit across from Mac on the same side of the table. But we've gone off-topic," the burnt sinner said while easing himself into the wooden chair.

Mac let out a gruff noise as he gave the man an annoyed look, "What, you'll talk the info out of me? Hah!" he derided the burnt sinner, "I told you before, I'm a bottom rung minion, I don't know anything beyond the task and the employers name.

"Ah, then we are getting somewhere." The burnt sinner remarked with a glint in his eyes.

"...What? But I didn't say anything!" Mac remarked with a confused look.

The other sinner shook his head at Mac, "I want your employer's name." He answered calmly, "Give me your boss's name, and I shall set you free."

"...You promise?" Mac asked after thinking about it for a moment and staring back at the man for any hint of deception. Mac earned a slow affirmative nod from the burnt man. "A-a-alright, his name is Leviathan Von Eldritch," he answered with a nervous smile.

"Much obliged." the other sinner answered before reaching into his vest and pulling out a revolver to aim at Mac's head.

"Wait- you promi-" Mac stuttered, only for the burnt sinner to interrupt him as the man pulled the revolver's hammer back to prime it.

"Yes, and I am a man of my word. I shall set you free of your mortal coil." The burnt sinner intoned before firing the revolver at Mac's head. An intense cloud of gunpowder filled the room from the man firing the revolver at Mac's head, and after several moments passed, the cloud dissipated to show Mac still alive and wide-eyed with the burnt sinner's arm still holding his gun up at Mac's head.


Mac was completely unharmed with not a speck of a bullet ever gracing his head, while Joshua spun his revolver around on his finger before holstering it into his vest, "That was a joke on my part, you are actually free to go." he expressed lightheartedly.

Joshua stood up from his chair and glanced back down at the avian sinner, only to see the avian pass out and the distinct smell of urine wafting from Mac. "...Daniel did say my humor was always lacking…" Joshua muttered to himself before getting up from his chair and stepping over to drag the tied-up sinner out of the room and out the back of the store to deposit the unconscious avian sinner out of the bindings Joshua had put him in.

After finishing up the process of chucking the avian sinner off to the side beside a dumpster in the back of the store, Joshua resolved to take his leave of the store with Niffty and find another store that sold phones.

Heaven Embassy

At the front desk of the embassy, a bright yellow tear tore through the lobby air, and through the hole, a figure stepped through the tear. The figure was angelic, as the angel in question was nowhere near human in appearance compared to when most angels would lower their forms to be easier on the minds of mortals.

While the angel held a tome in his lower left arm, his lower right arm had a phone while his upper arms were crossed over his chest. On the back of the angel were four wings, and its feet were of talons. As the angel was thumbing into its phone to contact Seraphial that it had arrived in hell, its head was that of a hawk while on the backside was the face of an owl. Both faces beheld four eyes each.

The hawk's front face looked down with its lower eyes as it thumbed its phone a bit more before getting the face time to finally work as the call went through. "Why couldn't Sera just let me use my orb to contact her?" the angel grumbled in a masculine tone. "It works just the same…" he grumbled as his upper eyes swiveled around to examine his surroundings.

On the other hand, his owl face on the backside commented in the same voice, "Nice place." He commented, "Just a shame it has to dwell in hell." The angel said the call finally connected, allowing him to Facetime with Seraphial.

Seraphial gleamed with a simple smile. "Ah, you've finally called. I was worried you would not be able to understand how to handle the new technology," Seraphim remarked with a bemused smile. I'm glad that you could take time out of your schedule to help on this matter, Raziel."

Raziel's eagle eyes now looked down at his phone to converse with Seraphial, "The humans can go without a day of my influence on them. I trust that much in them." he said. At the same time, his backside owl face let out a hoot before comment with it while twisting his head around to let it face the phone, "Though, the past century has been a bit violent before the mid-century had passed. Quite nasty those humans can be against each other." the owl face commented with a wizened tone and wide-eyed stare from his four owl eyes.

Seraphial's face darkened a bit before coughing into her fist and making a sideways look. "Yes. Well…" she replied, then looked back at Raziel through the phone, "We can talk about those years some other time. It was a chaotic mess for both heaven and hell. But for now, I require your assistance in finding the stray soul in hell and sending him back to his home realm." she instructed with a sharp look as she sat at her desk during the call.

Raziel's head swiveled around back to that of his eagle face and conversed with Seraphial, "Yes. Yes. Quite." he nodded in agreement and gave his fellow Seraphim angel a look. "Ah, but pardon me, I believe I need to shift my form down." he expressed with an amused look in his four eyes.

"Yes." Seraphial agreed as she watched from the other end of the call as Raziel's form shifted with bright light. Before, what stood now was just a two-armed humanoid being with only an eagle's head and two wings of a hawk on his back while still having talons for feet.

Raziel coughed into his fist in embarrassment and shook his body a bit before his eagle head shimmered with light into a simple eagle face mask over his face while his feet glowed until the light disappeared to show simple bare feet. "That's the best I can power down, I suppose…." he remarked with some amusem*nt in his tone towards his fellow Seraphim.

Seraphial smiled back at Raziel, steepling her fingers as she conversed with the other angel. "Yes, well, it's not like I need you at your full power to capture a simple lost sinner soul," she remarked with some bemusem*nt.

"Hm…" Raziel nodded in agreement and started walking off to the embassy's entrance. "Do you perhaps have any images of the Sinner I need to detain?" the Archangel Seraphim asked Seraphial as he approached the doorways.

"Indeed I do." Seraphial answered as she pressed something on her end of the call, before an image popped up on Raziel phone, "This is the footage of the sinner, he was accompanying Lucifer's daughter during the last meeting between heaven and hell."

Raziel studied the footage, most in particular of the burnt man that stood beside the young Hellborn child of Lucifer. "Understood." the angel affirmed and looked up from the phone to reach up and let himself out of the embassy, "I'll report back when I have the stray soul detained." he intoned, earning a nod from Seraphial before both ended the call with each other.

As Raziel stood outside the Heaven embassy, he sniffed the air for a bit before wrinkling his nose. " Ugh, I forgot how bad hell smells with sin so rampant," he commented before he bent to his knees and jumped to soar through the air to search for his target.


Exiting from the recent store he had checked for an easy to use phone, Joshua stood outside an electronics store with a flip phone in hand and eyed it with some reservation. "Hm…not as difficult as it seems…" Joshua muttered to himself as he looked down at his flip phone.

It was supposed to be simple in use: just dial the number of the person you wanted to call, and the call would connect, none of that touch screen bells and whistles most sinners would often be seen looking down at while walking the sidewalks of pentagram city.

Looking up from his new device, Joshua began trekking back to the hotel. Niffty had already parted ways with him to return to the hotel with her cleaning supplies. The only reason Joshua didn't have a problem with Niffty going alone was a gut instinct—that and the little female sinner's penchant for violence.

With that thought out of the way, Joshua pocketed his flip phone into his vest pockets for safekeeping. Joshua eventually crossed a street as he walked through a crowd of sinners. While walking along the street, he heard the odd sound of an eagle and an owl noise simultaneously.

Joshua momentarily looked up. He stopped momentarily in the middle of the street, and as he did, he saw a speck in the sky that was becoming larger as it descended toward his location. Joshua's instincts blared in his mind to dodge, but before his reflexes could react in time, he felt himself impacted by a set of hands. A large crash and splash echoed around Joshua as he found himself underneath the streets of Pride Ring.

He found himself being impacted by whatever it was into the sewers of Pentagram city, and as Joshua groaned in pain while moving to pick himself up from the pile of asphalt he found himself in, a hand grabbed him by his vest to pull him up. Joshua's instincts went on hyper-alert as he quickly reached into his vest to pull out a pistol and fire into the offender who had decided to accost him in such a manner.

After emptying his clip into the offender on his person, Joshua's ears rang from him firing his gun in the sewers, the cacophony of the echos died down after a few seconds along with the echoing sounds of bullet casings falling into the sewage waters.

The offender, wearing an eagle mask, tilted his head at Joshua amusedly. "Was that supposed to hurt?" the unknown assailant asked Joshua. The person's tone did not hint at hostility.

A few moments passed in Joshua's mind, and after his senses finally returned to him from the quick exchange of his reaction, Joshua took quick stock of the situation and answered the assailant's question. "It is obvious it did not." he intoned, staring back at the eagle mask wearer's eyes. "But most times, it works on normal sinners." he finished saying, keeping himself tense since the assailant still held his vest.

"Hmm. Yes, you'd be correct on that." The assailant remarked as he tilted his head back to its normal position, "But I am no sinner; I am an angel, of which I am one of the highest ones, Raziel the Keeper of Magic, and I have come to take you back to your home realm, stray soul."

Joshua eyed the angel with some surprise, but kept his emotions under control, "I see, I'm afraid I must decline though, for the Lord's work requires my presence here in hell. So excuse me for denying the offer." he expressed kindly.

"I'm sure you think that," Raziel remarked as he brushed Joshua's shoulders off idly before jerking him up towards him to stare back at the sinner face to face. "But I wasn't making an offer. You don't belong here, and no amount of silly thoughts that amount to some belief that the Father of all creation had sent you to this realm will stay in my hand."

Joshua's arms snapped up as he grabbed Raziel's arms in response, giving the Archangel a sharp look. "Then the time for talk has passed; the lord's work must be shown his divine covenant with me, even if I must burn one of his angels."


Raziel was about to laugh at the sinner and the absurdity of what the burnt sinner implied. He did not expect the sinner's hands, which gripped his arms, to explode into flames.

Most of all, he did not expect a familiar feeling from the flames themselves, which fed off the sinner's bare forearms and hands.

As Raziel stared back at the sinner with widened eyes beneath his hawk mask, his internal thoughts were a jumbled mess as the sinner reared his fist back and sent it flying into his face, shattering his hawk mask in the process. 'Father?' were Raziel's thoughts as he felt himself reeling from the punch and letting the sinner fall back down to stand on his feet.

Raziel stumbled back a bit as he tore his burning mask off and stared at the sinner with a wide-eyed and disbelieving look. "Who are you?" he demanded. "Why do you carry the Father's flame on you?"

The burnt sinner stared back at Raziel with a resolved look in his eyes, "I carry the lord's flame of judgment on myself as penance of past sins I had transgressed. It is also the mark of my covenant with the lord."

"You lie!" Raziel denied the thought that the Lord would go out of his way to send a sinner of all people to their realm of the afterlife.

The sinner simply held up his hand as the flames on it died down and pointed his index finger up, "Thou shall not bear false witness, and I am not one for making a lie against the Lord." the burnt man said with a tone that beheld no guile to Raziel's ears.

"What sort of covenant are you in with the Holy Father?" Raziel asked, his tone somewhat humble.

"Redemption of sinners, and through Lilith's child no less." The Sinner answered without missing a beat.

Chapter 21: Chapter 21 | A Revelation for an Angel part 2

Chapter Text

Pentagram City Sewers

Joshua sat atop a large broken piece of rubble as he tended to his arms that were bare to the outside, already he could feel the onset of the flames within him threatening to ignite into the air; it took some willpower to keep the flames at bay, the bandage were just an added part to help him lessen the need to focus his attention on the fire that would threaten to engulf his being.

As Joshua used a new set of gauze to rewrap his left arm, he stared back at Raziel while the angel himself seemingly sat on a small pillar of water that was no doubt the machinations of whatever the angel was doing. While he wasn't overly familiar with the wider pantheon that was the lord's angels, the angel that sat in front of him that easily towered over him by a few heads definitely came off as a holy being.

Raziel, the angel, called himself along with a title of 'Keeper of Magic'. While he slowly continued to wrap his arm up to carefully make sure it was taut and secure, the angel stared back at him with an equal measure of curiosity.

Once Joshua eventually tied the gauze up to his wrist, he carefully wove the wrapping up between his fingers and and around each one. "So…" Joshua decided to break the ice, while causing the angel's face to finally shift to that of attentiveness, showing he had Raziel's attention as the two of them looked at each other. "What do you intend to do now?" he asked while finishing up wrapping his left arm.

The angel pursed his lips, while his face now minus his eagle mask, showed four eagle like eyes that narrowed at him all at once, "I do not know, this is unprecedented." he remarked with some anticipation in his voice, before reaching up to scratch his chin with his finger, "But I will need to make this known to the others." he answered with a furrowed look on his face, "And Seraphial will definitely not enjoy hearing Father actually sent a prophet to our afterlife realm…"

A bit miffed at being called such a thing, as it felt too heretical by his taste and standards, Joshua narrowed his eyes back at Raziel while he spoke to the angel, "The Lord Almighty did not send me as a prophet." He denied the angel, and earned a surprised look from Raziel, "Nor would I ever define myself one or be seen as one." he said, before remembering the last bit of what the angel of magic implied.

While Joshua reached into his vest to pull out a new tape of gauze to begin on his other arm, Raziel nodded at Joshua denial of being called a prophet, "That's fair, but it was the first thing that came to mind, as it reminded me of those stories from the bibles we have stored up in heaven." he remarked with a rueful smirk on his face, while palming his hands onto his knees, "And I've always felt sort of jealous those other realm were able to have Father's presence bask there."

Joshua paused as he rewrapped his right arm while looking back at Raziel with a straight look, "So what Adam said is true." he remarked, while earning a raised eyebrow from the angel, "The Heavenly Father hasn't been around for some time in this afterlife."

Raziel curled a lip of amusem*nt at Joshua as he bent forward a bit while he continued to sit on his pillar of still water, "Really, now? Adam said that? I would have figured he'd be more vulgar about the father's absence."

Joshua resumed his rewrapping, while a part of his bare right hand lit aflame momentarily, causing him to mentally will it back down and calm back into his body, Raziel on the other gave the brief lapse of Joshua's willpower against the flames that threatened to burn his body eternally. "He was more expressive during the meeting…" Joshua answered while reaching up to finish with his right hand, "But I suppose I am at fault on that as well, as I let myself goad the man into an argument with me. It was quite unbecoming of me. Especially after witnessing the biblical Adam be a caustic man."

Raziel's mouth twisted into a frown, as the topic of Adam was pressed, "Well…" he worded out while looking sideways a bit, "I'm sure you'd be in his shoes as well, after seeing your descendants devolved into such a mess you see these days."

As Joshua finished pulling the wrapping taut over his right arm, he looked straight back at Raziel with a look of uncertainty, "Speaking from experience, and a partaker of sin, yes, Human's have a cruel streak. It wasn't until later in my life after feeling the humble flames of my near demise, that I returned to the light of the lord."

"And yet, Father sent you to this realm's hell…" Raziel mused while giving Joshua a critical look with his four eyes.

Putting his tape up from tapering his wrapping down, Joshua looked back at Raziel with an unflinching gaze, "The Heavenly Father gave me a choice in the matter, and since my purpose in life was done, I resolve to renew myself through a new purpose and covenant with the Lord himself in the afterlife he chose to send me too."

Taken aback by hearing the human had formed a covenant with the Heavenly Father, Raziel couldn't help but pull out his Tome from within himself, and a quill in the other, before opening it up to write into it, "And what was this covenant you formed with Father?" he asked eagerly, while earning a confused look from Joshua.

"Ah." Raziel coughed into his fist while letting his Tome sit on his lap, "While I am indeed the Keeper of all Magic, I am also what you human's call a secretary to Father…in the loosest terms mind you." he expressed with an amused face. "And I'd like to record what Father ordained you to do for this realm of Heaven and Hell."

"That…" Raziel continued speaking with a sly look to the side, "And passing off knowledge to Humans, it's always nice to see the fruits of what I inspire the humans to configure up with my help."

"...Besides the atomic bomb?" Joshua drawled out with a stoic look at Raziel.

" was a misjudgement on my part, I'd had hoped humans would be inspired to use that knowledge to power their cities." Raziel sighed deeply while pinching the bridge of his nose in defeat.

Joshua blinked once, before addressing Raziel with a dry tone, "I am reminded of the saying, 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'." he quoted, while earning an exhausted look from Raziel as the angel looked back at him.

"Let's…let's just get back to what sort of covenant Father made with you." Raziel pleaded with a distasteful frown.

"Very well then." Joshua agreed with a slow nod, "But like all scriptures, he was a little vague, yet succinct. 'You shall wait in hell for a time. There, a child will come bearing a request, heed her, for the path of redemption for sinners lies through her' ."

"Hm…" Raziel mused as he wrote into his Tome, "That does indeed sound like him…most of the time…" he remarked with some amusem*nt.

"Most of the time you say?" Joshua asked as he watched the angel Raziel finish writing into his tome before putting it away.

Raziel looked back at Joshua with some hint of amusem*nt in his four eyes, "Father likes to act more…differently in this realm…compared to his other worlds…"

"...How different?" Joshua followed up with a question while eyeing Raziel with a look of uncertainty.

For his part, Raziel gauged his reaction, before speaking back to him with an even look, "Does that hellborn daughter of Lucifer enjoy singing and dancing like her father?" he inquired while expressing some hidden amusem*nt behind his eyes.

"...Well the gospel does encourage to sing to his glory and son…" Joshua remarked with some understanding flashing in his eyes, "I wouldn't put it past the lord of creation to enjoy such pastimes."

"Yeah, well…" Raziel clicked his teeth while allowing a fond expression to be expressed with his lips, "The last time he visited us before he gave us the figurative keys to creating this realm, he had us all enjoy a nice show tune dance with him."

After digesting that bit of info, Joshua narrowed his eyes at Raziel, "So what Charlie read to me was true…" He began to presume. "You angels created this plane of existence."

"It wasn't easy." Raziel's smile tightened, "I still don't know how father does it all the time with his infinite worlds, heavens and hells."

Joshua simply gave Raziel a look as he stood up from his seat of asphalt, "I don't think you need me to tell you that no one can never truly grasp the depths of the Almighty's brilliance."

Raziel chuckled with mirth as mirrored Joshua by getting up from his seat of water, before letting it collapse to the sewer waters. Grimacing to himself, Raziel twisted his head around a perfect one eighty and bent backwards to look at his rear, causing Joshua to look at the Angel with a raised brow.

Raziel returned his head back to the front to look back at Joshua with an embarrassed smile, "I actually forgot we were in a sewer the whole time…" he chuckled awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head and looked down at Joshua from his height.

Joshua looked around at the sewer they stood in, "I've been in worse places." He commented back, while earning a confused look from the angel, "A story for some other time, perhaps." He looked back up at Raziel's face, "In the meantime, I do believe we both have places to be." He remarked, while pulling out his flip phone that had survived the entire ordeal, the brand of the phone said 'Nokia' on the top part of the phone.

As Joshua flipped his phone open to check the digital time, Raziel nodded in agreement with the sinner as he pulled out his touch-screen phone, "Ah, you're correct, we've talked long enough, and while Sera doesn't exactly outrank me in any capacity, she will begin to worry that the duty she entrusted to me has gone over the allotted time it has usually taken one of us angels to capture a stray soul." The angel explained as he put away his phone and gauged Joshua's reaction.

"Usually?" Joshua pressed for one final question as he put his flip phone back into his vest pockets, "So I wasn't the only one the lord has sent?"

"Well…" Raziel looked up and around in thought, before back down to Joshua, "I'm not sure if Father purposely sent them here from time to time, but I know he has sent a few of his faith books that ended up on our Earth."

"...I see. Then I look forward to when we can converse once more, Sir Raziel." Joshua bid the angel his parting goodbye with a nod. "This has been quite an illuminating talk," he remarked.

As Joshua watched Raziel's form shimmer away, an idea formed in his mind, "Ah, one more thing, if you'd please." He asked, while Raziel halted his exit. "Would you perhaps help support Charlie's Hotel idea?"

Raziel stared back at Joshua with amusem*nt shining in his four eyes, "Do you think you even need to ask?" he inquired, before disappearing from Joshua's sight.

Other than the sound of the running sewage, silence permeated the tunnels Joshua stood in as he glanced up and over at the hole he and Raziel created in the brief scuffle, before he looked around to notice there wasn't an access ladder of any sort. "...perhaps I should have waited to change my gauze." he mused as he glanced down at himself to notice he was practically drenched in sewage, with some trash hanging off his shoulders from getting slammed into the waters by the angel.

"...Definitely should have waited…" Joshua noted to himself, before trudging off through the muck to find an appropriate exit out of the sewer.


Seraphiel was desperate trying to reign in her anxiety as she sat at her desk, while Raziel sat on the other side with calm look on his eagle face, the other Seraphim having arrived back and into his angelic form…after using a bit of his powers to clean himself off from the taint of hell…and from what she saw when he had arrived into her office, the smell of sewage.

As she inhaled while leaning her elbows on her desk and pressing her palms and fingers against each other, she exhaled to calm herself as she looked directly past her hand at Raziel, who gave her a bemused look. "Raziel." she spoke in a clipped tone while narrowing her eyes at him, "I did not ask for you to act on your own accord, I asked you to find that stray soul, and send it back to its home realm!" she said tersely with a sharp look in her eyes.

"Yes, and father's wishes supersedes your order…that, and you don't hold authority over me, sis." Raziel crossed his arms at her as he leaned back in his chair, giving Seraphial a relaxed look as he conversed with her.

With an annoyed look, Seraphiel placed her arm down while keeping her other arm up to snap her fingers. In an instant, the chair beneath Raziel blinked out of existence, leaving the Angel of Mysteries, Secrets and Magic without a chair to sit on.

What she got however was her fellow Seraphim still sitting on nothing but air with his legs crossed, and giving her a more bemused look. "Come on Sera! It's just one soul, and Dad sent him, just let it go!" he rolled his eyes at her.

Seraphiel slammed her palms down onto her desk and glared at the fellow Seraphim, "That's not what I want, I don't want father sticking his nose into this realm. That was the agreement we had with him!" she yelled.

"Yeah…" Raziel drawled out with a knowing look, "But you know him, he can't help but want to help his children."

"That's the thing though!" Seraphiel argued back with a fierce look, and leaned forward to continue glaring at Raziel, "We're doing just fine without him! Without him, we've managed to maintain order within the system, as well as keeping the majority of our angels from falling, unlike most other heavens!"

"Are you trying to say dad doesn't know what's best for us?" Raziel accused Seraphiel of while inspecting his talon-like hands like one would inspect their fingernails. "If I didn't know any better, he only wants to help humans, especially the sinners of our realm's hell."

Serapiel groaned as she wilted a bit and palmed her face with her hands, before speaking through them, "He always has a soft spot for the humans, even the bad ones." she said with a muffled voice through her hands.

" are you still gonna attempt to deport that stray soul?" Raziel asked idly while giving his fellow Seraphim a curious look.

Seraphiel parted her fingers to stare directly at Raziel with a glare, and slid her hands off from her face, "Are you gonna stop me from pressing the issue?" She challenged. "We have no precedent for this, it could ruin everything we've worked for!"

"Ruin what, Sera?" Raziel rebuked back at her with a tired look down at her, "All we have to show for is a lenient system of heaven and hell, especially hell given the state of how other hells punish sinners, and less fallen angels than the other realms."

Just as Seraphiel was about to open her mouth to argue more with the other Seraphim, the door to her office was knocked on, followed by the voice of one of their youngest Seraphim, "Sera! You busy?" Emily's voice muffled through, before the doors opened to show Emily in her angelic form. "Oh, you are busy…oops…" Emily bashfully smiled at the other Seraphim in mid argument.

As Raziel glanced at Seraphiel, who mouthed silent words of 'this argument isn't over', Emily made a surprise sound as she saw Raziel, "Oh, Raz!" She gushed while rushing over to greet the Seraphim, "I haven't seen you in over a century!"

With one final shared pointed look between Raziel and Seraphiel, Raziel turned around to greet Emily while crouching down to meet her at eye level, "Heya squirt!" He greeted her while reaching over to gently pat the young seraphim on the shoulder, "Look who grew a few inches!" He teased her.

Emily, who couldn't help but puff her cheeks out in annoyance, playfully slapped her hand against the older Seraphim's hand on her shoulder to brush it off, "I'm not some mortal child, you know!" she argued, while earning a humorous laugh from Raziel.

"But you do have the mentality of a young adult equivalent, I'll give you that." Raziel replied back cheekily.

"Hey!" Emily stomped her foot at Raziel, before both smiled at each, "It's good to see you though, you're always busy!" Emily remarked, earning a smile from the older Seraphim.

While the exchange between the two Seraphim was going on, Seraphiel was beside herself as she watched the conversation play out between Emily and Raziel. In the back of Seraphiel's mind, she had serious doubts about letting the stray soul go as it pleased, especially if it involved her father.

She didn't doubt his machinations, but it did hurt to know he didn't trust her and the rest of the angelic pantheon in handling all of creation without him.

Perhaps she should have gone down by herself under a guise? 'Ugh, just the thought of stepping foot down there is giving me conniptions.' Seraphiel thought to herself with a wince.

Chapter 22: Chapter 22 | Returning home

Chapter Text

Hazbin Hotel

With the sound of the doors opening followed by the sounds of his footsteps on the floor of the hotel, Joshua had made it back after finding a place to wash off the excess sewage that had covered his clothes and gauze; what Joshua had managed to find in any useful capacity to wash off the filthy, was surprisingly a water fountain in the midst of some vintage looking town with peculiar looking sinners.

It was just his luck however after washing himself off and exiting from the fountain, that the water turned blood red at the sound of some clock signaling an hour had passed. A macabre scene unfolded in front of him as he dodged several sinners diving into the bloody fountain to cover themselves in the stuff and drink from it. A fight and then some devolved amongst the crowd as the sinners fought tooth and nail to partake in the hedonistic ritual of bathing and drinking from the bloody water.

Even he wasn't exempt from the turmoil of fights as he resolved to leave from the town of what was more than likely a cannibalistic district of sinners, seeing as how he saw several demons feeding on corpses along the way out.

More than a few times, Joshua had to fire rounds of his m1911 pistol into the skull of a cannibal sinner from lunging at him and sinking their teeth into him.

Shaking his head of looking back on what he had to go through in cleaning himself off to return to the hotel, Joshua shut the door behind him before briefly noticing the crates sitting not far from the entrance of the hotel.

"Joshua." Vaggie's voice prompted the burnt sinner's attention over to the foyer. She stood beside a couch that was being lazed on by Angel Dust while in the distance past a doorway to the kitchen, Charlie dipped her head through the door to see one of the residents had finally returned back in time for dinner.

Vaggie gave Joshua an annoyed look as she tapped her foot with her hands on her hips, "Listen, I get you want to help defend the Hotel to the best of your ability, but-" She then gestured to the crates that were beside the front doors, neatly stacked atop each other, "Isn't this going overboard? We want sinners to feel welcomed, not fearful of approaching the hotel!" she remarked while putting her hand back on her hip.

"Perhaps." Joshua replied back to Vaggie as he walked in through the foyer with a calm gait, "But all they would need to do, is walk up to the entrance and not entertain the thought of invading the property with hostile intent." he argue back while reaching his lone table and chair beside the fireplace of the foyer everyone would retreat to to relax at the end of the day.

Vaggie slackened her arms beside herself while giving Joshua a deadpan look as she bent forward in exhaustion in having to deal with the burnt sinner's incessant need to safeguard the hotel with extreme prejudice. "What kind of life did you even experience?" She prodded with a sarcastic tone, "Some Apocalyptic Wasteland" Vaggie scoffed at the idea.

As Joshua sat down on his wooden chair next to the table with a pile of guns on it, Joshua slowly looked back at her with an inscrutable gaze, he neither denied it or affirmed it, as he wasn't in the mood at the moment to fully disclose what sort of place he was from….that, and it was more of personal question of where and what point in time on his Earth he was from.

If the topic was pressed upon more, he'd discuss it, but so far, he didn't see the need unless Charlie decided for the residents of the hotel to disclose a little bit of their previous lives.

For now though, he supposed he'd entertain Vaggie's question with an answer, "While I don't see anyone else here discussing their past much, I do not think it is that prudent for me to divulge what my life was like until the issue is needed." Joshua spoke calmly while resting on the wooden chair he sat on.

"...I suppose that's fair…" Vaggie remarked while rubbing her arms uncomfortably and looking to the side in some shame. Some sinners didn't want to reminisce on their deaths, and many have chosen to outright forget their former lives on Earth.

"Yeah, no kid'n." Angel Dust interjected as he lounged on the couch he sat on, using his upper arms to placed them behind his head to rest on, while crossing his lower arms over his fluff chest, he gave Vaggie and annoyed look, "Listen toots, I get you're curious about mister burnt bacon over there." He thumbed at Joshua, while earning a pointed look from the man, "But a lot of sinners don't exactly have fond memories of their deaths."

From over at the bar where Husk had silently cleaned a few glasses, the cat sinner lifted his brow while expressing a deadpan look at Angel, "Speaking from experience?" he questioned Angel.

With a pointed look of his own, Angel glanced back over at Husk with a challenging look and smirk, "And what, you saying your life wasn't sh*t that led you to here?" he teased.

Before the situation could devolve any further into a heated argument of how traumatizing their deaths were, as it wasn't a topic she wanted the residents to divulge unless they really wanted to as part of their rehabilitation, Charlie stepped into the foyer from with the kitchen while some flour covered her black apron she wore over her shirt. "Hey hey!" She tried to get everyone's attention, "how about less of this, and we can work on a new activity!" Charlie urged the residents with a kind smile.

Earning everyone's attention, Vaggie was the first to speak with a look of surprise, "Already? At this time of day?" she prodded her partner.

"Er…yeah!" Charlie answered while her finger was raised in declaration of the idea, "Tonight, we can work as a group to make spaghetti from scratch for the night, it'll be a hands-on group effort!" She proposed her idea with an excited look.

Silence permeated the foyer, earning some blank looks from the residents, before Angel stood up with an annoyed look, "Oh hell no, I'm not about to see another dish of my people get butchered, move aside princess." he grouched out as he stomped towards and passed a surprised Charlie, "Where's the-, You put too much salt in with the flour Charlie!" Angel's voice echoed out from the kitchen.

While Charlie had a surprised look on her face, and Vaggie giving her a bemused look, Angel Dust's voice continued to echo out from the kitchen along with sounds of cupboards being opened and pots being arranged. "Niffty, what are you doing in there?" Angel asked after making the sound of opening a cupboard.

"Killing the roaches!" Niffty's voice rang out.

"...hand me that spoon, would'ya?"


While the chaos ensued within the kitchen, Husk looked over at Charlie with a curious look as he made himself a drink of orange juice and vodka. "Did you have anything in mind to go with the spaghetti?" He asked nonchalantly.

With a haphazard shrug from Charlie, she looked back at Husk with an unsure look. "I was thinking that while some would help make the spaghetti, the rest would help peel potatoes to make a nice side dish of potato skins."

At the mention of potatoes being part of the dish, Angel was heard opening the kitchen pantry before an unearthly scream rang out, "rrgh! Rrgh, rrgh! Whhheeeereee'ssss the f*cking soil!"

"...I've had worse." Angel's voice echoed out, "Niffty, I need some help over here."

"With a knife!?"

Niffty was heard letting herself out her cupboard, and asked.

"With a knife." Angel replied back to her.

While the sounds of slicing and unearthly screams echoed from the kitchen, with a nervous smile, Charlie simply excused herself back into the kitchen, leaving the rest of the occupants of the foyer to themselves for the time being.

After a few seconds passed while the sound of chaos echoed from the kitchen, Joshua chose to let his thoughts be known as he inspected one of his pistols that was lying on the table next to him, "Not surprising about the potato plant." he mused while inspected the pistol's chamber via the slide as he pulled it back, "There is a nickname for the spud I remember hearing about, something about it once called the Devil's potato." Joshua remarked, earning a bemused look from Vaggie in the process.

Later that night

After all that was said and done, the little activity of making dinner as a group effort had devolved into killing off the majority of the spuds to prevent them from destroying the hotel; The potato skins were off the table, thus that left spaghetti as the only meal viable with some tomato sauce.

The real surprise of the whole ordeal, was Angel's incessant need to instruct how to properly make spaghetti, to the point of making sure it came out as 'Al Dente'.

For Joshua, as he retreated to his room for the night, it was the first time he had the dish, so it was an experience in itself.

Letting out a soft sigh, he allowed himself some reprieve as he sat down on his bed and hunched himself over to begin taking his boots off. While he made the process of getting himself ready for bed, Joshua thought back what Angel Dust had said about the residents of the hotel having fond memories of their deaths.

As Joshua finished untying his shoes, he pulled them off from his feet and felt the freedom of his feet meet the air. Sitting back up straight to relax for a bit on his bed, Joshua continued to think back on what the p*rn Star had said.

…Just because he didn't partake in the proclivities of hell, didn't mean he wasn't wholly unaware of who he interacted with.

Back to his previous thought, Angel Dust's comment resonated somewhat within Joshua's mind. It made him think back on his own final moments before his death.

While he sat on his bed, Joshua turned his head to glance out his window to think back on his death. Never once since his time in hell did he actually take the time to ponder back how he died, as it would not do to focus on the past too much; but now that the thought persisted in his mind, Joshua could not help but dwell on it.

Zion Canyon

Bodies littered the ground, all of which were of raiders that had sought to plunder the lands of the park, to rape and pillage the people of the land, and for their trespass upon the land with evil intent, the raiders now find themselve bleeding out to death or having already died from the bullet riddled holes in their heads.

A lone man, wrapped in bandages and gauze, limped with a tired gait. The lone survivor of the entire mess of the attack from the raiders held his bleeding stomach, while the bandages on his arms were red from bullet riddled holes.

"Hrn." Joshua let out a strained gasp as he felt his aged and withered body struggle to obey him as he slowly limped passed piles of bodies, all of which were raiders and ne'er do wells that came to reap the lands of good his people and family.

It had been more than thirty years since the White Legs incident, and since then, He and the tribe's people along with what remained of his family, had managed to make Zion Canyon their prosperous home. It was a clean place, one of the very few places that was not irradiated, especially the water source.

Especially the water source. The lord provided them with seasons of abundant crops, their faith in the Holy Father not left unwanting.

Now here he was, the oldest man of the tribes and family, most have taken up calling him The Elder, Elder Graham, or simply Grand Elder. The titles mattered little to him, for he was the shepherd of his flock, and he would guide them with the scriptures of the faith. Joshua didn't know how old he was now, but if he had to guess, he was pushing into his late eighties to nineties.

It was already a miracle that Joshua managed to live this long, but he likened it to some favor granted to him by the lord, for keeping the faith and watching over his people.

Letting out another grunt as he stepped over a body of a raider, not far into the distance, he could see the new settlement of Canaan. Calling it New Canaan at the time seemed redundant, so he and Deniel had agreed on simply naming their new Settlement Canaan in honor of their former home.

Thinking back about Daniel, the missionary lived long enough to see their new settlement finished for generation to live on in, before passing away peacefully at the ripe age of seventy eight.

And now here he was, an older man than Daniel at a very advanced age, one that could not keep up with his intent. The spirit was willing, but the body was old, and there was only so much he could do until a mistake was made.

At least he was able to defend the settlement from the raider attack, that was all he could ask for in the end from the lord. The strength to defend his home one last time so that his people and faith could live on with prosperity for generations to come.

With an aged and emaciated arm that matched his age, Joshua reached out to lean against a post of the fence that led to the entrance of the settlement, of which had its doors closed and concrete walls all armed with barbed wire and flamethrowers.

One of the sentries atop the wall had taken notice of him and moved to open the gate, "The Elder has returned from victory!" the sentry's voice rang out after opening the doors.

The sounds of doors opening and clamoring voices echoed from within the settlement, Joshua on the other hand let out another strained gasp as he slowly pushed himself off from leaning on the fence post, and limped on in through the settlement gate, already there was a crowd forming around him as he struggled to walk on his own legs.

Thin as they were, his legs never gave out on him even in the heat of the moment in the battle against the raiders. The few that survived, had escaped with their lives with fear in their eyes.

As Joshua continued to trudge on through the settlement, a few villagers of Canaan offered to lend him aid in walking, while others panicked when they saw the state he was in. "Someone, get him some medical aid!" one of the people cried out, only to be rebuffed by someone else with a saddened look, and remarked that medical aid didn't exactly work that well on his body.

His vision began to swim while his eyes struggled to stay open. So this was how it ended for him? In all honesty, Joshua was content with the fact he was able to defend the settlement, this time, there were no children, mothers, nor elderly lost in the attack. The only thing lost was an old man, an old man that would probably go down in legend of killing an entire roving raider band to the near last man.

Joshua continued to limp with some help walking towards the center of the settlement, and as he did, from out of the nearby church, his…well, he took him in under his wing. The adult was a late teen at the time when Joshua found the kid amongst a different roaming gang of raiders.

Amongst the adult raiders, he spared the young lad, there was still a chance for the teen to change, and he did over the years after Joshua took him in. Sure, he could have spared the raiders as well, but their eyes already hinted that they had their hearts set in their ways of life, the young teen's eyes did not, and thus Joshua took the chance to shepard the boy into his flock and teach him the faith and lessons on life.

After a time, the boy became a man under his teachings, and took up a new name of his choosing to signify his new life amongst the Canaanites and Tribeman.

"Old man!" Jacob called out in distress while Joshua limped towards the center of the village with the aid of his people.

"Jacob." Joshua returned back in an aged voice reflecting his state of being, "It is good you listened and heeded my wishes." he said, as he almost tripped over himself from his weak legs.

Finding himself having almost fallen if it weren't for the fact that the people kept their grip on him from falling to the ground too harshly, Joshua now found himself lowered down to lie facing up while the people let Jacob tend to him and gave the two of them some room.

"Why didn't you let me help!?" Jacob asked in more distress as he looked at Joshua's bleeding body. "We-we could have prevented this!" he said with panic in his voice as he looked into Joshua's aged eyes.

Joshua slowly looked up at Joshua through his swimming vision, "Then who'd shepherd the flock?" he asked rhetorically, earning a look from Jacob as his pseudo-son strangled back a sob.

"Jacob." Joshua breathed out as he felt his life leaving him as he lay in the arms of the man he took in so many years ago, away from a life of raiding innocent lives and living a more moral and just life.

"...yes?" Jacob answered after choking back a sob.

Joshua blinked slowly as he looked to the heavens above, before his vision began to swim more before he found himself seeing a vision of himself walking through a river, he could almost feel the wetness of the water.

"-man…Joshua!" Jacob's voice brought him momentarily back to seeing himself reach up to the sky, his pseudo-son gently grabbing his aged and bandaged hand.

Joshua blinked again and looked directly at his protege, "Jacob, you will carry on the faith and duties in my stead." He implored the man had guided throughout his waning years of life, earning a hasty nod from Jacob. "Welcome those that find wanting but take heed against the silver tongued and vile people, for the world is filled with those that seek to pillage and plunder." He instructed, earning a nod once more from Jacob.

Joshua slowly breathed in and out, already he could feel his body going cold, before a warm feeling of a presence comforting him. "I've lived a long life, longer than most that could ever ask for…" Joshua's voice became ragged as he felt a dissonance from his body.

He heard crying in the distance, no doubt his hearing was failing him as he saw the people around him weep as he breathed his last breath, before his vision failed him and a bright tunnel greeted him.


Joshua's thoughts returned him back to the present while he hung his vest over the nearby wooden chair as he stood, before walking over to the window to close the curtains of the room Charlie had offered him as his living space.

He dearly hoped his protege Jacob was faring well, as well as the people and tribes people. He did his part in ensuring the future of Canaan, taking in an underling was just part of it since he had no way of siring a child of his own.

With a tired yawn escaping his mouth underneath his gauze, Joshua walked back to his bed and settled into it. There was much to do in helping Charlie and her Hotel, and there was no use in worrying over the Settlement of Zion now that he was dead.

AN: I am entirely unsure about this chapter...

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 | Episode 2 part 1

Chapter Text

While it was an early new day for the denizens of hell, and Pentagram City, over at the Hazbin Hotel was a different story altogether. Within the foyer of the hotel where most of the occupants lounge within, Charlie had finally succumbed to worrying over the fact that she had less time before the extermination day arrived.

Pacing back and forth while her pet Keekee walked past her feet, Charlie outwardly panicked as she spoke her mind on the matter. “Okay. So the extermination is coming in less than six months instead of a year.” She said to herself while pacing.

Angel Dust in the meanwhile was barely minding the Princess of hell while he scrolled through his phone as he lounged on a couch, Vaggie on the other hand sat aside on a chair with a frown on her face as she watched her partner fret over everything.

As Charlie turned to continue pacing, she fretted more, “No big deal. Just a little setback. Nothing we can't handle. Just angels cutting our timetable in half. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right?!” She asked rhetorically, before palming her face in more worry and panic, “and next time when they cut the time in half again, and again, we'll just handle it, right?!”

Resolving to calm Charlie down, Vaggie quickly got up from her chair and walked over to calmly grab Charlie by the shoulders, “Yes, we will.” She tried comforting Charlie.

“Oh please.” Angel remarked with some doubt in his tone of voice as he looked up from his phone at the two, “ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullsh*t. And now…” Angel trailed off at the end for a bit to see messages stream to him from his boss, before he resumed speaking to the to with a direct look, “Ain't no silver lining this time toots.”

“Sure there is!” Charlie tried to express with a chipper look on her face as she faced Angel Dust, “We just…” she looked off to the side to find the right words, before she looked back at Angel to finish her train of thought on the matter, “have to look a little harder for it!” Charlie finished saying with some ray of hope in her eyes as she expressed her optimism on the subject matter.

Before Angel Dust could refute back on the matter to the state of the populace in hell, and how everyone was under great duress, the sound of heavy boots stepping down the stairway prompted the attention of the three as Joshua was walking down the stairs.

Charlie chose to greet Joshua with a warm welcoming smile while briefly waving, “Oh Hey, Joshua, um…” She bit her lip at trying to think of something to say, but with the thought of the looming short timespan of the extermination day cut by half now, her thoughts were jumbled trying to process the words of greeting the burnt sinner, “Um…good morning.” She finally greeted him with a small smile.

While Joshua reached the bottom of the stairway, he was in the midst of fixing the bandages over his wrist to check that it was secure. The burnt sinner glanced over at Charlie with a pointed look, “And to you too, though…” He finished fixing his bandages and relaxed his arms at his sides, “From what I was hearing on the way down, it does not in fact sound like quite the good morning, quite the opposite in fact…though…it is good you are trying to look at the bright side of things…” He remarked with a kind look in his eyes directed at Charlie, which she reciprocated with a perky smile.

“Thanks!” Charlie remarked with some pep in her tone, and clapped her hands together to show her pleasure of earning at least two positive comments besides the negative one from Angel Dust. “It helps hearing that!” she added while Joshua gave a nod back at her in acknowledgment before he walked off towards the nearby broom closet.

Angel Dust on the other hand sat up from the couch he lounged on to converse with the man straightly, “I’m actually surprised, Imhotep of Guns.” He started saying in a sardonic tone while Joshua opened the broom closet and peered into it, “What, no quote from your little book of prayers or some sh*t to help little miss princess?” he smirked at the burnt man as he seemed to be searching for something in the closet.

Joshua stood back away from the closet to stare back over at Angel with an even look, “I could…but would you take any of it to heart?” he asked back without a hint of hostility to his tone while giving Angel Dust a pointed look at the end.

At the thought of hearing some more bits of whatever theological book that Joshua had read from, Charlie was eager to hear whatever it might help on the matter “Good idea!” Charlie remarked as she walked over a bit to Joshua, “I’m sure that faith of yours has some good passages right?” she asked while standing apart from Joshua.

Angel Dust however deadpanned at Charlie as he stared at her back while she faced Joshua, “I was being sarcastic, princess.” he remarked, while earning a glare from Vaggie as she rolled her eyes at him.

Joshua on the other hand kept his hand on the closet door as he stared back at Charlie who was expressing a hopeful look on her face as she clasped her hands together, “I suppose I know a few…” He answered while glancing off to the side in thought, before remembering a passage or two.

“There was one passage that helped me during my darkest hour…” Joshua began with saying as he looked back at Charlie, “I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” Joshua finished preaching a verse, one that had brought him comfort during his darkest moments in life.

“Hm!” Charlie mused with a nod of some acknowledgement she held towards the verse, “Is that your favorite one?!” she asked.

Joshua looked back at Charlie who was eager for his response, before settling on answering her, “It was a verse that got me through the worst of times, a time where I was at rock bottom…in quite literal terms as well.” he answered, before leaning back into the broom closet to search for something of his inside the storage of cleaning supplies.

At the mention of the literal part, Charlie frowned a bit while Joshua was heard rummaging through the broom closet, some metal clanging was heard as the burnt sinner seemed intent on searching for something, “Uh…I don’t mean to..pry…but…” she began to poke her index fingers together, “Um…how-”

Cutting her off before she could dig any further into his past than needed be, “A story for another time, I assure you.” Joshua said as he leaned back out from the closet while pulling out with him an M202 Missile Launcher that he hefted back onto his shoulder as he shut the closet door and turned towards a bewildered Charlie, an annoyed Vaggie, and an amused Angel Dust.

“Hey hey hey!” Vaggie stomped over to try and halt Joshua from doing anything rash, “What’s with that?” she gestured at the weapon Joshua had hefted onto his shoulders, “And what was it doing in the broom closet, in fact, why was it in the broom closet!?” She pressed upon Joshua while poking up at his chest, before she realized the man might have more hidden around the place, “How many more weapons do you have stashed around the hotel?!” she asked in a bewildered tone.

Joshua simply looked back down at Vaggie as she stood apart from him, “...enough…” He simply supplied her with a vague tone, causing Vaggie to slap her own face at the burnt sinner’s answer and drag her hand off from her face to glare up at Joshua.

Deciding to try and quell a potential argument between the two, Charlie walked over to placate Vaggie first with a kind smile, “Look, I’m sure Joshua means well, I mean, it’s not like he’s stashing the weapons around the place to attack the residents of the hotel…right?” She asked with a pointed look at Joshua.

Joshua on the other hand simply glanced her way while shifting the weight of the M202 on his shoulder a bit, “...That remains to be seen…but for now, the serpent one was on his way to the hotel last I saw from my window. His blimp was visible for miles away, flying in this direction.” Joshua explained to the present company.

After realizing why Joshua had pulled out what was practically a portable missile launcher from the closet, Charlie mouthed the words, “Oh…” she remarked with a look of understanding written on her face.

Vaggie on the other hand bemoaned the situation as she rolled her lone eye up, “Augh, Him again? Doesn’t he ever give up?” she questioned.

Before any more words could be said on the matter, the sound of missiles going off echoed from the rooftop of the hotel, shortly before the sound of explosions rocked the air outside. All three present company gave pointed looks at Joshua, who was already on his way out, “I upgraded the SAM launcher to an automatic heat seeking one, courtesy of my chief Patron.”

Angel Dust was the first to question the brevity of Joshua having such a thing“...You have a patron?” he asked the burnt sinner before he exited out from the hotel, an ongoing barrage of missiles were heard launching from the roof of the hotel in the meanwhile.

Joshua paused as he opened the front door of the hotel to look back at Angel momentarily, “How else do you think I can afford buying weapons and ammo?” he shot back at the p*rn star, before exiting out through the doorway.

After Joshua shut the door behind him, leaving the three occupants of the foyer to their thoughts, the sounds of more missiles and explosions sounded off from the outside, followed by a large explosion and boom. After a few moments of calming silence, a familiar voice shouted from the outside.

“Curssse you nefariousss armament armsss architect, I ssshall not let thisss go unavenged!” Sir Pentious’s voice echoed.

Vengeance is one thing, serpent one, but if you insist on dragging any of the residents into battle, I will enact my duty as the shepherd and protect the flock.” Joshua's voice rang back from outside the hotel.

Hmhmhm, does that include me?” Alastor’s voice chimed in, from what sounded like it came from the upper balcony of the hotel.

Outside the Hotel

While a busted up blimp styled aircraft was burning after crashing to the ground from sustaining too much firepower from the air defense that were employed against it, Sir Pentious was currently sprawled on the ground glaring up at Joshua, who was staring back down at him with a stoic look in his eyes as he held over his shoulder a spent M202 over his shoulder, smoking from out its barrels.

Alastor on the other hand finished sipping from whatever he was drinking from his tea cup, before dissolving into fog and descended to the ground to materialize outside the entrance of the hotel while Joshua held a stared down with the serpent sinner.

Joshua stopped staring down at Sir Pentious, and glanced over his shoulder to spare Alastor a glance, “That remains to be seen.” he replied back in a cordial manner, “I was under the impression you are an overlord, and are in no need of any protection.” Joshua shot back at Alastor with a flat look in his eyes.

Alastor simply chuckled with mirth as he idly examined his mic staff, “Oh deary me, I suppose I am, I’m just flattered you might be including me into your list of sheep.” he remarked with a sharp smile.

“Enough chatter!” Sir Pentious yelled as he struggled to pick himself up from the ground, his body sore from the crash landing, “Face me Gunsssmith of Carmine, for I ssshall dissspensssse of you!” he demanded while shaking his fist at Joshua after finally propping himself up from the ground.

“Hm?” Alastor made a remarking sound as he lifted his brow at Joshua, “A side gig of yours, I presume?” he probed for answers from the burnt sinner.

Joshua simply brushed the question off with a simple answer as he steadily walked towards Sir Pentious, who was squaring up for a potential fist fight. “Something of the sort.” He supplied back as his answer as he confronted Sir Pentious.

Once Joshua was within enough distance for Sir Pentious however, the serpent sinner smirked in triumph as he quickly reached into one of his pockets to pulled out weapon, and just as he pulled one out to fire it at Joshua, “Ha, got you where I-” He said in quick fashion, only to be rebuffed as Joshua swiftly used his spent missile launch to slam the weapon out from Sir Pentious’s hand, “Ah!” the serpent sinner cried out in pain as he held his palm.

“You will leave the premises.” Joshua ordered with a strict tone in his voice, before he grabbed Sir Pentious by scruff of his shirt, and began dragging the serpent sinner from the front yard of the hotel.

While Sir Pentious struggled to pry the hand off from his person, he yelled back at the burnt sinner with a miffed look and tone, “Unhand me gunsssmith, and face me properly!” his voice trailed off as he and Joshua disappeared into the distance from the vantage point of the front of the Hazbin Hotel.

In the meanwhile, from out of the front doorway of said Hotel, Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust exited out from the doors to see the tail end of seeing Joshua drag Sir Pentious off from the property; Niffty on the other hand appeared from behind Alastor’s head to stand on his shoulders with an excited look on his face, “Who was that?” She asked with an eager look on her face, before Alastor picked her up from his shoulder and placed her down beside him. “Another Bad Boy?” she smiled in anticipation of getting to know another male sinner.

With an amused smile of his own, Alastor replied back to Niffty as he heard the tale end of Sir Pentious’s shouts of telling the resident gunsmith to unhand him once more, “Oh, no one of significance.” he chortled a bit at the end of his answer.

“Great!” Vaggie began to comment as she gestured to the crashed blimp on the front lawn, “How are we gonna clean that up? Did Joshua have to shoot the damn thing when it was hovering over the hotel’s front yard?” she rolled her eyes in exasperation.

“Worry not, my dear!” Alastor answered her as he lifted his arm up to snap his fingers, “I can’t in good fortune leave this fine establishment in disarray!” he remarked, and shortly afterwards dark shadows from the ground beneath the crashed blimp, pulled the vehicle into the dark abyss before disappearing from sight, “There, good as new!” he said while gesturing with his mic staff towards the empty front yard.

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 | Episode 2 part 2

Chapter Text

Pentagram City

"Unhand me thisss inssstant!" Sir Pentious demanded as Joshua dragged him from off the premises and across the street before feeling a jerk on the pull that the burnt sinner had on him. "Waaah!" the serpent sinner yelled as Joshua tossed him aside next to the corner of the street.

"Ugh…" Sir Pentious shook his head off the daze he felt from the disorientation coming on before propping himself up from the ground to glare at the burnt sinner's back as he left him at the curbside, "How Dare you!" Sir Pentious shook his fist at Joshua while the burnt sinner walked off from him, "I will have my vengeance on thisss day! Mark my wordsss architect of Carmine!"

Either the burnt sinner ignored him, or the man didn't bother with such threats. It remained to be seen, as Sir Pentious couldn't see the face of the man, even under all that wrapping the burnt sinner had all over his body.

Not one to leave an opportunity to be passed up, Sir Pentious brushed himself off. They followed after the other sinner to hound the man down and demand an actual duel before moving on to the infamous Radio Demon Overlord. In the Serpent Sinner's mind, if he could not defeat the burnt sinner to any capacity, what chance did he have against the Radio Demon?

"Turn and face me!" Sir Pentious demanded as he slithered after Joshua, trailing behind the burnt sinner by a few feet. "For when I defeat you, I ssshall one step clossser to ruling Pride ring!" he boasted with a smirk.

Joshua momentarily stopped, which led Pentious to believe he finally got the man's attention, only for the burnt sinner to quickly turn and face him before grabbing him by the scruff of his suit. "Wuh!?" Was all Sir Pentious got out to say before finding his world in disarray as Joshua pulled Sir Pentious with him through a semi-broken storefront window, the remaining glass shattering in the process from the burnt sinner tossing himself into the empty, abandoned store while pulling the serpent with him the process.

Not a moment sooner, the sound of tires screeching and gunfire echoing off outside the store filled Sir Pentious's ears while he found himself having been thrown aside into a table. "Stay down." was all the burnt sinner got out to say before Pentious watched from his prone position. As Joshua lay to the ground, bullets whizzed past him, some even grazing the back of his vest as he scrambled to a nearby countertop to take cover.

"Wait, wuh, what'sss going on?" Sir Pentious spoke urgently as he tried to pick himself up, only to fall back down to avoid an incoming spray of bullet fire once he saw a shark demon aim in his direction from the outside and fire at him.

"He's got company with him! Some idiot looking snake!" A voice shouted from the outside.

Sir Pentious, having taken offense to the insult of being called an idiot-looking snake, shook his fist up while keeping himself down low on the ground to avoid being peppered by gunfire, "SSScoundrelsss! I am Sssir Pentiousss, Architect of Doom!" The Serpent sinner declared.

"Who did that snake say he was?"

"Who cares? Just keep shooting!

Sir Pentious soon found he had to get lower to the ground and hug the floor as a hail of gunfire peppered every inch of the abandoned shop; not shortly after, Pentious felt a tug on his tail before finding himself jerked and pulled further back into the shop.

"Ack!" Pentious groaned while rubbing the back of his head. He blinked his bleary eyes open to see the burnt sinner was in the process of checking his gun before swiftly standing up out of his cover to retaliate with a few well-placed shots; after firing off twelve rounds, Joshua quickly knelt back down into cover behind the counter to empty his magazine from his pistol.

"sh*t, he got Jorge!"

"I'm f*ckin bleedin' over here!"

"Radio in back up, we need more men!"

A cacophony of voices echoed from the outside, accompanied by the sounds of those suffering from wounds.

"You should leave out the back," Joshua spoke plainly, earning Sir Pentious's attention as the burnt sinner slotted a new mag into his pistol before pulling out another from his vest to duel wield his firearms. The burnt sinner eyed the serpent sinner with an inscrutable gaze while Pentious was propped up against the counter where Joshua had pulled him over to get cover.

Sir Pentious, on the other hand, was a bit miffed that the man told him to leave. "You dare order me around?" the serpent sinner gestured at himself, annoyance written all over his face.

"It was a suggestion, serpent. I was simply telling you to leave so as not to get mixed up with this little…altercation I have with those men outside." Joshua retorted as he held his firearms up at the ready. The burnt sinner stared back at Sir Pentious with a flat look.

"I will do no sssuch thing!" Pentious declared with his finger up in the air at his proclamation, "You and I ssstill have a ssscore to sssettle, and I will not have it ssstolen from me to some rapssscallionsss!" The Serpent sinner finished saying before pulling a firearm from his coat suit.

"Behold, my newessst marvel of dessstruction, the annihilator two thousssand!" Pentious said proudly as he held out at arm's length a blunderbuss; near the stock end were two glass chambers. One held blue liquid while the other held small sparks of electricity, "With Thisss, my enemiesss ssshall tremble in fear!" he shouted in glee and looked at Joshua to see an expression on the man's face, only for him to see the other sinner simply give him a flat look.

"How many rounds does it hold?" was all Joshua managed to get with an unimpressed voice before the sounds of incoming vehicles homing in on their location, before making screeching sounds of brakes being used. "Forget it for now, out the back, both of us," Joshua commanded sternly before bolting off towards the back door.

"Get that minigun at the ready; I want to see that asshole riddled like Swiss cheese!"

"Someone help me with these RPGs!"

"On the move it isss!" Sir Pentious said with wide eyes and in an urgent tone as he slithered up somewhat while holding his weapon and followed after the burnt sinner in a serpentine manner.

Joshua, once having reached the back door in his haste, tackled the door aside with this shoulder to slam it open before narrowly avoiding a few bullets sent his way. As he held the door open by standing on the other side of the wall and keeping the door between him and the wall, Joshua waited and watched as the serpent sinner slithered quickly out the back before another hailstorm of bullets followed after him.

While Pentious allowed himself to right himself up against the wall of the back room on the other side of the doorway, Joshua's eyes quickly glanced around and noticed a stairway up the led up to the roof. "The roof." He simply said before sprinting towards the set of stairs while letting the door slam shut after stepping away from it.

"What? Why!?" Sir Pentious questioned, unsure why they would head up to the roof where they'd no doubt get cornered if there were no adjoining buildings to cross over to.

At the next moment, the sound of a whir picked up speed, followed by the high-pitched sound of a minigun going off; if it weren't for his quick act of ducking, Pentious would have found his torso riddled with bullets after seeing bullets be fired through the entire building from the firepower of whatever minigun the scoundrels were using.

Hold his firearm invention close to his chest, Sir Pentious shouted as he bolted for the stairs, "Up the ssstairs, yesss, good plan!" he hollered with urgency, and right before Pentious reached the stairs and slithered as fast as he could up the flight of steps, missiles, and rockets bombarded the wall where he and Joshua once took cover behind.

"Aahh!" Sir Pentious shouted as he practically flew up the set of stairs that he slithered up on, his speed taking him up to the roof at record speed by his account of how fast he was moving.

Hazbin Hotel

The residents of the hotel's foyer occupied themselves by either lounging or drinking. One was periodically seen cleaning things with a broom before zooming off into another room. Charlie and Vaggie, in particular, stood not far from the hotel's entrance.

"So, here's the plan," Charlie said as she paced around a bit while Vaggie stood off to the side. The fallen angel herself had her arms crossed as her lone eye followed her girlfriend as Charlie paced back and forth. We visit the city, invite some sinners, ask around, and see if anyone wants to take shelter at the hotel!" She said, standing before Vaggie to face her partner with a bright smile.

Vaggie gave her girlfriend a simple smile and shrugged, "Eh, I don't see why not. What with all the panic across Pride Ring going on?" she remarked, her arms relaxed while still crossing her chest.

"Oh!" Charlie punctuated by slamming her fist into her palm, "Do you think we should call Joshua?" she asked.

Vaggie frowned a bit and gave her girlfriend a raised brow, "What for…oh." she realized what Charlie was leading towards, "You think he could help find some sinners as well?" she asked, with some skepticism in her tone, before shrugging, "Eh, it wouldn't hurt." she replied to Charlie's question in a blase manner.

"Great!" With a bright smile, Charlie exclaimed and pulled out her phone to dial Joshua's phone, "With this, we can cover more ground!"

While the Princess of hell dialed into her phone, from outside, the distant sound of gunfire and explosions echoed as soft murmurs from how distant the chaos of Pride ring was going on in its city. After dialing Joshua's phone number, Charlie smiled and hummed to herself as she waited for her fellow worker at the hotel to pick up his phone.

After a few tonal rings, the call was finally picked up, and what greeted Charlie was nothing short of chaos on the other end; in fact, Charlie had to hold her phone away from her ear and look on in worry as explosions and gunfire roared in the background of the call.

"I'll be with you in a minute." Joshua's voice hollered through the phone, prompting a surprised look from Charlie, causing her to glance at Vaggie, who simply gave her a shrug.

"Um…" Charlie murmured back while more gunfire rang out through the call.

"I sssee an open window from thisss roof we are on!" Sir Pentious's voice chimed in through the background of Charlie's call with Joshua.

With a somewhat more surprised look on her face, Charlie traded looks with Vaggie, who looked back at her with an incredulous face.

Charlie brought her phone back up to her mouth to speak clearly, "Joshua, is everything okay?" she hollered into her phone with a look of worry on her face.

What followed next were the sounds of more gunfire and explosions, followed by Joshua and Sir Pentious tumbling through whatever they were doing, before another explosion rocked the call in the background.

After a few heavy breaths on Joshua's end, the burnt sinner replied to Charlie. "I appreciate the concern, but I believe I have things handled. This isn't anything I'm not used to." Joshua spoke to Charlie during what seemed to be the lull of whatever firefight Joshua was altercating.

"Indeed, for as long as you have Sssir Pentiousss, villain extraordinaire at your ssside, thessse rapscalouions ssshall know the full wrath of my inventionsss, wahaha!" Pir Pentious gloated from the other end of the call.

"I'll get back to you after I settle this dispute with these attackers. Have yourself a good day, Charlie." Joshua finished his call with her before the call was disconnected.

After digesting the entire debacle of whatever Joshua had gotten involved in, Charlie, with a worried look, turned to look directly at Vaggie, "You think we should…"

Vaggie rolled her eyes while her arms were still crossed, "Look, Charlie, he said he had it handled." she answered while shoving her shoulder in the direction of the nearby that showed the city in the distance, "Besides, whatever he's experiencing, ain't nothing different from what sounds like some sort of territorial dispute." Vaggie remarked before unfolding her arms to shrug with her hands up midway by her shoulders, "Joshua probably just got dragged into some scuffle between two minor factions or something." she rolled her eyes at the end.

With a skeptical look, Charlie lifted her finger to tap her lip in some worry. "I don't know. It sounded more than a simple territorial dispute if it involved him in the mess…" she remarked.

"Princess," Angel Dust said as he looked up from his Vphone and lounged on one of the couches. He gave Charlie a cynical look in the process: "Every day in hell has a territorial dispute, big and small, so chances are, Mister King Tut of Guns will need to shoot his way out of whatever he's gotten himself involved with, regardless of whether you help him or not."

Charlie sighed in defeat, not one to resort to violence so easily, to set a better example of what she wanted to represent. "I suppose you're right." she winced.

Edited by Firestorm808

Redemption lies within - grocamol (2024)


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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.