Tough & Fun : 250 Would You Rather Questions | Improb (2024)

The game of Would You Rather has entertained people of all ages for generations. It can break the ice between two people or liven up a party. This wacky game of hypotheticals can be a good way to get to know somebody or challenge their ethics. The game works by having people choose their fate of “this, or that”. From gross to funny, tough or thought provoking to flirty/dirty, Would You Rather can be whatever you want it to be, but it can be hard to come up with good questions. Which is why we’ve compiled the ultimate list of Would You Rather questions to keep the game going all night long. Bookmark this page so you always have this list ready to go!

250 Best Would You Rather Questions

1. Would you rather have 3 feet or 3 hands?

2. Would you rather have all your shirts be 2 sizes too big or have all of them be 1 size too small?

3. Would you rather lose your sense of taste or your sense of smell?

4. Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?

5. Would you rather live the rest of your life with silent, but uncontrollable gas or loud, uncontrollable sneezing?

6. Would you rather be able to freeze time or travel in time?

7. Would you rather live without music or without television?

8. Would you rather know how you are going to die or when you are going to die?

9. Would you rather have your dream job or find your true love?

10. Would you rather wrestle a bear or an alligator?

11. Would you rather only be able to speak in rhyme or only be able to speak using alliteration?

12. Would you rather be trapped in a small room with 10,000 tarantulas for 10 minutes, or eat 10 tarantulas in 10 minutes?

13. Would you rather lose all of your teeth or all of your hair?

14. Would you rather never be able to wear makeup again or never be able to leave the house without a full face of makeup, but you can only use kids’ makeup?

15. Would you rather have the ability to read people’s minds or make two people fall in love?

16. Would you rather be able to run as fast as a cheetah or fly, but only as fast as a tortoise?

17. Would you rather have a permanent splinter under your big toenail, or have a permanent bad haircut?

18. Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?

19. Would you rather forget who you are every time it rains, or never be able to remember why you walked into a room?

20. Would you rather have to dress all in bright orange or all in lime green for the rest of your life?

21. Would you rather have the same phone forever or the same haircut forever?

22. Would you rather work for a boss you hate but make good money, or work for a boss that you love but make minimum wage?

23. Would you rather vacation in the mountains or at the beach?

24. Would you rather be stranded in the jungle or in the desert?

25. Would you rather get your paycheck given to you in pennies or never be able to use cash again?

26. Would you rather play chess or checkers?

27. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?

28. Would you rather break out in uncontrollable dance every time someone hums, or never be able to sing again?

29. Would you rather marry the hottest person alive or marry the smartest person alive?

30. Would you rather have to wear sweatpants for the rest of your life or never be able to wear sweatpants again?

31. Would you rather invent a new gadget or discover a new species?

32. Would you rather always have a song stuck in your head or always have an itch that you can’t reach?

33. Would you rather share your house with a family of rats, or live with your parents forever?

34. Would you rather change jobs every few years or keep one job for the rest of your life?

35. Would you rather know all the secrets of space or know all the secrets of the ocean?

36. Would you rather have the legs of a frog or the head of a fly?

37. Would you rather have every movie spoiled for you before you watch it or not be able to watch a new movie until it’s been out for a year?

38. Would you rather meet your favorite fictional character or your favorite musician?

39. Would you rather never stop growing taller or never need to sleep?

40. Would you rather have to wash your hair with dish soap, or wash your dishes with shampoo?

41. Would you rather never be able to leave your house or only be able to be in your house for five minutes at a time?

42. Would you rather have to always watch your favorite show live and sit through all the commercials, or DVR it but never know the ending because it stopped recording too soon?

43. Would you rather always know what time it is or always have exact change?

44. Would you rather slowly walk across red hot coals or put your hand on a hot iron for 10 seconds?

45. Would you rather be an unknown superhero or a famous villain?

46. Would you rather have a side of dog treats with every meal or a side of cat food with every meal?

47. Would you rather be an extra in a really good movie or have a big part in a really bad movie?

48. Would you rather always have a small rock in your shoes or always have mud in your shoes?

49. Would you rather be a brilliant scientist or a world famous painter?

50. Would you rather eat as much chocolate as you want, forever, without any negative side effects or receive $1 million?

51. Would you rather always have mismatched shoes or always have mismatched earrings?

52. Would you rather be able to see your own future or be able to see everyone’s future but your own?

53. Would you rather only drink water or never eat cookies again?

54. Would you rather never remember someone’s face or never remember someone’s name?

55. Would you rather marry someone that you don’t love or marry someone that doesn’t love you?

56. Would you rather have a unibrow or a full back of hair?

57. Would you rather be the best at something no one cares about or be slightly above average, but nowhere near the best at something people care about?

58. Would you rather have all eyes on your or blend into the background?

59. Would you rather forget how to speak or forget how to read?

60. Would you rather pay twice as much for a plane ticket or never be able to fly?

61. Would you rather go blind young but always have a full head of hair, or go bald young but never lose your sight?

62. Would you rather sleepwalk every night or sleep talk every night?

63. Would you rather only drink coffee or never be able to drink coffee again?

64. Would you rather have your thumbs replaced with your big toes or have your pink fingers replaced with your pinky toes.

65. Would you rather climb a small mountain to get to work every day or swim across a 100 foot river to get to work every day?

66. Would you rather go to the moon or go to mars?

67. Would you rather have lots of energy or have lots of money?

68. Would you rather always have really slow internet or always have a really bad phone signal?

69. Would you rather always stink and not know it or always smell something that stinks that no one else smells?

70. Would you rather lick your best friend’s foot or let a stranger lick your foot?

71. Would you rather be able to change one thing in your past or have a real get out of jail free card?

72. Would you rather always say what you are thinking or never say anything again?

73. Would you rather spend every weekend indoors or spend every weekend outdoors?

74. Would you rather be framed for a murder you didn’t commit or frame your best friend for a murder you committed?

75. Would you rather have to wear stilettos to bed or have to wear slippers wherever you go?

76. Would you rather never be able to do a good smoky eye or never be able to do a good contour?

77. Would you rather have a lifetime subscription to Netflix or an unlimited gift card to Starbucks?

78. Would you rather buy 10 things you don’t need every time you go to the store or always forget 1 thing that you need when you go to the store?

79. Would you rather receive $5,000 every week for the rest of your life or you and your best friend receive $1,000 for the rest of your life?

80. Would you rather know every language or know how to talk to animals?

81. Would you rather cut your nails too short every time you cut them or never be able to own a pet?

82. Would you rather be the strongest person in the world or the fastest person in the world?

83. Would you rather only have a GPS with weak signal or have to use only maps?

84. Would you rather have eyes that can capture everything on video or ears that can record all sounds?

85. Would you rather get a paper cut between your fingers every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat food?

86. Would you rather kiss a cobra or kiss a jellyfish?

87. Would you rather your whole body turn blue when you are nervous or sweat profusely all over when you are nervous?

88. Would you rather get the hiccups every time you laugh or sneeze every time you cough?

89. Would you rather end world hunger but never be able to eat again or always have enough food but world hunger continues?

90. Would you rather wake up in the morning as a dog or as a cat?

91. Would you rather remember every conversation you have or remember everything that you read?

92. Would you rather travel in time and meet your great great great grandparents or meet your great great great grandchildren?

93. Would you rather live in the middle of nowhere, with no people or stores within a 10 mile radius, or live in a busy city?

94. Would you rather have you browser history made public or the last 20 pictures in your camera roll made public?

95. Would you rather change the outcome of the last election or get to decide the outcome of the next election?

96. Would you rather cool all of your food in the microwave or never use a microwave again?

97. Would you rather get banned from Snapchat or accidentally post an unflattering selfie to your story?

98. Would you rather eat through your butt or poop through your mouth?

99. Would you rather wear your grandpa’s clothes or have your grandpa’s hair?

100. Would you rather walk in on your parents doing the deed or have them walk in on you doing the deed?

101. Would you rather give up pizza forever or give up tacos forever?

102. Would you rather have a pet skunk that sprayed you once a month or a pet porcupine that quilled you once a month?

103. Would you rather never be able to feel any emotion or never be able to show any emotion?

104. Would you rather have to wear a bra in the shower or wear a bra on top of your clothes?

105. Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or hear any conversation that is about you?

106. Would you rather spend one night with your most hated ex or live on the streets for a week?

107. Would you rather get a tattoo that means a lot to you by a really bad tattoo artist or a get a tattoo of a self-portrait on your back by the best tattoo artist in the world?

108. Would you rather have 6 failed marriages or never get married?

109. Would you rather have the fastest internet wherever you go or have a flying car?

110. Would you rather your dog be able to talk, but only to you and everyone else thinks you’re crazy or only be able to talk to your dog?

111. Would you rather say “I love you” to everyone when you hang up the phone or accidentally call your significant other the wrong name during a fight?

112. Would you rather have to chew 5 pieces of gum at all times or only be able to chew unflavored gum?

113. Would you rather win the lottery but have to spend it all in a day or triple your salary forever?

114. Would you rather always be able to tell when someone is lying or be able to lie without anyone knowing?

115. Would you rather be able to control fire or water?

116. Would you rather eat your hair trimmings after every haircut or eat your nail clippings each time you cut your nails?

117. Would you rather be able to see ultra violet light or be able to hear frequencies that no one else can?

118. Would you rather be a moderately successful radio personality or the star of a primetime sitcom that got cancelled after one season?

119. Would you rather only be able to listen to the same song for the rest of your life or only be able to watch the same movie for the rest of your life?

120. Would you rather make all your clothes, even if you can’t sew or pay twice as much for your clothes?

121. Would you rather have a permanent pimple on your face or an embarrassing birth mark on your butt?

122. Would you rather find out you’re adopted or find out one of your parents has a secret family?

123. Would you rather spend a week in the woods or one night in a real haunted house?

124. Would you rather have your phone hacked and all your info leaked or have your house burgled?

125. Would you rather never know your real name or never know what you really look like?

126. Would you rather never be able to use a mirror/ front facing camera again or never be able to use your phone again?

127. Would you rather be mistaken for your father or be mistaken for a really bad actor?

128. Would you rather wash all your dishes using your tongue or wash your pets using your tongue

129. Would you rather always have your kitchen stocked with everything you need but it’s all mixed up and unorganized or always have your kitchen neat and organized but always missing something?

130. Would you rather lose your license forever or be on the no fly list forever?

131. Would you rather get a really bad tattoo or have to wear black contacts to every job interview?

132. Would you rather have to drink everything out of shot glasses or drink everything through a coffee stir?

133. Would you rather live in a very roomy cave or in a one bedroom apartment for the rest of your life?

134. Would you rather only be able to text using abbreviations or emojis?

135. Would you rather only be able to speak on Wednesdays or only be able to speak in Pig Latin?

136. Would you rather be pelted with tennis balls for 1 minutes or be pelted with water balloons for 10 minutes?

137. Would you rather have a big or small family?

138. Would you rather eat a cup of lawn clippings or a cup of dirt?

139. Would you rather have venomous fangs or a second set of eyes in the back of your head?

140. Would you rather never be able to watch YouTube again or never be able to watch TV again?

141. Would you rather receive several small but meaningful gift from your significant other receive one big, flashy gift?

142. Would you rather jump out of a moving car or go over Niagara Falls in a barrel

143. Would you rather be homeless for 5 years and then be rich for the rest of your life or always be in the lower middle class but never homeless

144. Would you rather blindly pick out your outfit each morning or have your mom pick out your clothes?

145. Would you rather sleep in the same clothes you wore during the day or sleep without any pillows or blankets?

146. Would you rather hibernate every winter or be nocturnal?

147. Would you rather never receive another spam email or instantly grow 3 inches?

148. Would you rather always feel dizzy or always feel nauseous?

149. Would you rather throw the best parties but get stuck with the mess or never go to a fun party again?

150. Would you rather be the world’s best yoyo-er or receive bronze at the Olympics?

151. Would you rather immediately projectile vomit every time you heard someone say the word “potato” or projectile vomit every time you saw a squirrel in real life or in a picture or video?

152. Would you rather never receive another piece of mail or never receive another birthday card?

153. Would you rather lick and seal 1,000 envelopes or fold 1,000 pieces of laundry?

154. Would you rather bathe in worms or shower in vomit

155. Would you rather eat all your meals off the ground or eat all your meals with your hands?

156. Would you rather bark like a dog when you feel threatened or blow up like a puffer fish?

157. Would you rather kiss a horse or tell your ex you still love them?

158. Would you rather only eat raw food or only eat TV dinners?

159. Would you rather spend a week alone with your enemy or never be able to see your best friend again?

160. Would you rather the world be taken over by robots or by aliens?

161. Would you rather always be 1 hour early or always be 10 minutes late?

162. Would you rather be the opposite gender for one day or be any animal for one day?

163. Would you rather take one pill a day to get all your nutrients and feel full, but never really eat anything again or eat whatever you want but never really feel full?

164. Would you rather find the lost city of Atlantis or the biggest diamondin the world?

165. Would you rather never be able to open a closed door or never be able to close an open door?

166. Would you rather have eyebrows that never stop growing or eyelashes that never stop growing?

167. Would you rather stub all you toes once a week or lose a finger of your choice?

168. Would you rather face your biggestfear or spend one night in a landfill?

169. Would you rather destroy a priceless painting or all of your mom’s fine China?

170. Would you rather be able to taste colors or see smells?

171. Would you rather never eat cereal again or never eat pancakes again?

172. Would you rather get attacked by a goose and possibly be killed or get attacked by a great white shark but definitely live?

173. Would you rather be a great dancer or a great singer?

174. Would you rather neverhave to stop at a red light or never have to wait for food ata restaurant?

175. Would you rather be remembered for 10 years after you die or be remembered forver, but for something terrible you did?

176. Would you rather be in jail for 5 years or be in a coma for 10 years?

177. Would you rather have body hair that grows inexplicably fast or the hair on your head grow extremely slow?

178. Would you rather buy all your underwear used or buy all your toothbrushes used?

179. Would you rather steal money to buy food for your family or go hungry for the night?

180. Would you rather wear a diaper under your clothes at all times or wear jean cutoffs under your clothes at all times?

181. Would you rather go on a cruise with everyone from work or go to the beach alone?

182. Would you rather never be able to use a spoon or never be able to use a fork?

183. Would you rather be raised by wolves or by monkeys?

184. Would you rather only make money by gambling or by dealing drugs?

185. Would you rather forget your significant other’s birthday every year or forget your anniversary every year?

186. Would you rather have every scratch leave a scar or let a sumo wrestler sit on you for 10 minutes?

187. Would you rather have the neck of a giraffe or the hands of a baby?

188. Would you rather your skin change colors like a mood ring or change colors like a chameleon?

189. Would you rather get a bad tattoo that you could cover or get a bad perm?

190. Would you rather inherit wealth or work for it?

191. Would you rather lose your bathing suit at the beach or have a wardrobe malfunction at the pool?

192. Would you rather only be able to eat other people’s leftovers or only be able to eat burnt food?

193. Would you rather butcher your own meat or never eat meat again?

194. Would you rather only listen to classical music or only watch black and white TV shows?

195. Would you rather have3 nipples or 11 toes?

196. Would you rather know who you will marry or how many kids you will have?

197. Would you rather be the third wheel or do something alone?

198. Would you rather be buried alive or cremated alive?

199. Would you rather box a kangaroo once or join a fight club for a year?

200. Would you rather sleep on a stiff board or sleep onthe most comfortable bed in the world, but someone has died in it?

201. Would you rather solve global warming or have permanent peace in the middle east?

202. Would you rather know how to play every instrument or know how to spell every word?

203. Would you rather never talk to your family again or never have sex again?

204. Would you rather wake up next to your ex or next to a hungry baby tiger?

205. Would you rather live inside a hollowed out tree or live inside a shell like a turtle?

206. Would you rather have to wear every shirt inside out or every pair of pants backwards?

207. Would you rather wear the same pair of socks for a month or wear the same pair of underwear for a week?

208. Would you rather have a bottomless glass of your favorite drink or a gas tank that you never had to fill up?

209. Would you rather never be able to go out during the day again or never be able to go out at night again?

210. Would you rather be invisible to people of the opposite gender or be invisible to people of the same gender?

211. Would you rather get stung by 100 bees or by 5 scorpions?

212. Would you rather comically big hands or comically big feet?

213. Would you rather have dandruff that you can never get rid of or chapped lips that you can never get rid of?

214. Would you rather suddenly go blind or lose all of your memories?

215. Would you rather break down on a busy freeway or on a deserted backroad?

216. Would you rather walk 5 miles every day and live to be 100 or eat cake every day and live to be 65?

217. Would you rather replace your arm with a sword or replace your feet with wheels?

218. Would you rather get a really bad rash from a poor bikini wax job or have an entire eyebrow accidentally waxed off?

219. Would you rather never have painful period cramps again or never have to shave again?

220. Would you rather give up alcohol for 2 years or give up texting forever?

221. Would you rather only be able to read 10 words per minute or only be able to type 10 words per minute?

222. Would you rather never lose your phone again or never lose your wallet again?

223. Would you rather always have a healthy heart or always have a healthy brain?

224. Would you rather make a living in the circus or as a street performer?

225. Would you rather balance on a tight rope 10 feet high with no net, or jump off the side of a rocky cliff with a parachute?

226. Would you rather have unlimited respect or unlimited power?

227. Would you rather sleep in a dog house or let every stray dog in your neighborhood sleep in your house?

228. Would you rather get caught checking out a stranger or caught in a lie to a friend?

229. Would you rather stay in a room that’s super brightly lit for an entire week or stay in a room that’s kept almost pitch black for an entire week?

230. Would you rather be able to see through walls or be able to do any math equation in your head?

231. Would you rather look fit but be incredibly weak or look overweight and out of shape but be super strong?

232. Would you rather be able to do a perfect winged eye liner every time or a perfect highlight every time?

233. Would you rather only be able to write using finger paint or only be able to text while wearing mittens?

234. Would you rather have someone clean for you or have someone cook for you?

235. Would you rather be rich and selfish or poor and selfless?

236. Would you rather find a hidden camera in your toilet or in your shower?

237. Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or at 90 with many regrets?

238. Would you rather get caught skinny dipping by strangers or catch your parents skinny dipping?

239. Would you rather never have to watch commercials again or never lose the remote control to theTVever again?

240. Would you rather be a member of a cult or the leader of a cult?

241. Would you rather vomit on your idol or be vomited on by your idol?

242. Would you rather would you rather get free unlimited taxi/uber rides or free unlimited plane rides?

243. Would you rather look young and feel old or look old and feel young?

244. Would you rather be a king 1,000 years ago or an average person now?

245. Would you rather have one last day to live with the ability to say goodbye to everyone and not do much else, or do everything you’ve ever wanted but not have time to say goodbye to anyone?

246. Would you rather be cheated on (numerous times) and never know, or cheat on someone else and have to tell them?

247. Would you rather never be able to eat spicy food again or never be able to eat sweet food again?

248. Would you rather live inside a museum or live inside a zoo?

249. Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year, or take 3 years off the end of your life?

250. Would you rather wear what makes you feel comfortable or wear the best outfit in the room?

Tough & Fun : 250 Would You Rather Questions | Improb (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.